Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A respectable guest

25/09/2008 (Thursday)

a) Song Reinforcement: Airplane
* We read through the words.Questions were asked to check their understanding. They sang the song
with movements.
* We had 2 mountains and a cloud in the classroom. The kids flew around while singing and were very careful not to hit anything! They loved it!

b) A guest
* They attended Jin Nan's grandmother's little sharing, She,Teacher Xie taught the 2 5-year-old classesto do some simple but very good Tai Chi techniques.
* Most kids could do very well......great observation and motor skills.
* About 15 minutes later,somecomplaint of tired legs. They sat for a while. Others continuedpersistently.
* Next,Teacher Xie introducedChinese Calligraphy. Thekids learnt the correct way ofholding the brush and the proper Chinese strokes.
* They also saw how Teacher Xie painted somebeautiful pictures.

c) Audience of traditional “ Shadow puppet”
* The kids watched their friends from the other 5-*year-old class performed short stories. They were happy and excited.
* An inspiration for another drama....perhaps.
* We thankedTeacher Xie for her valuable time.

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