Our Pomegranate friends!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Animals: Safari
(i) Writing and colouring
As usual, most kids were excited after the outdoor play. After drinking water, we arranged the tables and chairs. They did some writing focusing on “o”. I could feel that most of them are showing interest in writing and colouring….which will strengthen their motor skills. In fact, LX, ZJ and JS are more independent.
A parent came in to show her son’s drawing, sharing her memorable moment Good work, WY!.... for you are now able to colour a complete picture and shows interest in writing.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Spatial,Body-Kinesthetic skills)
(ii) Discussion on Mathematical worksheet
Then, we did review on shapes namely; circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle and crescent. We sang the “Five Little Ducks” again to reinforce the Mathematical skills. Then, I drew a picture of “ostrich” formed from shapes. They counted the different shapes found in the ostrich. They required some time as the triangles and rectangles were of different lengths and angles. They volunteered individually to count the number of shapes. Then they circle the relevant numbers on the whiteboard. Some quiet kids began to volunteer which was a good sign.
(MI: Logical-Mathematical, Musical, Linguistic, Intrapersonal skills)
(iii) Individual activity on Mathematical worksheet
As today’s focus was on writing skill, thus we did a worksheet on the ostrich discussed earlier before tea-break. SY, M and SYu were independent while ZY and EG could be rather careless. Surprisingly, SC performed well….good job! The others required more prompting but managed to answer the questions.
(MI: Logical-Mathematical, Intrapersonal, Spatial, Body-Kinesthetic skills)
(iii) Animal Safari
Next, I shared with them M’s Encyclopedia. They were thrilled with Condor, the bald bird which eats dead animals and bodies due to their strong smelling sense. We talked about the monkeys they had seen in the zoo. I showed them a picture of pinkish faced monkeys which were fierce. EG managed to guess why monkeys have longer hands than legs……because they need to swing fast and easily.
Then, we discussed about the Animal Safari in Melaka. What caught their attention was the Monkey Island in the lake. They decided to have a Tiger Island because they are dangerous! They also noticed the signboards and the trucks. Then, we analysed our incomplete Safari layout. We only managed to make a signboard for each area. As for the roads, they said that it was nice and enough. SY said too many roads will make the layout look messy. Again, I’m proud because they learned to take care of the layout although I placed it in the classroom.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Linguistic, Naturalist, Body-Kinesthetic skills)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Safari In Progress (4)
(i) Corner playing and Phonics
As play stimulates a child’s development growth, we stared the day with “corner playing”. The kids could choose any games or toys. JW, ZY and LX were excited with the toy animals while JH and JS preferred the straws game. Meanwhile, ZY, EG, SY and SYu chose to draw and colour animals which they saw from ZY’s Animal Encyclopedia They talked about the animals and even shared their experience. I would say that 70% of my kids could team up when it comes to play. Thus, for activities, they need lots of encouragement to team up.
While playing, I did my one-to-one phonics reading. We focused on “at” as in bat, cat, fat, rat, hat and mat. They learnt the sounds as well as did reading on sentences. WY, SY, SYu were quite independent. The others needed more prompting.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Linguistic, Body-Kinesthetic skills)
(ii) Song and numbers
Next, I recapped the song on “Five Little Ducks” to reinforce their numbers and English vocabulary. They sang the song with actions and more independently. They could also explain the lyrics. Then, I jumbled the numbers for them to rearrange, followed by picture drawing to indicate the calculation. Most of them were independent including ZJ, SC, ZY and WY. LX required more guidance which she coped with.
(MI: Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Intrapersonal, Spatial, Body-Kinesthetic, Musical skills)
(iii) Analysing Safari layout
After tea-break, we gathered together to analyze our incomplete Safari layout. The kids talked about their products. ZY shared about his bridge across the lake, WY talked about his porcupine and YW talked about her ice-cream shop. Then, we discussed on other moulds they could add on; such as lions, giraffes and shops. I reminded them of the signboards and walls. Then, EG and WY explained the reason of having a wall. “To avoid the animals fight.” Intelligent answer….. EG argued that the truck could not travel into the animals’ area. ZY, SY, ZY and JW disagreed with him. Pretending not knowing the answer, I asked them how we could solve this problem. ZY said, “Let’s go to the Safari.” The others excitedly said “yes”! I told them that I would try my best to arrange a trip.
(MI: Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalist skills)
(iii) Play dough and Safari
They started molding the play dough. I gave them an extra colour of yellow. SY and SYu formed more hippopotamuses and tortoises. YW made a tiger, ZJ with his cheetah, LX, JW, ZY and WY with more porcupines. JW made another lake. EG formed a person to be placed at the ticketing counter. JH, SC and ZJ were creative with their walls. ZY kept thinking on how to make the shops. He searched at the classroom’s corner and found some small boxes. He would continue the next lesson due to insufficient time. They were so fired-up and creative. Meanwhile, I called some students to write the signboard labels. WY, LX, ZJ, SC, M and SYu wrote pretty well. The others would write the next lesson.
(MI: Spatial, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Linguistic, Body-Kinesthetic skills)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Safari Map In Progress (3)
(i) Song: Five Little Ducks
In the morning, we did a song on “Five Little Ducks”. Before the song, I drew a picture for them to guess. Their logical skill told them that it was a duck and her baby ducklings. I asked them to guess the story. EG said a crocodile ate them, ZYg called out that a snake swallowed them while YZ said they got lost. JS said a tiger ate them. Then, I pasted a cardboard of the lyrics. They listened attentively to the first verse as I pointed the words. ZY, JN, M, EG started smiling when I sang the second verse. The others were still attentive and looking at my gestures portraying the Mother Duck and how my 5 fingers reduced to 4, then 3 and finally 0. Most of them joined me singing at the fourth verse. They even reminded me to cross out every missing little duck. Then, the class was divided into two groups to perform the song with actions. They were anxious when the number got reduced.
(MI: Logical-Mathematical, Intrapersonal, Linguistic, Body-Kinesthetic, Musical skills)
(ii) Flashcards: Animal names
After tea-break, we did a flashcard session on the animal names. Most of them were able to read words on “tiger, lion, crocodile, duck and snake”. The others required some initial phonics sound to guide them such as “hippopotamus, peacock and horse”.
(MI: Linguistic, Intrapersonal, skills)
(iii) Play dough and Safari
Then, we talked about our current Safari layout. We talked about the other animals that we could occupy there. I did an example of hippopotamus mould. I recapped words like “squash, roll and form the play dough”. They did not bring the toothpicks as they said they would. EG said he didn’t have any. Luckily, I had some sate sticks which I later shortened them. They learnt to strengthen their moulds by using the sate sticks.
I asked their opinions on how to form a porcupine. JN suggested using the sate sticks as the needles. As for the peacock, SY recommended we draw beautiful feathers and stick to the play dough. Out of the 17 kids, about 13 were able to decide what they wanted to do. Today, only 2 kids asked for my assistance. Their imagination even contributed ice-cream sellers, bridges across the lake and hills. ZY formed a nice tiger, SYu did a baby hippopotamus, WY, JS and JN did the porcupine while ZY formed a bird. ZY wanted to place the birds next to the snake and I questioned him of the consequences. Then, he decided to place it next to the lake and hippopotamus.
We ended the class by asking the kids to think of more ways to improve their Safari. YZ said, “Teacher, I think it’s a fantastic Safari”. I smiled realizing that they are potential kids!
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Spatial, Body-Kinesthetic, Naturalist skills)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Safari Map In Progress (2)
(i) Activity: Shapes
We started the day with “shapes” We learnt 6 shapes namely; circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle and crescent. The kids learnt the pronunciation. Then, they related these shapes to their classroom and surroundings. Example: the clock, ceiling fan and radio’s speakers are circle, the hangers and the windows are triangle. The moon is sometimes circle and crescent. My face and most of their friends are oval. They learnt to differentiate rectangle and square using a thread. Next, the lesson was reinforced with a thread given to each child. They made a few shapes. Circle and oval were simple compared to square. LX, SYu, JW and JH, JS needed more guidance.
(MI: Logical-Mathematical, Linguistic, Intrapersonal skills)
(ii) Activity: Play dough and craft
After tea-time, we learnt to form play dough into shapes. Rules and regulations were earlier highlighted. Example: a) cleanliness, b) no mixture of colours, c) to always try. First, they learnt vocabulary on “form, roll, and squash” related to play dough. Second, they formed the variety shapes learnt earlier. Most of them were independent with circle and rectangle. Crescent and triangle were more challenging. M, ZY, JN and SY formed all by themselves.
(MI: Body-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Spatial, Logical-Mathematical skills)
Then, the fun time when I told them they could make any animals. YZ made a dinosaur, ZY made people instead while some made snake. The idea here was to get their motor skills formed their imagination. They even helped one another. I was impressed that SY kept assisting our new friend, SYu. The mould is more important than the look!
(MI: Body-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal skills)
While doing their shapes, I called the kids individually to sponge the Safari’s grass. The kids and I actually discussed that earlier. They enjoyed seeing the green everywhere!
(MI: Body-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Spatial skills)
(iii) Activity: Story telling
As the afternoon teacher had to go back earlier due to unforeseen circumstances, I handled the class. I did story telling on “Big and Little” by the Scholastic Publisher. I enjoyed the story as much as the kids did. They learnt the differences between big and little. The story portrayed pictures of many animals. Some kids’ imagination was stimulated with their own experience and guessing especially YZ, ZY, JH, EG and JN.
(MI:, Intrapersonal, Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical skills)
(iv) Activity: Play dough and Safari
Next, we did play dough. I showed them an example to form an elephant. I used the words of “roll, squash and form”. They tried with more colours (3). Meanwhile, I called them individually to paste their craft grass which was made earlier.
M finished first with his long snake and the other kids got interested with snakes. JS, JH and JW did snakes too. I stressed that we need other animals as we were making a Safari and not a snake park! They added the eggs …..phew! SYu formed a tortoise, ZYg kept pasturing me to help him with crocodile. I explained to him on how to form. He tried and hey…..it was partially completed. He had to think about it to continue tomorrow. EG made some rocks and a lake. The others made more rocks. They even started the road partially. I asked them to think about their Safari so as to get more ideas for tomorrow. Their smiles…just beautiful….
(MI: Body-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Spatial, Naturalist skills)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Safari Map In Progress
Today, a few visitors visited our class. One was a 4-year-old girl, her 6-year-old sister and her 9-year-old brother. Everyone was puzzled but excitement were on some faces.
(i) Activity: Poem recitement
We recited a poem on “Delicious Animals”. I got volunteered kids to assist me. I whispered the picture they had to draw. The audience kids guessed the picture. One was a tiger, another was a giraffe and a baby elephant. I drew a crocodile for them to guess as the selected kids hadn’t got any clues to draw. The poem was recited with actions. Objective of the poem was to develop their listening and speaking skills. They learnt to recognize the animal names. Their expressions were rather impressive especially YW, YZ, ZY and ZYg.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Spatial, Linguistic skills)
(ii) Activity: Continuation of Safari Map
I recapped what the kids had learnt last week. We recalled the main differences between a safari and a zoo. By now, there was only the 6-year-old girl visitor, ZYu who later enrolled in our school. Her family had left her alone. She was rather puzzled about the safari. Thus, to accommodate everyone’s excitement, I took out the platform board and placed some play-dough animals. The animals were placed according to their desired placed as sketched last week. Then, some kids placed their grass. As we wanted to have more green grass, we started making more grass craft using green colour paper. 60% of the kids were independent. In fact, I was glad that LX was more independent and M gave her some help too. My challenge was to assist SR, JH and ZYu who needed more assurance. Although ZYu found difficulties in cutting but she managed to cope the task pretty fast.
(MI:, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Spatial skills)
(iii) Activity: Animal drawing
The kids were given a half- A4 sized paper to draw any safari animals. I was entertained by their pictures. Everyone was independent except LX, ZYu, SR and JH who needed more guidance. All managed to draw animals except SR who insisted with a cheeky smile; that she preferred balloons in the safari. Most of them drew lions, tigers or crocodiles attacking people or fighting. ZJ’s masterpiece portrayed people holding hands in the safari and a big jeep transporting them.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Spatial, Naturalist skills)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Safari Map
(i) “If you don’t know where the tigers or elephants are in a safari, what should you do?” The kids guessed. Some said asked the safari staff or anyone touring the safari. ZY said looked at the map. Today, the kids imagined that they owned a Safari. Thus, they had to plan the layout.
Can the animals be placed at anywhere? They learnt about “wild animals” and “tame animals”. Thus, they realized that we shouldn’t place tigers near to horses or rabbits.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Linguistic skills)
(ii) They recalled the animal names learnt yesterday. Flashcards were used to assist. I wrote the 16 animal names on the whiteboard. Each took turns to choose their favourite animal. After choosing, they drew a location for their chosen animal. We used a cardboard as the sketched layout. I reminded them of a lake for the crocodiles and hippopotamuses. Spaces were also allotted for shops. ZY gave an idea that we must have a “store garage” to store the animals’ food. All agreed.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalist, Linguistic, Spatial skills)
(iii) We started by cutting some paper to decorate as grasses. Then, they coloured the grasses.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Spatial skills)
Do you know them?
(i) Today, I started the class with flash cards. Among the wild animals were leopard, snake, hippopotamus, tiger and gorilla. Each kid shared their ideas on these animals. Their remarks included:
“Godzilla is bigger than Gorilla. / Teacher, what is leopard in Chinese Language? / Does a tiger eat people? / Is that a python snake? / What about turtles? Can we find them in a safari?”
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalist, Linguistic, Body-Kinesthetic, skills)
(ii) Then, we played a game on “Simon says do this.” I modified the game. The main person would say, “Simon, Simon; what are the (elephants / gorillas/ ducks / crocodiles / snakes) doing?”
(MI: Interpersonal, Body-Kinesthetic, skills)
(iii) I divided them into 2 groups namely “student” and “teacher”. They were supposed to read the flash cards independently. Successful readers gained points for the “student” group while I gained points if they needed guidance. They won happily!
(MI: Interpersonal, Logical-Mathematical skills)
Sub-theme Selection
(i) The song, “The Farmer In The Dell” was introduced to warm them up. I drew the cartoon farmer and his wife, son and nurse. Thus, I asked them to guess the animals the farmer brought along. Some said cows, horses, pigs and also ducks. Then, I sketched the cartoon animals for them to guess. Ha…ha….ha…..Most of them guessed correctly. The continuation of the song would be,
“The nurse takes the dog, the nurse takes the dog, the nurse takes the dog,
Hi-ho derry, the nurse takes the dog.”
“The dog takes the cat, the dog takes the cat, the dog takes the cat,
Hi-ho derry, the dog takes the cat.”
“The cat takes the rat, the cat takes the rat, the cat takes the rat,
Hi-ho derry, the cat takes the rat.”
“The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone,
Hi-ho derry, the cheese stands alone.”
(MI: Interpersonal, Linguistic, Body-Kinesthetic, Musical skills)
(ii) Next, we talked about the places animals stay. Basically, they were in the sky, on
the land and in the water. We were only going to focus on one area. They wanted the land animals. Then, the mind-mapping of the land animals were extended. There were 4 locations namely (a) jungle, (b) zoo, (c) safari, (d) house and (e) pet shops. They voted for their choice. Two votes were only allowed for each kid. The highest votes went to the zoo and safari. Before voting, I explained about Safari to them. They shared their experience too. All kids had been to a zoo but only EG mentioned that he had been to a safari. Finally, they decided to do Safari which was almost similar to a zoo. They were very excited about the safari.
(MI: Interpersonal, Naturalist, Linguistic, Body-Kinesthetic, Logical - Mathematical skills)
(iii) Next the kids shared their knowledge and experience of a zoo. I then distinguished the main difference between a zoo and a safari. They learnt that, animals are caged in a zoo whereas in a safari, they are free to wander. In fact, people are caged in a jeep for safety.
Then, we talked about the other facilities. There were ticketing counters, shops (food, drinks and others), walls, roads for jeeps and possibly of a train track.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalist, Linguistic skills)
Theme Selection
(i) Today, the kids and I discussed on the choice of a new theme. We had just finished the “Chinese New Year” theme. As I asked them, there was silence before WY shouted “Batman”! Some kids then uttered “Spiderman, Ben Ten”. I felt more relieved when the girls started suggesting “Cinderella and Power puff Girls”. This undecided theme would be called “The Fantasy Stories”.
Then, another group called for “monsters and dinosaurs” theme. Later, ZY said about “crocodiles”. He was then backed up by his friends. They mentioned about tigers and elephants. So, this would be the “animals” theme.
(Multiple Intelligence Skills involved: Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Linguistic skills)
(ii) I reminded them of some friends’ intention of visiting the Orphanage Home (aroused due to sharing of Chinese new Year moments). So, I highlighted the theme on “People”.
So, we started voting. Each kid was allowed to vote only twice. The most voted theme went to “animals”.
(MI: Interpersonal, Logical-Mathematical skills)
(iii) Next, we discussed on the various animals that they know of. “Crocodile, tiger and rabbits” were their favourites. Other animals included “horses, tortoises and snakes”.
Then, each made the sound and movement of any animals to be guessed by classmates.
They just loved it!
(MI: Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, Body-Kinesthetic skills)