Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Solar System Craft: Threads

29/05/2008 (Thursday)

a) Blocks and Individual Assessment
In the morning, I brought the blocks for the kids' corner playing. Assembling is one of their favourite games. I was surprised to see YP, ZY and JN played together. This is good because most of the times, they preferred colouring and drawing. I saw how LX wore the scarf around her neck and how J constructed a building. I thought that they were pretty innovative!
Meanwhile, I called the kids to do Individual Assessment. Today, I managed to call ZY, Zyg, JH, YZ, WY and YW.

b) Revision: shapes
After tidying the classroom, we did some revisions on “shapes”. They included: oval, circle, rectangle, square, oval and triangle. Then, I drew some animal pictures using the shapes. They revise on these words: lion / singa, giraffe / zirafah, zebra / kuda belang, snake / ular, elephant / gajah. Then, I randomly pointed the words and they read aloud. At times, I read the Bahasa words and they need to immediately read the English. They like the game.

c) The Space Song
We sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars”, and then looking at the written words, they sang “The Space” song to this tune. They sang slowly and then quickly. They sang with actions and even noted the chorus which I didn't write on the board. That was intentionally; so as to encourage more action movements.

d) Length of threads
Next, I drew The Solar System as to recap the planets' names in sequence. They learnt that the orbit becomes longer as they go farther from the Sun. Thus, they learnt the word, “long”. When they started comparing, they learnt “longer than” and “the longest”. Thus, Mercury's orbit is long. However, the earth's orbit is longer than the Mercury's. Finally, the Neptune's orbit is the longest. Next, the kids cut a long thread into 8 different lengths. These thread would be used for The Solar System Craft in the next lesson.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


28/05/2008 (Wednesday)

a) Individual Assessment
After outdoor playing, the kids quickly got up into their classroom. They hid everywhere in the class while awaiting for me. This time, they pretended to be stars and planets rather than animals….ha ha ha!
The kids chose either to do colouring or to play with toys. ZY, JN, LX and YP preferred colouring. JW, WY, ZYg, JS, M, JH and ZYg preferred playing with blocks and toys. Meanwhile, I called the kids individually for assessment. Today, the involved kids were WY, JW, YW, YZ and ZY.

b) Cameron Highlands and Revision
Then, we gathered for circle time. JN, YP, JW, J and LX asked, “Where did you go?” I told them that my family and I went for a holiday at Cameron Highlands. They were thrilled to see the winding road that I drew on the whiteboard. Some of them went there before and talked about their favourite strawberries. I shared with them about the cold weather and cooling fog. There I met a friend called M. Smart who brought me around Cameron. Then, I wrote some words on the board as a revision for their assessments. They included, “men, hen, pen, ten, octopus, dragon, door, duck, orange and dinosaur”. The kids laughed at the fact that Mr. Smart is actually a strawberry. Then, we had tea break and I gave each of them strawberries. Everyone loved them except YZ and WY.

c) What is a satellite?
Next, we recapped on The Solar System; which included the names of the planets accordingly. Then, I asked the kids what a satellite is. They were quiet.
There are actually hundreds of satellites in the space. I showed them a book on rocket. It was a rocket. The rocket would lift off into the space with full force against the gravity. ZY said, “That is why the fire is powerful...to fight agisnt the gravity.” They were amazed to see that the as the rocket flew higher, its bottom part started felling. The reason is that it will be lighter to fly. After another distance, another part would be discharged. Finally, left a part alone which is called the satellite. We did some role-plays to get the kids understand the satellite's concept better.
A satellite has a many functions. Among few are as follows: i) It enables telephone communication across the world, ii) It enables TV stations or publishing companies to get the latest news. Example: the recent China Earthquake. Iii) It enblaes recording of pictures or sounds from the space. Until today, the astronomers confirmed that they are no livings in Mars.

d) Craft: The Solar System
Next, we continued with our Solar System Handcraft. They continued colouring the planets and then cut them independently. They placed them in a plastic bag so that the pieces are well-kept. The activity will be continued tomorrow.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Shooting Stars

23/05/2008 (Friday)

a) Individual Assessment
This time round, the kids have got a new game at the field. It’s a mini football field. So, my active kids enjoyed the game, doubtlessly. Ten, we marched to the classroom and ensure they drink their water.
Next, they chose for either playing or continue with their colouring sheets. Meanwhile, I called the kids individually for Assessment. Today I called upon M, ZJ, JW, SY, SJ and JH. Most of the words I had already revised with them in the classroom.

b) Spinning is dizzy
After tidying the class, we gathered and recapped the song on “The Space Song”. They not only sang, but learnt to read and recognized the words. They started loving this song because it is easy to remember. Then, we imagined ourselves as planets. We know that planets spin and they go round the Sun. So, we started spinning and everyone fell to the floor with excitement because they started getting dizzy…ha ha ha! They learnt the word “spin”.

c) Story-telling: Shooting Stars
After tea break, we gathered for a story. It’s “Shooting Stars”. We did brainstorm first. What is “shooting star”? YP said they are rocks. YW said its stars. Actually, it's made of rock or iron. They could come in small, big or huge size. When they shoot from the space to the earth, they produce short or long shreds of light. They burn quickly in the air towards the earth. They would turn into bits smaller than grain of sand or dust. Bigger shooting stars would leave a big hole when they fell against the ground. Some days witnessed a few shooting stars. In 1833, there were lots of shooting stars in a night. The kids said that they would be terrified and happy at the same time if this ever happened to them. YZ said, he wished it's 1833 now and not 2008.

d) Solar System: Colouring
Next, we recapped the number of planets, the biggest, the number sequence and the farthest planet from the Sun. Then, we recalled the colours of the planets. I showed them a worksheet and guided them with the colour. We are going to make A Solar System Craft in the following lessons.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Characteristics of planets

23/05/08 (Thursday)

a) Colouring and individual assessment
We started with Corner Playing. Some preferred to colour. Thus, they went to the notice board to search for their unfinished colouring papers. ZY, JS, LX, XR, JN, SJ were among those who coloured. Today, SYu, ZJ, JW, JH, EG and J preferred playing. In fact, M, SY and YZ were talking about the planets from the Planet Chart. Meanwhile, I did assessment on the kids. Today I called upon WY, EG, YP, J and JN.

b) Characteristics of planets
After tidying the class, we gathered at the front of the class. I asked them some questions. “What are we learning? How many planets are there in our Solar System? What is the name of our planet?” Then, I drew them accordingly from the sun. The kids learnt that each planet spins around the sun. They learnt that the circle ring is called orbits. It is the orbit that holds each planet at its position; thus avoiding any planet accidents.
Then we talked about the different characteristics of each planet. Mercury, Venus and Mars are made of rocks. Venus has thick yellow clouds surrounding it and volcanoes on its surface. Mars is covered with red rocks and also huge volcanoes. Mars has got 2 moons. Meanwhile, planet earth has got water, air and ground which is needed by living things.
Jupiter and Saturn are made of liquid and gas. Jupiter has 60 moons while Saturn has 31 moons. Saturn is the biggest planet with a beautiful ring around it. Uranus and Neptune is the 7th and 8th planet and they are made of gas. Uranus has thin rings and is by greenish-blue clouds. Meanwhile Neptune is surrounded by blue clouds.Uranus has 11 moons while Neptune has 21 moons. The kids learnt to identify the planet with the least moons and the most moons.
Then, we sang “The Space” song to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. They loved it and learnt to recognize the words too. The lyrics:

“Here are eight planets that we know.

Round and round the Sun they go.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
These are the planets near our star,
Planets, planets, oh planets;
How I wonder what you are.

Jupiter, and Saturn too.
Uranus and Neptune, we can't see you.
These are the eight planets that we know.
Round and round the Sun they go.
Planets, planets, oh planets;
How I wonder what you are.”

c) Video clip: Solar System
Next, the kids gathered to watch a video clip. They looked at the surfaces of the planets. They also watched the Interactive Solar System. They were amazed to see that the planets spin by themselves. They went round the Sun just as what the lyrics said. They saw how the planets spinned on their orbits without hitting one another. They also saw a comet which flew into the space.. They realized that the comets have chances of falling into the planet. In the next few lessons, they will make a solar system craft.

How was Space born?

21/05/2008 (Wednesday)

a) Colouring and Assessment
I showed the kids some of the “space” colouring pages they could colour. They loved the rockets, spaceships, planets so much. JH, ZJ preferred Corner Playing. Meanwhile, I called the kids individually for assessment.

b) Flash cards revison
Next, I did some flashcards session with them. We revised the words beginning with letter “c”. the words included: “cat, cot, curtains, comb, cup, cake, coat, cow, carrot, cake”. Then, they talked about the words. LX said that her sister sleeps in the cot. The kids love especially banana cake. They also pull the curtains during our space lessons so that the classroom is very dark.

c) Tea break
I gave the kids some biscuits of mine as to praise their hard effort at improving themselves. It’s also a motivation to keep them perform better.

d) Space
Just I started the lesson, the kids pulled the curtains and of course, they were very excited! “he space is dark,” said the kids. I introduced an imaginary friend, Peter; whom I drew on the board. Peter is an astronaut and he works in the National Science Centre. His character actualyy had lightened the spirit of the class a lot!
Today, they learnt some vocabulary including: planets, sun, comet and the names of each planet. I showed them a Planet chart and then drew on the board. There are 8 planets with Mercury the nearest o the sun. The other planets in correct sequence is Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

e) Questions and questions.
The kids asked how the sun was formed. Why is there space? Why are there planets? Generally, the space has many galaxies and I showed them our Milky Galaxy. In theis Galaxy, we can find our Solar system. The space is about 15 thousand million years ago. The planets are formed due to the explosion of dust and gas. Then YW said, “No,…God made them!” Then, the class got noisier because everyone half of them were arguing about “Science” and “God”. I told them that there two types of thinkers. The first who believes in facts and science. The second who believes in God! So, I told them that we must respect everyone’s choices. As for the class, we are learning space through Science. They also learnt that only Planet Earth has got water, air and ground which enables living things to live.

f) Size of planets
Next, we analysed the size of each planet from the Planet Chart. I wrote the diameter of the planets on the whiteboard. Then, they learnt to analyse “big, bigger than , the biggest”. The biggest planet goes to Saturn while the smallest goes to “Mercury”. And they know that Earth is the third nearest to the Sun. The sun is 4.5 billion years old. The sun is a big star and it was born before the space was born! YW asked, “Then, why we cannot see the small stars in the daylight?” YZ said, “The sun is very bright and brighter than the stars. So, we can only see the sun and not the stars in broad daylight.”

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Welcome to the Space!

20/05/2008 (Tuesday)

a) Individual Assessment
J was so excited in the morning when he saw me. He said, “Yeah.....are we really going to the space today?” I smiled.....and said we are learning and exploring it. Maybe one day, you will go into the space!
I gathered the kids and we ran through the Alphabet Family to ensure that they know their A to Z. Then, they chose their activity for Corner Playing. Some drew, coloured while some played. Meanwhile, I called the kids for individual assessment. Today, I called upon JW, J, WY and LX.

b) Jack and Jill
After clearing the toys, we learned a new rhyme on “Jack And Jill”. They loved the story and learnt some new words such as “hill, well, fetch, pail, fell down, broke”. They found that the story was humorous and sad at the same time. Then, they sang the rhyme with actions. The rhyme goes like this:
“Jack and Jill,
Went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water,
Jack fell down,
And broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after!”

c) Revision: Flash cards
The kids read the flash cards on the animals which they learnt earlier. YP and Syu were independent and guided the others through. They included “crocodile, porcupine, giraffe, leopard, monkey, hippopotamus, zebra and elephant”. They also talked on some of the animals.

d) Brainstorming on Space
The kids were very excited when I switched off the lights. Immediately, they could feel that they were floating in the space. In fact, they pulled the curtains and the classroom was rather dark. I wrote the word “SPACE” really slowly. I asked them what are the possible things that we can find in a space. They said, “rocket, aliens, astronauts”. Then, YZ talked about the gravity power. The others were very excited.
I drew pictures on the board and introduced these vocabulary: astronauts, satellite, aliens, rockets, planets, comets, the 8 planets, the air and gravity power. They learnt that astronauts and things float in the space. The astronaut needs Oxygen tank as there is no air in the space. He can float and is difficult for him to move around. They learned a little bit about the function of satellites. They realised that we don't float on earth because we are puled by the gravity. YW said, “I don't believed that there 8 other planets.” I sketched on the white board and they said, “Wah”!
Next, I gave them a worksheet. They had to colour the items to be found in space. These included “moon, astronaut, satelite or space station, rocket”. They were enthusiastic.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

12 Ekor Binatang

16/05/2008 (Friday)

a) Rescue the tadpoles!
This morning, we saw some tadpoles outide the fish pond. Hmmm….how could they got out? Anyway, they could not survive without water. Thus, Teacher yap and myself rescued them and put them into the pond. The kids enjoyed looking at the little tadpoles in our hands. Anyway, it’s Teachers’ Day. Some kids brought us some tidbits, cakes and also cute hand-made cards. I would like to ay thank you to all the parents for their effort. Thank you!

b) Individual Assessment
The kids drank their water after hide-and-seek. JH was early today and he got to play with his friends. How lovely! Some chose to play, some chose to colour. ZY, SYu, SY, SJ, YW and LX chose colouring. Meanwhile, I called some kids for individual assessment. LX and XR love writing although they needed more guidance. The attitude is more important! Today’s assessed kids were YW, ZY, LX, XR and JH.

c) Song: Ants Go Marching
I introduced a new song called, “Ants Go Marching”. First, I drew some ants and they thought only cockroaches has got antennas. The antennas would lead them to seach for food and sense their friends. Thus, the ants always marched in a line. They enjoyed the song and its actions. We formed a line of long ants and sang happily.

“The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah,

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah,
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb,
And they all go marching down to the ground,

The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah,
The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah,
The ants go marching two by two,
The little one stops to tie his shoe,
And they all go marching down to the ground,

c) Red Bean paos
Next, at tea-break, the kids got to eat WY’s home-made “red-bean” paos. They loved them and of course, WY was so excited at distributing them to his friends. M bought extra “Nasi Lemak” for YZ and EG. Those are their favourite food. SYu has improved at sweeping.

d) Revision
Next, we did revision on some Bahasa Malaysia’s vocabulary. First we sang “Gelang Si Paku Gelang” and “Si Anak Kambing”. Then, we focused on the 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals’ Signs. They included:
“tikus, lembu, harimau, arnab, naga, ular, kuda, kambing, monyet, ayam, anjing, khinzir”. I didn’ttell them it was about the Chinese New Year but theywere able to guess correctly. They enjoyed the lesson as they drew the pictures on the whiteboard. I gave them a worksheet to do as homework.

e) Vote for a theme!
Then, we talked about the new thematic for next week. They listed 9 different themes. They were: Space, Fruits and vegetables, transportations, dinosaurs, sports car, flowers, rabbits, shopping and jobs. Then we voted. The highest vote went to “Space” with “Dinosaurs” short by one vote. Thus, the kids looked excited as they are going to fly on a rocket in the wide big space; counting the stars and saying hello to the other planets. Before calling off, I awarded stickers to SYu, YZ and J who managed to collect 30 stars throughout the lessons.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Earthquake

15/05/2008 (Thursday)

a) Individual Assessment
The kids have now a new game at the field. It’s the football sport........Gol!! They were very excited to hit the ball into the net. Thus, instead of running, they now prefer football.
In the classroom, they hid themselves everywhere as to wait for me…hmmm! They chose to either do corner playing or to write a worksheet of “Alphabet letters”. Meanwhile, I assessed the kids individually on writing. It is to assess their abilities to hold the pencil well and to write with proper strokes. Today, JS, EG, ZYg, XR, SJ were involved. JS was more focused than his usual self. XR needed encouragement but she is willing to try harder.

b) Story-telling: Keeping Fit
Next, I gathered the kids and shared with them on a story of ‘Keeping Fit”. They realized that eating healthily as well as exercising is important to make our heart and body healthy. Games such as badminton and cycling is good. WY, M cycle often. Sports such as swimming and jogging is good. JS, EG, YZ, YW and ZY sometimes do jogging. They also learnt that enough sleep will make us grow healthily. Next, I asked the kids to think of the new thematic they are interested in. Some children are already calling out: “Sports car, Space, Water and Plants”.

c) The China Earthquake
After tea break, the kids gathered to look at some newspaper cuttings. JN was excited and kept saying “Earthquake”. JS joined in too! JH, J and ZJ asked why there is earthquake.
So, I drew the earth and its 5 layers. I briefed them that the top layer is the ground and grass we can see and feel. The inner layers get harder and even hotter. Then, I drew some countries. They asked the meaning of countries. I showed them some gestures and drawing pictures of these people fom Japan, India, Africa, Singapore and China.
I asked them, ‘Which is the best country on earth?” Thay said, “Pason….which is Klang in Malaysia.”. Then, they learnt that some counties like Malaysia are located on the “sleeping” piece of earth while some countries like China, Japan and Indonesia are located on the “active” piece of earth. Thus, Malaysia hasno earthquake. They saw many children buried under the buildings and the “air” helped them to survive.
The 30-second Earthquake had clamed to date 15,000 lives. They looked at the clock and calculated the 30 seconds quietly. We talk of ways to help them. Then, we closed our eyes to say a little prayer. Next, I told them that the school is collecting donations for them in China. Donations could be in the form of money or food. They can discuss about this at home.

Healthy food: herbal eggs

14/05/2008 (Wednesday)

a) The Alphabet Family
We started the class by going through the big letters of A to Z. They used their magic fingers to write; imitating my strokes. Then, I randomly pointed the letters. Overall, they were quite fluent. Next, I gave them a choice of either colouring or corner playing.
Meanwhile, I called the kids individually to assess their writing and reading ability. Syu and YP
were rather independent. JW and XR needed some guidance for the opposite strokes.

b) Story-telling: Food
Next, I did story-telling with them on the topic, “food”. In the last few lessons, we learnt that we can prolong our life by eating healthily. Vegetable such as cabbage, fruits and wheat are healthy for us. Fruits can be blended into juice. They learnt that treats such as cakes, sweets and ice-cream should not be eaten always. Thus, they said that the bread we eat during our tea breaks are healthy! Even, the honey made by aunty is good for us. Honey is produced by bees.

c) Herbal Eggs
Today, LX brought a lot of herbal eggs for us. Thus, I asked LX to give some to the teachers. I took only 7 eggs while the balance is for Teacher Hui Ping and the afternoon class's session. As it was hot, I cracked the shells by myself with the kids surrounding me. Then, we shared them together. They loved the eggs very much and said it's healthy for them. They thanked LX.

d) Revision
Next, we did revision on these vocabulary: bus, school, xylophone, cookies, candle, mandarin orange. I drew pictures on the white board and they guessed the story. They told the story for me; in fact..ha ha ha! Then, I chose 5 little teachers among them to teach the class. They were very excited and did pretty well.
Then, they were given a worksheet to draw the pictures in the relevant boxes. Some kids approached me for unsure words. That's the attitude!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Let's revise!

13/05/2008 (Tuesday)

(a) Writing: A, B, C
This morning, we started singing the “ABC” song. Then, the kids learnt the proper kids to write letters “A, B and C”. Then, we talked about the words that began with them. Then, I showed the kids some patterns-to-do with the letters so that they could absorb better.
While they were doing that, I called some kids individually to do assessment. LX wrote some letters oppositely. XR needed more guidance and support. ZY and ZJ were rather independent.

(b) Story-telling: Goodbye, Grandma Erma
Then, the kids gathered to listen to a story of “Goodbye, Grandma Erma.” They were rather attentive as it was a real story of an old lady, called Erma. She had a pet cat who was her best companion. She had only a daughter married to a nice man. Her old husband is still capable to walk. The time came when she discovered of cancer and the kids asked me about it. However, she decided not to make anyone sad by fearing death. She made full use of her left-over time. Finally, the cheerful but painful Grandma Erma died. The children learnt that people die because of old age or sickness. Thus, we should take good care of our health.

(c) Revision: The Nien Monster
After tea-break, we did a revision on “Happy Chinese New Year” vocabulary. I wrote the words on the board and half of them could actually read the words confidently. The words included: monster, village, mountain, house, people, drum, fire crackers, Dragon dance, Lion dance, happy and Ang Pow packets.
I drew mountains and pictures. By no time, they realised that IO was talking about the “Nien” monster. They helped me with the story. I reminded them to use English medium. Then, we sang the song; “The Monster Is Coming To Town”; “Gong Xi, Gong Xi Ni”. They enjoyed themselves.
Then, they were given the worksheets. They could either draw the picture or colour the words. I was happy that JS and JH are more attentive in class nowadays. In fact, they approached me with questions, “Teacher, what is this?”

Monday, May 12, 2008

Little SY is back!

12/05/2008 (Monday)

a) Sharings on Mother's Day

Everyone marched to the classroom and was so happy to see little SY back. She was very attached to me and held my hands often. I could understand her feelings.....At the playground, she told me that she also celebrated Mother's Day.

So, we started the day with kids sharing their Mother's Day celebration. I chose a few kids to talk about it. WY said his family went out for a meal. They had KFC but he didn't drink Coke. However, mother bought him the KFC's toys. He said mother was happy to receive his Carnation flower. EG said his family went Taman Rakyat for jogging before heading to KFC. JH said nobody was at home yesterday as they were busy. He went to Sunday school while mother went working. JH left his Carnation flower in school....ha ha ha! So, I reminded him to be careful next time. SY said her aunties celebrated together. They bought her mother a chocolate cake and ate at a restaurant.

b) Let's draw!

I shared with the kids of my Mother's Day celebration. YZ asked me the number of siblings I have. Altogether 6 including myself. They enjoyed seeing my pictures and giggled at my fat brothers.

Then, each kid was given a paper to draw their celebration of Mother's Day. If they didn't celebrate, they could draw what they did on that Sunday.

c) Tea break and attendance

We had donuts today. I gave the kids some of my sausage buns. They just loved them.

Then, I called the kids. They stepped forward to look for their laminated names to be placed at the “Present” column. JW needed some guidance. Some of the kids could even recognise their friends' names.

d) What we did

Next, the kids talked about their drawn pictures. These were some views.

YZ – We went to KLCC for swimming and shopping. I

gave mummy the Carnation flower. I sprayed some

perfume on it.

YW – My mum didn't buy anything from KLCC but daddy
bought something. We were very happy!

J – I gave mother the Carnation flower. After eating, we went
to bed. (He drew his family and grandfather climbing the
staircase to bed.)

XR – We bought a cake for mummy. She loved the


ZJ – I drew a dinosaur picture for mummy. I also gave

her the Carnation.

YP – We had a cake for mummy. We had lots of food.

Everyone was happy.

Little SY drew what was kept in her heart....

SY - This is me and my mother. This is my father

sleeping. He is now in heaven. It is better because

mummy says he can now walk and run. Last time,

his leg swelled like an elephant, she laughed....!

ZY added that when people die, anyone will cry for him. Nothing to be shameful.

e) Revision: Natural Elements

We did some revision on Natural Elements vocabulary. They included sun, water, air, people, animals, air, trees. They were quite good. They explained the meaning of each vocab. They talked about the spinning earth. The trees need the sun to have energy. Water will keep us healthy. Water helps the trees to grow too. The air lets us breathe in and out. Animals could be tame or dangerous. Then, I tested them individually.

Friday, May 9, 2008

I will always love my mother

09/05/2008 (Friday)

(a) Tadpoles
The kids gathered to see the little tadpoles brought up from the pond by Teacher Huang. Frogs like the fish pond. The kids enjoyed seeing their tiny short legs and tails. WY came early today and he held one tadpole in his hand......How daring!

(b) Story-telling: POLO
After drinking water, the kids gathered for the "POLO" story brought over by YZ. The kids loved it so much because there were no words except pictures. It was a story of a smart little dog called "POLO". It lived in a tree, in the middle of the ocean. He travelled up into the sky, sat on the clouds, make some ice-cream from the clouds, went down into the sea to meet the Kingof the Fish and got a lift from a whale. POLO changed every negative situation creatively and deliver wonderful and funny results.

(c) Happy Mother's Day
Next, we talked about this Sunday's special day; Mother's Day. Then they sang "Happy Mother's Day" song. They loved the chorus part: "Oh, oh, oh...who wouldn't know? Oh, oh, oh...who wouldn't know? I will always love my mummy, Happy Happy Mother's Day".

(d) Carnation Flowers
Today, LX brought some Oreo biscuits and seaweed for everyone. They were very happy and thanked LX. Next, we gathered to talk about Mother's Day card. They learnt to read the phrases on: "Happy Mother's Day", "I Love You" and "Thank you". They coloured the words and then cut and paste them onto their drawn colour paper. WY needed more encouragement as he didn't like colouring that much. Meanwhile, I called the kids individually to place their Carnation Flower into a sponge. They then put it in a plastic bottle. They learnt to reuse the bottles rather than throwing away. They were very excited.

(e) Which one can be recycled?
Next, I gave eaveryone a worksheet. They were supposed to colour the items which could be recycled. We discussed together. The recycled items included a bat stick, newsappaer, plastic bottles and apples. The kids learnt that leftover food could be made into compost for our plants. They were quite independent at identifying the items.

Let's Colour Our Carnations!

07/05/2008 (Wednesday)

(a) Story-telling: A Grand Old Tree
Today, WY's mother brought over some books on Trees and Death; so as to help the kids understand more about it. Max's mother too lent us a book on death. I started the class with a story on "A Grand Old Tree". The kids learnt that trees are just like us; the grow form little seeds into taller plants and prosper into big trees before dying. They saw how the Grand old tree's roots absorbed water from the ground. They saw how the tree's flowers grew and later bore fruits. The tree provided homes for many animals including squirrels, birds, eagles, ladybirds and many more animals. After many years, it started whithering its leaves and died. Upon its death, some animals will made homes in its strong trunks including raccoons.

(b) Colours Vocabulary
Next, the kids learnt to identify words of colours. These included white, black, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple and blue. Then, they matched the colours to the words. I gave them a colouring paper of "Humpty Dumpty". SYu, SJ, ZY and JN were among the independent ones who could identify the words and colours.

(c) Let's use water colour!
After tea break, the kids coloured their Carnation Flower. They used the brush to sprinkle the colours on them. Prior to that, they placed newspaper on their tables to avoid stains on the tables. They had to be careful not to sprinkle near their face or shirt. They chose their favourite colour. Some even mixed the colours. They enjoyed themselves as they seldomused water colour. They left the flowers to dry and were quite beautiful.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Carnation Flower Craft

08/05/2008 (Thursday)

a) Warm- up session
The kids marched into the classroom happily as usual. They chose what they wanted to do. Corner Playing, segregating the recycled items into the 3 boxes or drawing. WY, JS, JH, ZYg, J and EG chose for blocks. Today, JS formed an aeroplane which looked more like a spaceship.....cool! Meanwhile, LX and JN assisted me to segregate the recycled items into the correct boxes.

b) Flower and its parts.
Then, I drew a flower on the white board and asked them what were missing. JS said the leaf. So, I drew a leaf and asked them the importance of a leaf. The green element was the reason of photosynthesis; food-making process with the help of sunlight. ZY talked about the roots which absorb water from the ground. J and LX was excited to inform the class about the earthworms in the ground. I also told them about the stem and petals. Then, I gave them some leaves to colour and cut. These would be needed for the Carnation craft later on.

c) Plastic and their numbers
Then, we sang our favourite song; "Happy Mother's Day". They loved the part of "Oh, oh, oh Who Wouldn't Know"...ha ha ha! Then I explained to the kids about the plastic recycled items. There are 7 types of recycled plastic. I shared with the kids that Plastic withe number 3, 6 and 7 are unsafe for us and the earth as they contain unhealthy substance. In some countries, the consumers avoid using Plastic 3, 6 and 7. (.....) Thus, I told the kids that if they go shopping, please choose for Plastic Number 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.

d) Carnation Flower Craft
After tea-break, the kids gathered in front of the class. I told them that we can recycle the plastic bottles as vases for Carnation flowers. So, I cut a bottle as a sample. I told them that the cutting is suitable for adults as we need to use a cutter. The kids loved share about their mother. Thus, they drew pictures of their mother or things that can make her happy on the colour paper. While drawing, I called the kids individually. They pasted their coloured leaves on the flower's stem. They were very eager about their Carnation Flower!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We Can Help The Earth

06/05/2008 (Tuesday afternoon)

a) Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
This afternoon, I relieved Teacher Hui Ping as she went for a medical check-up. I woke the kids up and told them to bring their matress bedsheet and pillows home. They have to bring a new bedsheet and their pillows again the next day. I later explained to them of the reason which was to prevent the "Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease". We have good and bad viruses in our body. When the bad viruses attack our immune system, we get weak easily. One of the sickness is Hand, Food And Mouth Disease. Now is the season. Thus, the kids learnt (a) to always wash their hands clean, (b) not to share their food or cups for fear of saliva exposure and (c) to bring new bedsheet two days once. They started checking their own hands, feet, tongue and elbows for red spots. They also checked their forehead for fever. Besides that, vomitting and diarrhea are also the signs. Wohh.....they started to be very cautious...which is good!

b) Global Warming
We went down to watch a video clip on Global Warming. It was an interactive story which brought the kids to an Earth Museum The kids learnt vocabulary included: forest, ocean, river, The Artic. In fact, they were very interactive. ZY: "We must not chop trees down!" JN: "We must not throw rubbish into the river." ZYg: "Turtles swallow the plastic bags mistaking them for jellyfish." LX: "Where are the monkeys' homes?"

c) Healthy daily habit
Then, they listened to a video clip song on "Can You Understand?"They enjoyed the cute cartoons. Besides that, they learnt some ways to help the earth: (1) Save the electricity, (2)Do not waste water, (3)Give away our clothes to charity, (4) Plant more trees, (5)Do not throw rubbish.

d) Song: Happy Mother's Day
I gave them a task. They had to remember to melody of the song, "Happy Mother's Day" from the video clip. This song was apoem they read this morning. So, they had to sing the poem into a song now...haaaa! They listened twice. In the classroom, I started the initial melody and they were quite good! We sang with lots of actions and they just love it! Shh...it's suppose to be a Mother's Day song. Parents, below is the lyric. Help your kids if they can't remember. Have fun!

Carnation Flowers

06/05/2008 (Tuesday morning)

a) Humpty Dumpty and Corner Playing
The kids marched from the playground to the classroom. They hid under the tables, behind the door and chairs waiting eagerly for me…..ha ha ha! Some kids played with the blocks. ZY built a canon…wow! The girls did colouring on “Humpty Dumpty”. Meanwhile, I called the kids individually to read the flashcards on colours. We did only 6 colours which were “black, white, red, pink, purple, blue”.

b) Poem: Happy Mother's Day
Next, we formed circle time. I wrote a short paragraph on the whiteboard. It is actually a song but we read together as to reinforce their reading skills. We interpreted the meanings. The kids giggled at the meaning of “hugs” and “kisses” and they asked the meaning of “My Mother Is The Best!”

c) How is little SY?
They were very eager about little SY. In fact, they asked me before I began the class. I told them that I went to her house yesterday with Teacher Huang and Teacher Hui Ting. Her house is in Kapar about an hour’s drive from our school…which is very far. They asked if she cried? I told them that she looked very tired and pale. Of course, she cried for a while when we hugged her. However, she smiled seeing the little pictures which her friends drew for her. In fact, little SY said she wants SYu to draw another picture for her. I asked her what colour Carnation she wants for her mother. Quickly, she said “blue”. I told her that we would make a tissue flower for this Sunday’s Mother’s Day. Deep within myself, I whispered, “Isn’t it wonderful if she could at least celebrate Mother’s Day with her father…”

d) Craft: Carnations
After tea break, the kids gathered eagerly for flower making. Shhh......It's suppose to be a surprise for mothers! First, I introduced them the vocabulary words included "tissue paper, wire thread, scissors, plastic bottle". These were the steps:1) Fold the tissue paper.2) Cut along the middle line.3) Place the 2 parts as 1.4) Fold using your fingers for a bout an inch "in" and "out" like folding a paper fan.5) Use the wire thread to tie a knot in the middle of the folded tissue.6) Unfold the petals as if the Carnation flower is blooming. The challenging part was the folding part. ZY, YZ, JN, SC, SYu and SJ were able to fold individually. I even asked them to help their friends. I reminded to unfold the petals gently as to avoid the tissue being torn. Their flowers turned out to be really pretty and funny though...but they just love it. Tomorrow, we will colour them.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Little SY

05/05/2008 (Monday)

a) A sad news
This morning was a windy one with cloudy sky; as if to respect little SY’s father. Just then, little SY called up. At that moment, I saw Pik Xia’s emotional face turned red with tears. Little SY said, “I can’t come to school today……because my father had passed away.” It must have taken her lots of guts to inform us. Because of her guts and responsible attitude, I decided to share the sad news with her friends. I whispered in my heart, “God…..please guide me through the way, thank you.”

b) Corner Playing and Individual Focus
The kids enjoyed the cloudy weather. They ran around the kindergarten, laughing and feeling exciting. ZY ran 5 rounds and was still asking for more….ha ha ha. However, we went up earlier due to the drizzle. I brought the constructional blocks games for them. They constructed buildings, cars, and guns. Meanwhile, I called the kids individually to paste the words “Plastic, Glass and Paper” onto their hand-made Recycling Bin. They looked for the letters from the newspaper cuttings which they did last Friday.

c) Games and songs
Next, we gathered and formed a circle. We played their favourite game, “How strong are your ears?” This time round, they swapped very fast and more independent. Then, we sang the Hokey Pokey song. They learnt to identify their left hand and left leg. They enjoyed the actions especially when turning their body around.

d) “What I like to do with my mother?”
Next, I drew a picture of my lovely mother which they giggled. Then, I told them about her. I told her that I like helping her to sweep and mop the floor as her knees are not that strong anymore. Then, the kids took turn to share things they do together with their mother. For each kid that stood forward, I drew their cute face. J said he liked baking Apple Pie with his mother. EG said that both his father and himself will cook together with his mother. JN, ZY and M said they like helping her to sweep the floor. Meanwhile, SYu said she likes helping her mother to water the plants. They learned to appreciate their mother.

e) The Life Cycle
After tea break, we gathered. I drew a goldfish which my friend, Jennifer used to have. She named him John. One day, John jumped out from the bowl and died. Then, I asked them to guess how my friend felt. “Sad” was the answer! Then, I told them about SY’s father who had passed away yesterday. They were quite serious and YW said, How can people die. JN said, people die because of old age. YZ said my father died at young age. So, I drew a few pictures and they guessed them. We started with a baby, a toddler, a child who goes to school, a teenager who goes to Secondary school and an youth who starts to work, an adult who gets married and having children and how they old-aged, and an old man. They laughed at the moustache, at the bigger hands and feet and also the hunchbacked body. So, we talked a little bit of how to live longer. We should drink milk, eat healthy food and exercise.
I asked them to think of what we can do for our little sad SY. They said, we can give a present. So I suggested we draw pictures which can make her feel happier. They agreed!
Before drawing, we said a little prayer for little SY. Everyone closed their eyes and said after me despite various religions. “Dear God, Please bless little SY to be stronger. We are sorry to hear about her father. Please guide her father to heaven. Please let little SY know that we will always be there for her. Thank you.”

f) A Supportive Gift
The kids chose either a yellow or orange colour paper. They drew their pictures. Some drew a rainbow, a happy sun, garden, animals. ZY drew how he spent time with little SY. They swept the floor together and poured drinks together. Meanwhile, I called the kids individually to stamp their handprints; as the cover page of her present. While drawing, I could hear them talking about this.
“SY’s father had passed away.”
“Oh….he has gone to the heaven.”
“My mother says, the dead people will be reborned.”
“SY must be sad....”
We really hope that this little gift could lift her spirit.