Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Safari Map

22/02/2008 (Friday)

“If you don’t know where the tigers or elephants are in a safari, what should you do?” The kids guessed. Some said asked the safari staff or anyone touring the safari. ZY said looked at the map. Today, the kids imagined that they owned a Safari. Thus, they had to plan the layout.
Can the animals be placed at anywhere? They learnt about “wild animals” and “tame animals”. Thus, they realized that we shouldn’t place tigers near to horses or rabbits.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Linguistic skills)

(ii) They recalled the animal names learnt yesterday. Flashcards were used to assist. I wrote the 16 animal names on the whiteboard. Each took turns to choose their favourite animal. After choosing, they drew a location for their chosen animal. We used a cardboard as the sketched layout. I reminded them of a lake for the crocodiles and hippopotamuses. Spaces were also allotted for shops. ZY gave an idea that we must have a “store garage” to store the animals’ food. All agreed.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalist, Linguistic, Spatial skills)

(iii) We started by cutting some paper to decorate as grasses. Then, they coloured the grasses.
(MI: Intrapersonal, Spatial skills)

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