Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Self-Rescue: Stop, Drop and Roll

Thursday (28/01/2010)

a) Flashcards b) What have you learnt?
c) Analysing: Fire Experiment d) Self-Rescue: Stop, Drop and Roll

a) Flashcards
* We read some words that we have learnt in this theme:
* Fire, firefighter, fire truck, hose, axe, gloves, fire station, ladder, rescue dog, emergency, 994, 999, help, matches, smoke alarm, experiment, town, society and charity.

b) What have you learnt?
Teacher: What have you learnt from the film: Let’s Go To The Fire Station?
Devin: Trucks can be different colour.
Xing Tong: Rescue dogs also save little dogs.
Kwong Yong: Firefighters save injured people.
Foo Soon: They put on safety uniform and put out the fire.
Qian Joe: I like the Fire Station.
Big Xing Tong: Always think when we have problems.
Jing Kai: We learnt how to save ourselves!
Chun Kit: I remembered they taught us how to crawl below the smoke.
Teacher: Yes…..that’s very important. Excellent!

c) Analysing: Fire Experiment
* Some children like playing fire with matches or fireworks. What happens if you caught fire? Can you

Jun Hong: No! It will be bigger.
Teacher: Are you sure? Let’s look at our candle experiment again.

Thank you Zhe Qing for bringing us a glass jar.
* I lit the candle and they observed the colour of fire. The hottest is blue while yellow not so hot. When I blow, it went off. Jun Hong said fire needs Oxygen. We breathe in deeply a few times to illustrate Oxygen. Then I blew the candle and it went off. Why? Because I blew away the Oxygen with force and of course there’s my Carbon Dioxide.
* I lit again. They observed that the fire is moving. Why? Because the wall fan is still on…..haaaaa!
* Zhe Qing’s jar has got Oxygen too. We took turns to listen to the air movement inside the jar. I covered the candle with Zhe Qing’s jar. Just about 3 seconds it went off. Why? Because……the fire has used up the limited Oxygen in the jar.
* From this experiment, now we know that when we run, we encourage more Oxgen to burn us!

d) Self-Rescue: Stop, Drop and Roll
* If our clothes caught fire, we should immediately STOP, DROP and ROLL. The rolling is to discourage the Oxygen burn us further. So, we learnt to sing the song first. With 5 mattresses on the floor, each kid tried to STOP, DROP and ROLL
* They enjoyed themselves. Initially a few kids were afraid like Zhi Feng and Chia Yen. After that, they just loved it!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fire Safety

Wednesday (27/01/2010)
a) Song: The Thinking Song
b) Magazine: The Town and Society
c) Discussion: Chinese New Year
d) Continuation of DVD: Let’s Go To the Fire Station
e) Experiment: Fire

a) Song: The Thinking Song
* We recapped on the song. Zhe Qing and Xing Tong said they sang that at home.
* We sang smoother this time with better tune. They could understand better about the song. Older Xing Tong said when she couldn’t take her body shampoo from the shelf, she would ask her parents for help.
* Then we reviewed our letter and pictures for our heroes, the firefighters. We have bound them into a big book card. Wow…..we hope that the firefighters would love them…J

b) Magazine: The Town and Society
* We recapped the meaning of “town” and “society”.
* Jun Yu shared his magazines of a town and of a group of people working in a town. Examples: policeman from the police station, taxi driver near the bus station and teachers from the school.
* Then, we looked back at our little clay town. We recapped at the places. Then, I read out a few of their parents’ occupations. Example: Foo Soon’s father works in a telecommunication company which could be near our clay shops. His mother is a hairdresser also near there. Yun Xin’s parents are teachers from the school opposite the Fire Station. We used a mini car to imagine the route. First, sending the kids to the school. Then, passing the roundabout and go to work. Maybe in the afternoon, brought them to the bakery to buy some bread.
* Then, we talked about the little charity function near the Fire Station.
Teacher: Have you thought of what charity to do? Maybe, we will be combining this
activity with other classes.
Jun Hong: I can collect my Ang Pow and give to them.
Yun Wen: I have a coin box with coins to donate to them.
Teacher: Can we do something instead as a class? Since we don’t work, what can we do?
* The class thought that baking cookies to sell might be a good idea. So, I got them to ask if any of their mothers is able to be our part time baker just for that day.:)

c) We can perform
* This morning, we saw the other class kids perform Lion Dance. Suddenly, the class got excited and said they wanted to perform that too.
Jun Hong: Maybe we can perform together with them for the Firefighters when we visit the Fire Station.
* So, I discussed with them in the afternoon. Since they have done lion dance last year, they preferred something else. 50% chose Tiger Dance and 50% chose Dragon Dance. Wushu teacher explained to the kids that Tiger Dance is similar to Lion Dance only that its head movement is more active.
* As it was a tough decision, I asked the kids to think about it. Foo Soon said he would draw tigers and bring to school. Jun Yu said he has a dragon model at home. Shi Jie said it might be heavy for the kids. Let’s see what influence them later.

d) Continuation of DVD: Let’s Go To the Fire Station
* We watched how they conducted Fire Safety to the public. We leant that
- if we caught fire, we must “Stop, Drop and Roll”
- If there was smoke, we must “Go Low and Move”
- Smoke Alarm comes in different sounds. Upon hearing, we must quickly leave everything and

rescue ourselves out of the house and call the emergency number.
- Firefighters are hero. Anyone can be hero: bog or small.
- They saw that the rescue dog was well trained to save people and other animals….wow!
- We would learn more about these safeties.

f) Experiment: Fire
* We discussed that this experiment cannot be done alone. I lit a candle and then I blew it. It went off. Why? I lit again. I closed with a jar. It went off again. Why? I asked them to think about it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Hero's Card

Tuesday (26/01/2010)
a) Vocabulary revision
· We revised a few words: fire extinguisher, firefighter, fire station, gloves, axe, rescue dog and also hose.

b) Assessing the permission letter.
· I showed the kids' everyone's drawing for the firefighters we are going to visit in the near future. Chun Kit is sure that they would love our cute drawings.
· I got the kids to read the letters. Hmm...they read quite well. They included Shi Jie, Foo Soon, older Xing Tong, Jun Hong and Jing Kai.
Teacher : How are we going to present our letter and gift for them? Do you think is

nice if we just hand them scatterly.
Devin : Why not we put in a container.
Jun Hong: Let's make a card.
· The class agreed. Then, we discussed the picture for front page and back page. Majority wanted a fire truck in front while the back page, they preferred a star or a love shape.
· The title will be “Our Heroes” and “Thank You”. Thay wanted a big card.
Jing Kai: We must draw a lot so as not to waste the paper.
· However, after discussion, the class preferred to paste the pictures with colourful pieces of paper rather than colouring them. Shi Jie drew a nice fire truck but it would be such a waste if we were to paste it over with pieces of paper. Finally, we decided to have a big love for the firefighters.

c. Craft: Making a card.
· The kids chose the colour they like and cut the strips along the lines I have drawn. Wee Hong needed guidance. Jun Yu could cut independently without the lines.
· Then, they applied some home-made glue. Wow......they just loved that!
· Finally, the star and love were so colourful although very sticky. We would hand over the whole thing to the Principal tomorrow.

d. DVD: Let's go to the Firehouse!
· We continued watching Barney and friends who were visiting the Fire Station.
· Hmm......firefighters ned to do regular exercise to stay strong and fit.
Wee Hong: Wow.....their house is so nice!
· They have a comfortable kitchen whereby 3 different teams shared refrigerator and food. They eat lots of fruits and healthy food. They do their own cooking and chores. Wow...they are also cooks!:)
· Then, a big crowd attended a Fire Safety show. It was hosted by Barney and the chief. The first performance was by the yellow dino who sang “Never play with matches!”
· They loved the song but nobody knows what matches are......hmmmm! I required them to ask their parents.
· We shall continue the film tomorrow.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Permission Letter

Monday (25/01/2010)

a) Welcome back, Wee Hong!
Teacher: Where did you go?
Wee Hong: I went to Hong Kong and visited Hong Kong Disneyland.
Class: What did you see there?
Wee Hong: I saw Pooh, the bear; Tigger the tiger and other cartoons. I went by an aeroplane.
· Suddenly, the kids started sharing their stories about trips. Zhi Feng flew before to Japan, Jun Hong visited his father who was working in China, Foo Soon has also been to Hong Kong, Xing Tong travelled to Melaka and etc. Thus, if they flew by plane, they had to buy tickets from Airlines.
Foo Soon: Teacher, besides aeroplane, does a pilot drive a ship? I am sure they are also call a pilot.
Teacher: Good thinking but they are known as Navigators.

b) Word recognitions.
· First we read the lyrics of “The Thinking Song”. Then, we sang together. Next, we stood up to sing and dance with the song. It’s such an encouraging song.
· As we read the lyrics, we interpreted the meaning together. Words highlighted including: think, mind, see, heart, feel, dream, solve, problem.
· Older Xing Tong shared about her experience. She said, “When I want to open a window and I can’t reach it, I stack the matresses to climb. Then, I can push the windows.”
· The class thought that it was dangerous to do that because one might just fall off the window! Thus, it is advisable to ask the help of an adult.

c) Firefighters’ vocabulary.
· I drew a few big pictures on the board so that the kids can learn to draw as well as recognise the vocabulary. Some needed encouragement such as Wee Hong and Chun Kit at drawing. The pictures included: gloves, axe, hose, ladder, fire extinguisher, uniform, helmet, fire truck, a burning house and etc.

d) Drafting a letter.
* Chun Kit: Teacher, you bluffed us. You didn’t bring us to the Fire Station.
* Gee….it’s always a challenge being a teacher. Thus, I explained to the class by drawing. I told them that this permission needs a lot of procedure stages. First, Pik Xia teacher has to call up the Fire Station for permission. Then, Mr. Hoo has to draft a letter and poste to the Fire Sattion. The Postman would have to deliver the important letter. When received, the Fire Station need to get their Chief permission. They have to check our school background and etc.
* Huang Lao Shi informed me last Friday that we could start writing a letter already which was what I needed to sicuss with the class about the contents.
Teacher: What should we write in the letter?
Shi Jie: We are from ABC Learning Centre.
Foo Soon: We want to visit their Fire Station.
Teacher: Why?
Chun Kit: We want to learn to draw the Fire Truck.
Wei Jeen: I want to draw their rescue dog.
Wei Hong: I want to learn to draw the Firefighters.
Teacher: ….haaaaa….that’s so cute! Do you want to learn about fire safety?
Class: Yes…….
Devin: And they are our heroes. We want to learn about them!

* So, I started drafting the letter together with the class. Shi Jie, Foo Soon, Jing Kai, Jun Hong and older Xing Tong assisted at writing.
* The others drew pictures to express their anxieties. Some even wrote short words.
Examples: Kwong Yong and Zheng Yuan drew the fire truck. Yun Xin drew the firefighters’ rescue dog. Chun Kit drew a Fire Station.Chia Yen drew how firefighters help the society and Devin drew how they tried catching the snake in the bushes. Chun Kit drew how they risk their lives to save people. Wee Hong drew a star for them as HEROES.


Dear Firefighters,
How are you? We are children from ABC Learning Centre. Can we visit your Fire Station? We want to learn about Fire Safety. We want to know you better. You are our HEROES.
Thank you.

Pomegranate class,

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Fire House

Friday (22/01/2010)

a) Song: The Thinking Song
* First, we recapped the poem on “Five Little Firefighters”.
* As they recited, they read the words on the cardboard.
* Then, we learnt a new song, “The Thinking Song”. The objective is to boost the

kids’ confidence by thinking. Always think to create a craft, always think to
create something they want, always think before they quarrel with friends and
etc. Older Xing Tong said that she always sit down and think when she is in
* They loved the song very much.
Think, think, thinkety, think.
Thinkety, thinkety, thinkety, think. (x 2)
In my mind, I can see it,
In my heart, I can feel it,
I know I can make it come to be,
When I’ve got to solve a problem,
Or imagine something new,
I think, think, thinkety, think.
That’s what I do.

b) A review of our Clay Town
* We gathered around the model. They read the signboards as I pointed to the particular area. Some were happy to tell the class that they made the mould. Suddenly, Wei Jeen said he wanted to be a Policeman and I pointed to the Police Station mould. Chun Kit and Devin said they wanted to be Firefighters. I pointed to the Fire Station.
* Then, we recapped the word society and Shi Jie and Foo Soon managed to answer that it is regarding the people around us.
* I showed them 2 photos of the Earthquake at Haiti. One, showed a picture of a girl being rescued by firefighters. Second, showed how some victims stole goods from collapsed shops. Thus, policemen chased them for their crime.
* I told them that I saw a donation box at a mamak stall for the Haiti victims. “Do firefighters also do charity? What can they do to help the needy ones?” were my questions for their weeknd.

c) Let’s recycle!
* Jing Kai proposed that we recycle the hardened clay. Thus, we had soaked a piece in the water yesterday after seeing Yan Shan’s water diluted some pieces.
* Gee……it looked like mud and some kids were brave enough to touch, some were not. Shi Jie thought that there was too much water, thus, we poured some water out. We would see the outcome on Monday if it would harden into its natural shape. Hmmm…..Foo Soon said, “like a scientist….”J.

d) DVD: Let’s go to the Fire House.
* We continued watching. While watching, these were the few questions.
- Where are they going? Whose dog is that? When firefighters go to Fire School, do they make the real fire?
Yan Shan: Why is the dog sleeping in a small bed?
Qian Joe: BJ is a scientist. Will his experiments explode?
* Then, they heard the song “The Thinking Song” and were very happy to see along.
* Kids learnt that siren is a warning to request roads to be cleared as they need to be at the happening place fast. Fire Truck can be of any colours. Firefighters leave their uniforms on the floor so that they could jump into the suit and dress as fast as possible. Firemen wear special clothing that protect them from fire. They go to a special Fire school and learn. They do their homework, read books, have meeting, sleep there and also cook and eat there. No wonder, Fire Station is also known as Fire House.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our Renovated Clay Town!

Thursday (21/01/2010)

a) The letter

* The class was excited about yesterday’s Firefighters again.
Devin: Teacher, have you written to the Fire Station? Don’t bluff us?
Teacher: Let’s talk in a good manner. Everything needs step by step.
* We need to discuss with the Principal first and get the Fire Station’s permission.
Teacher : Do you think the Fire Station would be busier during Chinese New Year?
Foo Soon : Yes, teacher. Everyone plays with fire works. I know somebody who sells the fire works.
Teacher : Hmm….that might be something against the law……if he sells dangerous fire crackers.
* We discussed about the fire crackers. The simpler ones such as “Pop! Pop!” and stick fire works are allowed to be sold in the market. They are safer compare to the others. Yet, we have to be careful when playing.
* The kids kept talking about the Fire Truck such as it has 2 ladders.
* For a long truck, it has 2 drivers; in front and at the back to control the long truck body. It has a machine operated long ladder at the top and a short one at the back. It has a compartment to keep the emergency tools such as axes, ropes, saws, chains and etc. The Rescue Dog would be sitting near the front driver.

b) Recap: The duties.
* These included: saving injured people, putting out fire, catching snakes plus doing charities.
* Qian Joe: What is charity?
* Charity involves helping the needed society such as the poor ones, the orphans or even the handicapped ones. Foo Soon assisted at explaining the meaning. Firefighters sometimes collect money by having car wash or some performances. I got the kids to ask more information from their parents for our future discussion.

c) Reconstruction.
* Gee…..this would be our second construction as we didn’t do well at the first round.
* Zhe Qing did mention 2 days ago that we could add some water on the hard stone clay to make the town look better. Thus, I soaked a piece of it and after a while it became mud. Nobody likes the touch or look. Thus, different clay would be better.
* I sketched the map on the whiteboard to reinforce the vocabulary. The kids chose what they wanted to construct. Older Xing Tong constructed the roads using straws. Foo Soon, Jun Hong, Jing Kai wanted to continue with their Fire Truck and burnt building which they finally completed yesterday.
* Xing Tong made the bakery, Kwong Yong constructed the hospital, Zheng Yuan made the park while Jun Yu the zoo. Yun Xin added animals to the zoo. Joe made the mountains and also the Fire Station. Devin made the Police Station. Zhe Qing made a house, Chun Kit made a Pizza Hut shop and etc.The kids actually requested to use some tools like the plastic knives and moulds.

d) Can we recycle?
* Just before we went home, Jing Kai came to me.
Jing Kai: Teacher, what about the hardened stone clay? Can we recycle them
Teacher: Oh, sure! Let’s discuss with the class tomorrow.
* Well, the kids thought that our clay town looked much organized and colourful!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fire Truck! Fire Truck!

Wednesday (20/01/2010)
(a) Storybook: Jobs Of The People

· Jun Yu brought this book to share while Zheng yuan brought a Music CD which we would watch later.
· The first part talked about policemen, doctors and also chefs.
· The tools used by policemen included handcuffs, guns and batons.
- Foo Soon: Policemen cannot shoot good people.
- Teacher: Why does a policeman need to handcuff the criminals?
- Shi Jie: Policemen need to protect themselves.
· The class were curious about guns and batons. Thus, we discussed. Usually, policemen would use batons as the first choice to protect themselves. However, if the criminals were aggressive, then, they can use the guns. If a policeman shot an innocent person, he needs to be questioned and maybe placed at police station for a while.
· So, it’s a good thing; we have a police station in our town planning. Furthermore, we have a hospital whereby the doctors can treat the injured people. Meanwhile, firefighters can put out fire and rescu injured people before handing over to the hospital……..hmmm….the society is so important.

(b) Can you hear the siren?
· As we were having the class, there was a short siren. Devin was the first to response folllowed by Zhe Qing. Wow……we went to the window…..and there it was a big red Fire Truck! It went very slowly in front of our school. The kids kept calling, “Fireman! Firefighter! Ahli Bomba!”
· Suddenly, it stoped beside our school. What happened?

(c) Investigation
· Curiosity brought us down to the playground and what were the firefighters doing near the big drain? I went to ask them.
-Firefighter : Somebody called saying that there was a long snake near the bushes!
· The kids exclaimed, “Woh!!” We were lucky because the snake wouldn’t like our sandpit near the bushes. After 20 minutes, the Firefighter team stopped their search. All the while, the kids didn’t mind standing under the sunny day.
· I asked the Chief’s permission to get the firefighter team talk to the kids but he said we need to write in. The kids called them, “Hello, HERO!”…..haaaaa! However, the Chief agreed to park his Fire Truck in front of our school to allow the kids have a closer look.
· We took pictures with them. Wei Jeen asked, “Can we ride in your truck?” Again, he said we have to write in. His uniform was different because there are about 10 types of firefighter group.
· He opened his small side door for us to see. We could see their boots and uniforms…….but no dog? The firefighter said they would bring dogs for certain tasks only.

(d) Questions, questions, questions!
· In the classroom, everyone was so excited and Xin Tong even told me that she wanted to be a Firefighter when she grows up.
-Devin: Who called them?
- Jing Kai: Only water snake can be in the drain. That snake must be in the bushes.
- Jun Hong: Some snakes are poisonous. Foo Soon: They can kill people.
Teacher: What will they do if they really caught the snake?
Chun Kit: Kill it!
Teacher: They might do that if the snake attacked them. If not, it might be sent to a zoo. But, how can they catch the snake?
Devin: The electrical pole. Teacher: Maybe an axe. Jun Yu: Maybe a gun.
Zheng Yuan: They can use the axe to chop the snake!
Jia Yen: I am scared of snake.
Shi Jie: Where’s the dog?
Older Xing Tong: Can we write letter to them?
Wei Jeen: Can we sleep there? …haaaaa
· We ended the class by writing down the firefighters’ duties on a cardboard.

The Clay Town

Tuesday (19/01/2010)
a) Flashcards: A town’s vocabulary

· We formed a circle. We read through words such as: park, see-saw, slide, school, zoo, basketball court, bakey, florist, mountain, hospital, fire house and police station.

b) A bird’s eyeview
· We glanced at our clay project. It was messy due to excited kid who played with them as well as this natural clay seems to be undfriendly. It hardens to be stone-like. The roads broke and Zhe Qing said, “Teacher, my butterfly’s wings have broken”.
· Luckily, I labelled the places using stickers yesterday. Thus, with encouragement, the kids imagined the places as I mentioned the names as well the constructors. Of course, the little kids were proud constructors at that time. I got Shi Jie to spell “CONSTRUCTOR” on the whiteboard.

c) Why are they important?
· Joe mentioned that we need a police station.
Teacher: Why? Foo Soon: To catch bad people.
Teacher: Yes! If there was a fire at the shopping mall, Firefighters will rush to there. They put out the fire and save people. Meanwhile, the policemen would investigate what causes the fire. A criminal or was it the defect of electrical products. So, why do we need hospital?
Devin, Yun Xin: There are doctors to help the injured people.
· The constructor each took a label and learnt to recognise it. Then, they pasted onto a toothpick before labelling the places on the hard manila board.

d) Colouring: Fire Truck.
· The kids did colouring about a Fire truck while I called the kids individulaly to paste their labels on the hard manila board.
· Some assisted at constructing the roads using straws.
· Yan Shan accidentally spill some water onto the clay and the clay changed into mud.
· Shi Jie and Zhe Qing thought that we should reconstruct the town using a different clay which I totally agreed

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Society

Monday (18/01/2010)

(a) Flashcards

· Recapping words such as: pilot, firefighter, teacher, doctor, sailor, scientist.
· Later, we sang the song on “Five Little Firefighters” with action. Key words were highlighted to enhance the kids’ imagination.
· Words: helmet, pole, mask, siren, hose and dog.

(b) We are constructors!
· I introduced the word “society” Chun Kit asked for the meaning. I hinted them that Barney said, “People helping people is what the world is about”……..haaaa……they tried guessing.
· Society is about people near and far. Everything we do is related to one another.
· Example: the recent Earthquake in Haiti has gathered the help of firefighters, policemen, doctors, soldiers, reporters and so on. I reminded the kids to ask the meaning of Earthquake.
· Thus, we imagined ourselves constructing a town. We took Klang as an example.
· We used clay because Qian Joe suggested that we play with clay to make the Fire Truck wheels. As we had used cardboard for that, thus; we used his idea for this activity.
· First, we sketched on the board. We placed the Fire House in the middle of the map.
· Questions prompted: How can the Fire Truck move? What other buildings can you find around the Fire house.
Zhe Qing: Can we have flowers and trees? Teacher: That will be the park.
Xing Tong: can we have the playground there? Teacher: Of course.
Chia Yen: Can we sell cakes there. Teacher: That’s the cake shop.
Chun Kit: Can we have lots of snakes? Teacher: Hmmm…..the zoo! Good idea!
Kwong Yong: …and the elephants. Shi Jie: ….and the dogs. Older Xing Tong:….and cats.
Zhi Feng: My house. Jun Yu: Shops. Teacher: Don’t forget schools, children.
Kwong Yong: …and also basketball court.

· Thus, the kids started having fun with the natural clay…all only brown in colour.

(c) The Process
· Zheng Yuan thought that he could only make round balls. I prompted him that he could arrange the small balls from small to big as a caterpillar. Haaa…….he made two and we even added antennas J
· Zhe Qing made 2 butterflies next to her grandmother’s house. Chun Kit and Kwong Yong made many snakes. Wei Jeen made a “roti canai” shop. Zhi Feng made a lot of eggs to be sold in a shop….that’s cute! Xin Tong made a big flower as a florist shop. Next, Shi Jie made the school with a slide. Jun Yu made a caterpillar and also some snakes. Then, they assisted at constructing the roads. Qian Joe said that there should be a triangle or roundabout…….great idea!
· We placed all their creative products on a hard board as if it is the ground!

(d) Touching up the Fire Truck.
· Meanwhile, Foo Soon chose Devin to assist him at finishing the Fire Truck craft. Jing Kai joined along. They used poster colour to paint the burning house and cut the flames out from a cardboard.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Barney: Let’s go to the Fire Station!

Friday (15/01/2010)

(a) Poem: Five Little Fighters.
· This poem helped to reinforce the kids’ imagination of a Firefighter’s daily task. As we recited this poem, we moved our body parts…..woooooo! Highlighted vocabulary included: helmet, pole, mask, hose, siren and fire.
Five Little Firefighters
Five little firefighters
sleeping in their bed.
The first one said, "Put your helmet on your head!"
The second one said, "Down the pole we will slide."The third one said, "Get ready to ride!"
The fourth one said, "Put your gas mask on your nose."

The fifth one said, "I'll grab the hose!"
Then Woooo went the siren and out went the fire.
And the five little firemen could finally retire.

(b) Searching for answers.
· I gave the kids a few questions before watching this awesome VCD. Among them:
- What is the colour of a Firefighter’s uniform?
- What do they do?
- - Who is their best friend?

· As the kids watched, together we learnt a few lessons:
- There are many jobs.
- When we are not sure of something, we keep thinking.
- Firefighters rescue people from accident.
- Fire alarm is important.
(c) Recording: What I watched.
- The kids could remember Barney, the Fire Truck, the lady who fell at the bridge, the rescue dog among others. They started drawing their pictures. I sketched some ideas on the board and required them to try writing the word “Firefighter”.
· I was glad that everyone drew independently. Nobody said, “I don’t know”……hmmmm…….that’s great!

Among some drawings: Jing Kai drew the dog and fireman in a big jungle, Xin Tong drew a burning house rescued by the Firefighters. She even added Barney. Most of the kids drawing had Fire Truck. Both Foo Soon and Jun Hong drew a very big Fire Truck. Yan Shan drew her family on a ship. At least, they can tell the story J.


Thursday (14/01/2010)

(a) Flashcards

· To reinforce the new vocabulary on “Jobs”. Among them: Firefighter, doctor, policeman, soldier, nurse, scientist, chef and also astronaut.

(b) Discussion: Our Fire Station
· The table looked neat except that we need to have a label “Fire Station”.
· One flower was well cut while the other needed amendment. As we used cardboard box paper, it was unsuitable to colour with crayons. The kids saw the result of the crayon flowers. Thus, we agreed to use colour pencils. I showed them an easier way to draw a flower and Xin Tong, Shi Jie and Chia Yen worked successfully for much nicer flowers.
· Zhe Qing suggested that we have trees around the Fire Station while Zhi feng wanted to draw houses. Thus, they drew attentively, coloured them and cut them out nicely.

(c) Improvisation on Fire Truck.
· The wheels needed to be rounder. The kids has to use colour pencils which looked better for that paper compared to crayons. Jing Kai, Yun Xin and Devin were serious doing that.
· Jun Yu tried mending the hose which was made out of thick paper thread. He persistently rolled it just as on a real Fire Truck. I prompted him using some cellophane tape and finally, he succeeded at doing it!
· Zheng Yuan’s straw ladder has gone missing. Thus, he made another ladder. This time, he was more confident. He never gave up at cuttting the straws and pasted them together. Bravo!
· Meanwhile, Foo Soon and team continued constructing the burnt house. So did Jun Hong and team who continuously painted the Fire Truck. I guided them at drawing fire flames to add on to the fire.
· Chun Kit and Qian Joe suggested that we use some clay for the wheels in the future……Hmm…..another great idea!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fire Truck Construction

Wednesday (13/01/2010)

a) Diagram: Fire Engine or Fire Truck

* I showed them a picture of a Fire Truck. It has a siren in front of the truck while a long ladder on top of it. There are also tools such as axes, K-Lock, water hose, First Aid box. A driver will be in front while the rescue dog and the other Fire Fighters would be in the truck. Thus, from here; we recapped the duties accordingly which they already chosen the day before.

* Jing Kai and Devin – the wheels. Zhi Feng, Zheng Yuan and Wei Jeen in charged of making the ladder. Xin Tong and Shi Jie in charge of the Rescue Dog. Qian Joe and Jun Yu in charge of making the firemen. Zhe Qing and Yun Xin in charge of decorating the receptionist table. Jing Kai and Wei Hong in charge of the hose. Foo Soon and Yan Shan wanted to make the burnt building. Xin Tong and Zhi Feng agreed to bring toy phones.

b) Fire Truck Construction.
* The 6 year old kids were given the leadership responsibility to guide the 5 year-

old kids.
* Foo Soon and team constructed the burnt building.
* Jun Hong and team constructed the fire truck.
* Shi Jie and team constructed the flowers and rescue dog.
* Jing Kai and team constructed the wheels.

c) Never, never, never give up!
* Zheng Yuan and Jun Yu wanted to make the ladder. They searched for items and found straws. With little prompting, they managed to cut the straws and fixed them as a ladder. It was a challenge for Zheng Yuan to peel the double sided tape for pasting but he managed too.
* Qian Joe tried using the sate sticks to make the ladder. Eat idea too!
* Zhi Feng and Devinn drew circles for wheels while Jing Kai guided Zhi Feng to cut as round as possible.
* Zhe Qing assisted Xin Tong at decorating the rceptionist table. Zhe Qing also made a paper ladder….wow!
* Jun Hong’s team pasted recycled paper around the boxes so to ease painting for tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Firefighter Story

Monday (11/01/2010)

(a) Sharing: About my parents.
Only kids passed up their homework. Among their sharing were:
Shi Jie’s father is a businessman while her mother is a housewife. Jun Hong’s father is an IT Manager while his mother is also a busy housewife. Zhe Qing's father is a manager while her mother is a teacher. Kwong Yong's father are both teachers. Qian Thong's father works as a hawker while his mother operates a plant nursery. Foo Soon's father works for a Telecommunication company while his mother is a hairdresser. About 8 kids did this assignment.

(b) A Firefighter Story.
We watched an online story about courageous firefighters. The kids’ aim were to focus on the things related to the job of firefighters.
The story highlighted that they had a Dalmatian dog which was good at sniffing and rescuing victims. Upon the ringing bell, they changed their uniforms and hopped onto their fire engine. As they sped towards the burning area, they sang songs about their job nature. The kids enjoyed themselves. Then, we diagnosed the objects on the fire engine. Among them were: a long ladder, a long water hose, an axe, a siren and the fire engine was red colour. We watched three rounds while singing the song.

(c) Discussion: What we should have.
In order to be firefighters, we must transform our classroom into a fire station.
Zhe Qing: A firefighter must have a hat.
Xin Tong: Also their uniforms.
Jun Hong: A ladder too.
Teacher: How can we dress ourselves?
After discussion, we thought of raincoats. Wei Hong and Chun Kit said they have and will try to get parents’ permission to bring to school.

(d) A Fire Engine
Last Friday, the kids suggested to use bags as a fire engine as tables could be heavy and dangerous. Thus, today; the kids got excitedly at arranging their bags as a fire engine. Wow! They arranged as a rectangle.
First, they were sleeping. Then, the bell rang off and the got up and changed into their uniforms. They quickly hopped onto their tailor-made fire engine. However, they could only drive within the rectangle space.
Teacher : Is there a better idea than bags?
Jun Hong: Let’s use chairs.
Devin : Let’s use paper.
Teacher : Don’t paper tear easily?
Jun Hong: Maybe boxes.
Teacher : Great! We shall try with chairs first.

Tuesday (12/01/2010)

(a) Song Reinforcement: The Firefighters
To recap what they learnt and saw yesterday.
To learn the new vocabulary and phrases: wheels, siren,, hose, “fight the fire” and “save the day”.
To encourage kids’s ideas on body movements. We sang twice and enjoyed ourselves!
The Firefighter Song
The bell at the station goes ding ding ding,
Ding, ding, ding; Ding, ding, ding;
The bell at the station goes ding ding ding,
It’s time to fight a fire.

The wheels on the truck go round and round,
Round and round, Round and round,
The wheels on the truck go round and round,
It’s time to fight a fire.

The siren on the truck
goes whew, whew, whew; Whew, whew, whew,
Whew, whew, whew,
The siren on the truck goes whew, whew, whew;
It’s time to fight a fire.

The dog on the truck goes woof, woof, woof;
Woof, woof, woof, Woof, woof, woof,
The dog on the truck goes woof, woof, woof;
It’s time to fight a fire.

The hose on the truck goes squirt, squirt, squirt;
Squirt, squirt, squirt; Squirt, squirt, squirt;
The hose on the truck goes squirt, squirt, squirt;
The firefighters save the day.

(b) Possessions of Firefighters.
Teacher: Why do firefighters need dogs to fight fire.
Foo Soon: Don’t dogs bite people?
Jun Hong: But these dogs save people. They sniff for clues.

Nobody brought any raincoats as uniforms. However, the school has three pairs. Qian Joe, Jun Hong, Devin and Zhi Feng wore them while the other kids wore the yellow helmets.
Some preferred to wear belts which we folded from scarves.
Shi Jie chose to be the Dalmatian dog.
Today, they built a fire engine using their chairs ( Jun Hong’s and Qian Joe’s ideas).We borrowed toy telephones from 6 year-old class. Meanwhile, Xin Tong played the role of a clerk in the fire station office. I pretended to be trapped in a shopping mall while Kwong Yong was my little child….haaaa!
First, I called the emergency number 994. Xin Tong picked up the call and quickly pressed the alarm bell. All the firefighters woke up and quickly drove the fire engine. Of course, the Dalmatian dog followed. Some spurt the water with the long hose, Wei Hong used a rope to save me. Then, they used an imaginary ladder to save Kwong Yong. Haaa…..!

(c) Discussion: Decorating the class
We discussed the location for the clerk’s table, the parking area for the fire engine, the sleeping area for firefighters, the pantry and also the burning area.
Wei Hong accidentally knocked on Shi Jie with the chair. Thus, Jun Hong suggested we use boxes. We discussed ways of making the fire engine. However, we would do a small one first to experiment. The following team work as the kids volunteered for:
Wheels - Jing Kai & Devin - Ladder- Zhi Feng, Zheng Yuan & Wei Jun.
(Qian Joe suggested using sate sticks while
Wee Hong said using paper with cellophane
Toy dog – Xin Tong & Shi Jie. - Fireman – Qian Joe & Jun Yu.
Clerk’s table – Zhe Qing & Yun Xin. - Hose – Jing Kai & Wei Hong.
Burnt building – Foo Soon & Yan Shan.

Meanwhile, Zhi Feng and Xin Tong promised to bring toy telephones. Jun Hong wanted to bring boxes and rope ladder while Foo Soon wanted to bring wheels. Let’s just see the outcome tomorrow, firefighters!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome, children of 2010!

mMonday (04/01/2010)

a) Introduction
I introduced myself to the kids and they introduced themselves too by saying, “My name is........”.
I printed short slips of the kids' names. Upon calling each name, they raised up their hands. They pasted onto a small tag which was to be worn for the next 5 days. Hopefully, I can remember their names better and vice versa; they recognised their names better.

b) Song: Friends
I told them a short story of how a girl went to a new school. She was scared as everyone was new to her. We did have a few new friends in the class. Thus, one friendly boy came to be her friend. He sang a song for her and she started smiling. So, the song goes like this:

We walk to the left and we walk to the right,
And we walk, and we walk, and we walk alright,
With a heel and the toes and a half turn around,
With a heel and the toes,
And a new friend found.

c) Drawing
* Foo Soon, Devin and Xin Thong asked if they could draw. I agreed but asked what they were interested to draw. Some wanted to draw their friends and school. Some kids wanted to draw their favourite ideas in their minds. Example: Jing Kai requested to take a book from the shelf and Foo Soon joined him. They enjoyed drawing tigers. Zhi Feng drew his house with somebody listening to the radio. The others drew ABC Learning Centre and friends. Ming Yi drew her teachers as well....:) We shall continue tomorrow to get them explain thoroughly about their pictures.