Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Rocket Launch!

Thursday (25/08/2011)

a) The Insect Hunt
• This week is all about fun and play! Today, we visited Taman Rakyat in the morning. Reaching there, the kids were excited hunting for insects. They walked, ran and even climbed the hills. They brought various containers and also 2 nets. They found red ants, camouflaged spider, a red beetle, yellow beetles, butterflies, a cricket and a grasshopper landed on my t-shirt thinking that I’m a tree. The kids quickly caught it from my green t-shirt! Then, we adjourned to the huge that also has got foot reflexology path for us to walk and massage our feet. The kids walked on the path and “ouch…ouch…ouch”! but they still enjoyed it….:)

b) The Rocket Launch!
• Since 2 weeks ago, the kids and I had been busy making the bottled rockets. It really trained our motor skills. Some wings were umneven while some tops were quite slanting. I had to ensure that the rockets were at their best balancing level before launching.
• 20, 19, 18……..3, 2, 1 lifttop! Wow! It didn’t fly to the space but it flew high up towards the sky the highest probably being 2 storeys height. Some shot beautifully and vertically, some being nasty flying up and winding here and there……generally; all flew and the kids were amazed! So, was I….
• This is actually water rocket. We recycled a water bottle and then added 4 wings to add on balance. A cone top must be added so that it gives the momentum to shoot to the sky. First, we inserted some water. Then, the bottle mouth was locked to a small pump shooter. The kids and I pumped gas into the bottle for about 20 times. We could listened and see the bubbles from the water. The bottom part also bloated showing increased of pressure. Then, the kids released the bottle by pressing a handle and ….lifttop! The pump shooter was bought from an exhibition by the school a few years ago. This activity was actually requested by Weei Xiang when we first leant about “Sports and Games”. Xiang Wei said, “Real rockets have got big blast of fire” as what we watched from video clips last week.

c) The Angry Bird Mini Rehearsal.
• From the day we learnt dancing, the kids were already getting my permission to perform….but to whom is a question. Finally, the opportunity comes. We’re having a “Friendship Party” tomorrow and we have 1 hour. So, we decided to perform. The kids created their own dance patterns while we thought of the story together. I proposed this story as everyone is talking about “Angry Bird” everyday and everyone can dance the style they like. They chose to have Ribbon and Fan Dance, Ballet, Latin Dance and finally Hula Hoop Dance. Qian Joe volunteered as the “Angry Bird” who eventually changed as “Happy Bird”! ….:)
d) Video Clip: Our Body.
• We continued on this topic. We learnt about body parts, the skin and its importance. There is a skeleton that protects the organs within. The muscle moves the bones which enables us to work and move.
Kwong Yong: Why can the heart beat?
Yun Xin: Because it pumps blood.
• The heart is an important machine that pumps blood to all parts of body. Oxygen, Healthy food, exercise, enough sleep are among a few factors that contribute to a healthy heart and body.
• The brain is the boss of our body that tells us what to do. The red blood cells carries Oxygen while the white blood cells kills the bacteria. Our body is magical. Everyone can choose to have a healthy body.

e) Healthy Board Game.
• I drew a huge “S” and divided into boxes and wrote from 1 until 30. For a few boxes, the kids brainstormed on factors that make us healthy and otherwise. The positive factors can move forward a few steps. Example: 3 + 2 = 5. The negative factors will move backwards. Example: 25 – 2 = 23. We will learn more about it tomorrow.

Welcome to our Funfair!

Monday (22/08/2011)

a) Preparation.
 The kids go into their group. Altogether, there are 5 groups in-charged of 4 different games and he food.Game 1: The Maze, Game 2: Hello Taxi!, Game 3: Musical Candy and game 4: Hopscotch Pyramid.
 Wee Hong, Soon Yu and Tzen Yu were in-charged of food and beverage. Wee Hong made some orange cordial drink while Soon Yu arranged the cups. Tzen Yu arranged the chocolate wafer.
 “The Maze” arranged tables and covered it with black cloth as well adding on some toy insects under the table. “Hello Taxi” placed the toy car at its position. “Musical Candy” prepared a table with 2 plates to place the candies on the plates. “Hopscotch Pyramid” had the kids prepared 2 baskets; each containing 6 cups.

b) Welcome!
 The 6 year-old kids were the first batch of players. Before starting, each group had got its representative to explain and another teammate to do he demonstration. They were quite independent. They have to get 4 stamps on their card in order to exchange for presents ie, orange juice and chocolate wafer. Everything went well except some kids got the same chops for playing the same game twice. Some were afraid to crawl through the tables; thus encouragement was needed.
 Then, 5 year-old kids came by half an hour later. They were also happy. By this time, Pomegranate kids already know that they are not supposed to give 2 same stamps on the same card.

c) Enjoyment!
* Pomegranate kids got my permission to play each counter game. They were so excited and of course, they also drank some orange juice and ate the chocolate wafer. But they had to clear their games and toys before food and beverage. They even decided to invite 4 years old to our funfair.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Funfair Brainstorming

Tuesday (16/08/2011)

a) Discussion: funfair.
• The kids talked about their experience. Some mentioned about Genting highland while some shared about Giant funfair. Some remembered about the ABC Daycare Centre that organized Indoor Carnival Funfair. This would be our objective before completing our thematic lessons “Let’s Play, Let’s Exercise”!
• We watched a few video clips on Funfair to give kids ideas to stay unity, to stay focused and to organize the fair well.

b) The Games.
• The kids got excited to shared the ideas. They got so happy to talk about the games to have it. Finally, we decided 4 games.
• (1) Hopscotch and building a Pyramid Tower.
• (2) Biting a candy on the mouth from a plate and to walk on the crooked line while listening to music.
• (3) Box maze and shooting in a ball.
• (4) The taxi.

c) The Trial.
• It’s very important for kids to understand about the games before introducing to players. We tested the game first. We tried (1) and (2) only due to time constraint. The kids decided that building pyramid must only be with one hand. As for game (2), the kids decided that we can stopped the music three times.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rocket Theory

Monday (15/08/2011)

a) Theory Of Rocket
• Rocket theory was first found by the Chinese when they discovered black powder which they then made small little rockets for war purpose.
• Next, the Indians and also Europeans improvised them and thus, we have huge rockets to fly to the space.
• Rocket engine can also be found in Rocket car (already banned due to danger), Rocket Bike, Rocket jet and finally Rocket Missile which can kill millions by just a drop to any place on Earth!

b) Video Clips.
• We watched how Apollo 13 lift topped and also other rockets launch. There was a Countdown. The fire was so powerful and strong that thick smoke was produced. Kids said that it’s unsafe for anyone to be near the launching area.
• I showed the kids the inner part of a rocket. It has got “feul” and Oxygen compartment which would then channel to a combustion area. A rocket has got a few stages. As it reaches a certain height, it’s first part would be discharged as that area’s combustion has completed. Now, the discharge gives it more power to fly further up and change its direction. The second and third stage discharge will continue until when it finally reaches the Space. In Space, the astronauts in the rocket will usually be connected to their Mother Spaceship. Astronauts would usually do experiment and research in the space.

c) Dot to dot Rocket.
• We revised through numbers from 1 until 25. Kids were very independent. Then, they wrote their names and coloured the rocket! Their colouring has indeed improved!

d) Space Jam
• It’s a movie of human and cartoon mixture. It showed Michael Jordan’s dream as a young boy. Then, he grew up and became a Basketball Superstar. He decided to retire as it was very tiring after playing for so many years. He tried Baseball but he wasn’t very good. Meanwhile, in the Space Alien Funland; the monsters were very angry because their business was down and they needed new attraction. Thus, they decided to get Looney Tunes Cartoon to work for them. Loonet Tunes were hunted by the ferocious monsters. Looney Tunes hunted for Michael Jordan to help them. There was a bet. If Looney Tunes win in a basketball Match against the monsters, then they need not work at the Aliend Funland. Only Michael Jordan can help them…….will he? To be continued.

The Rocket Balloons.

Friday (12/08/2011)

a) Vocabulary Recap.
 We recapped on words learnt example players, basketball, score, team, cheerleader, dance and etc.

b) Flying Equipments.
Teacher: What are the things that can fly?
Class: Birds, helicopter, aeroplane, rockets balloons and etc.
Teacher: Why can an aeroplane fly?
Qian Joe: Because it has wings.
Weei Xiang: Because it has feathers.
Tzen Yu: Because it has engines.
 Planes and other vehicles could fly due to the engines. They fly well because of wings that help at balancing. Birds can fly also due to their vacuumed bones which are light.

c) Air and Balloons.
Teacher: Why can some balloons fly?
Qian Joe: It has a string tie to it.
Tzen Yu: It uses Helium gas which is light.
* Different gas has different weight. The bicycle gas pump as well as our CO2 gas blown out is heavy thus, the balloons can’t fly.
* A few kids came up in front to blow some balloons and they can’t fly.
* Wee Hong mentioned that he has seen some advertisement balloon promoting the banks.

d) The Rocket Balloons.
* Each kid was given a long balloon and then they pumped it using the air pump. It wasn’t easy and so, I had to help them too. Then, they raised their hand up in the air and released the long balloon. It flew really quickly and it was so fun!! It looked as if they are real rockets!
* Hopefully, through this activity; the kids will be motivated to bring 2 empty 1.5litres bottles for our Bottle Rocket Outing next week.

Collage Continuation

Thursday (11/08/2011)

a) Ribbons, threads etc.
 We continued with our shape collage. I showed the kids how to use other materials to make the shape collage. They used ribbons, thread while some also used colour paper to create their picture.

b) Collage continuation.
 The kids continued with their art craft. Some added new pictures using pencil. Thus, it is easier for them to add the collage materials. It took hard work to complete as it needs lots of patience.

c) The Dance.
* Instead of watching Michael Jordan “Space Jam” cartoon, kids requested to dance. 3 groups altogether. Boys with Hula Hoop Dance, Cheerleaders, Ribbon Dance and Latin Dance. They really love dancing but how can I involve this into our current thematic lesson? Then, the kids reminded me of the Happy Bird story. So, we might create a dance story of a Happy Bird.

Shape Collage

Wednesday (10/08/2011)

a) Flashcards
• Recapped of words learnt.

b) Shapes
• We talked about shapes that we see and play everyday. Circle, square, rectangle, star, heart, oval and etc.
• I drew a circle and we thought of as many things which are similar to circle. Donuts, face, body, eye, football, racquet etc.
• A rectangle could represent a basketball net hoop or a stadium or a house.

c) Shape Collage.
• I introduced sharpening colour pencils. Then we took the output and made into circle shapes. It wasn’t easy as some sharpeners were not of good quality neither some pencils are not of better quality too.
• Thus, I showed them the proper way to sharpen. I guided more of the 5-year old kids.
• Some kids formed a ball, some as kids’ face playing at the playground, some as the sun, some preferred to break the output into squares. As glue didn’t help that much, we used double sided tape. Tomorrow the kids will use different materials such as thread or ribbon for other shape collage. This art craft needs tedious work, patience and good motor skill.

d) Bottled Rockets.
 It was Weei Xiang’s idea who mentioned that we would like to make Bottled Rockets. The other kids immediately agreed. This was due to the 6-year old class’s influence as they were learning about space.
 For this activity, each kid has to bring 2 empty bottles of 1.5 litres . At the moment, I have to guide the kids individually for the making as the pasting and cutting is rather tedious. I also get a few 6-year olds to be my assistants. We would only launch those bottled rockets onced everyone has brought and made. However, the latest date might be in 2 weeks’ time.

Olympics Games.

09/08/2011 (Tuesday)

a) The Various Games
 Kids agreed that sports players have to work hard to achieve their dreams. It isn’t easy for Usain Bolt, Michael Jordan, Datuk Lee Chong Wei or Nurul Zulkifli.
 First, players selected would play for vtheir schools, then states, country and finally into the most popular championship; Olympics.
 Malaysian kids would go to SUKMA; states competition, SEA Games, Commonwealth Games and finally to Olympic Games.

b) Olympics Games.
 The Summer Olympics is held every 4 years. There are also Winter, Youth and Paralympics Sports.
 The last Summer Olympics was held in Beijing China, 2008. About 300 countries took part accumulating to more than 11,000 athletes. There were so many types of events.
 We watched video clips on Beijing Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremony, Barcelona Opening Ceremony, how the torch was lit up and also the famous drummers’ performance in Beijing. Barcelona witnessed the archer aiming the torch into the huge bowl while Beijing witnessed an athlete being held up like Spiderman as if flying to light up the huge bowl with torch! Both were awesome!

c) Wearing the label.
 The kids’ sports labels were laminated and they cut the sides so that they were round and safe for their t-shirts. Some were pinned while some were pasted to their clothings.

d) Basketball Game
 The kids played in their teams, “Yellow and Green Bird” teams. Meanwhile, the other kids practised their cheerleading dance. Xing Tong, Yun Xin and Zhe Qing assisted at training the other dancers.
 The kids were better at Basketball. They realized that they sometimes have to pass the ball to their teammates as the score is for the team. They can’t play foul neither complain in the middle of the game.

e) Cheerleading dance.
 It was danced to the “Rio” music. They were quite good and the boys clapped and smile at their their performance.

My Number is…

Monday (08/08/2011)

a) Flashcards
 A recap of words learnt included: Basketball, Cheerleader, score, net, player, referee, foul and etc.

b) The Numbering.
 Some sports players have got numbers on their T-shirt to represent their nmames, types of sports, the team and country they belong to.
 Michael Jordan wear number 23 and has his team name “BULLS”.
 Thus, the kids decide a number for hemselves. Example: Zhe Qing chose number 6 Alisa number 41 and etc.
 As we don’t have sports t-shirts, thus; we decided to draw a number label. The kids drew themselves either as a Cheerleader or Basketball player. On the label, it has details of number, name of team (Happy Bird or Angry Bird”, their choice of Sports and also the name of our country, Malaysia.
 We shall laminate this and pin it to our t-shirt the nest time we play.

c) Basketball game.
 The kids were looking forward to the game. His time, they decided to call themselves “Green Bird” and “Yellow Bird”. Chia Yen is the only girl who is courageous to play Basketball…..go. go, go Chia Yen!
 The other boys also played the game.
 Meanwhile, the other boys including Wee Hong, Soon Yu and Xiang Wei chose to perform together with Zhe Qing, Yun Xin, Xing Tong, Jia Xun, Alisa and Yee Xuan as the Cheerleading team.

d) The Cheerleading Team.
 Only Zhe Qing, Yun Xin and Xing Tong were serious at designing heir cheerleading dance steps. They then performed and we thought that it was fantastic. I only introduced 2 steps towards the ending. Well done, girls!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Michael Jordan

Thursday (04/08/2011)

a) Puzzle pasting.
 The kids listened to instructions to paste the puzzle picture. The kids got excited because we used the home-made glue to stick their pictures to a recycled cardboard.
 The glue was very sticky! Then, it was left to dry so that we can cut them tomorrow.

b) Michael Jordan.
* Michael was born in 1963 and he is 49 years old this year. His father worked in an electrical factory while mother in a bank. They advised him since young to work hard on their dreams. Michael loved Basketball. He would slam as many points as possible before sleeping every night. When he was not selected for his High School basketball team, he tried again! He didn’t give up! The following year he was chosen. He worked very well with his team. In a few championships, Michael injured himself but he was so determined to win and his team won again. His T-Shirt is number 23. Today, he is a successful businessman who does frequent welfare work such as setting up Scholarship Funds.

b) Basketball Game.
 The kids were grouped into 4 teams. Each time, first 2 groups would play while the others chose pom pom props to cheer the teams. After 10 minutes, we swapped groups.
 The kids learnt through play. Usually the tallest person is in the middle. They will try their best to catch the ball. Then, the opponent will try snatching the ball.
 Rules:
- No hitting hands.
- No snatching.
- No arguing at play.
- No running with ball. Must always dribble (bounce and move).
- No blocking the hoop.
- Every foul will follow by a free throw for the other team.

c) Video Clips.
 We watched video clips on basketball practice and training. The kids got to know of Michael Jordan. We watched his top 10 best slam dunks! Kwong Yong thought that Michael was flying but he wasn’t. He practiced so hard to reach today’s status.
 Then, we watched the video clip on “Somewhere Over The rainbow” again. The kids got better and they could sing more confidently.

“Rio” Puzzle

Wednesday (03/08/2011)

a) About Rio
Teacher: Who can summarise the story of Rio?
Rei, Xing Tong: It’s about a blue bird which can’t fly since young.
Teacher: Quite true but it isn’t handicapped. It was kept as a pet and not exposed to other birds who could teach it to fly.
Wee Hong: It was taken to Rio.
Qian Joe: To marry in the jungle.
Kwong Yong: Then they were kidnapped by bad people to sell them.
 Linda, the owner was reluctant at first to bring Blu, a Macaw species to Rio for mating. It is the last number of Macaw species. However, to avoid endangerment, Linda made a brave decision to free her Macaw bird. Finally, Blu met Jewel; a female Macaw and they got married and saved their species. At the end, Blu return to its nature, made many new friends and also successfully learnt to fly!

b) Puzzle Colouring.
 As we are learning about games, we thought maybe we can turn the colourful picture into jigsaw puzzles.
 The kids chose their favourite picture, coloured nicely and then drew the patterns they desired. We would paste and cut tomorrow.
 The paper has got a brief introduction about the cartoon movie; “Rio”.

Handicapped Athletes

Monday (01/08/2011)

a) Handicapped Athletes.
 Why are some people handicapped?
 The kids started by talking about strangers. Then, I led them to cases which occurred especially in India. Kids were kidnapped and then they were abused and then brought to places as beggars. They would begged for money. Thus, these kids are handicapped.
 Some are born naturally handicapped since birth.
 Some are due to accidents.
 Some are due to fighting and etc.
 Can handicapped athlete do things successfully? Some kids said yes while others said no. About 50% of the kids.

b) Video Clips
 The kids watched video clips on Disabled Athletes. There were those participtated in Olympics, some doing Marathons, some swimming, some javelin, some Disc Throwing and some even scuba diving!
 The kids were amazed and then started saying that they had to work harder than us! Imagine the wheelchair athletes fell down when racing, how is he going to stand again? He needs time unlike normal people.
 We also watched a song “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” for the determined people of the world; either handicapped or normal people.
 Next, we watched a clip on a Corn Maze. The kids felt that it was exciting. Then, we saw another clip on how kids took the blocks to make a maze for its hamster.
 We also watched a clip on Domino where it involved a team setting up 16,000 pieces of Dominos! Wow!

c) Game: The Maze.
* The girls pretended to be handicapped with no legs. So, they crawled and took the chairs to arrange into a maze. I guided them. Some ways were blocked while some free. Then, we added a tunnel cloth. Then, the participants took part by blindfolding their eyes. Some found it difficult to crawl through the maze and then the tunnel. Some found it easy. As for second round, a few kids helped me to cover the maze with black cloth. It was more challenging! They had fun!