Friday (27/03/2009)
a) New vocabulary words
We learnt new words. Jelly fish, crab, lobster, octopus.
Questions beforehand.
I wrote 4 questions for the kids. They have to look for the answer while watching the film.
(1). Where is Nemo now? (2). Where is the aquarium? (3). Who helps Marlin and Dory to search for Nemo? (4). Who wanted to eat Marlin and Dory?
b) Film continuation: Finding Nemo.
Luckily, the diver dropped his oxygen mask. It had his address. The mask was near the the sharks’ home. Those were good sharks who pledged not to eat fishes. However, Dory accidentally injured himself and Bruce; the Great White Shark sniffed his blood and started chasing the fishes for his meal…haaaaa! Hilarious and frightening. They escaped but the mask fell into the fifth level of the ocean which was totally dark. Wohh…….until they saw a light which actually belonged to an Anglerfish! It looked very scary with huge sharp teeth. Both Dory and Marlin were so lucky to escape. Fortunately, Dory could read and he read out the address for marlin. Despite being forgetful, Dory could remember the address amazingly…… blessing!
Meanwhile, they asked for direction and swam eagerly to Sydney. Then they encountered millions of jellyfish which stung Dory and nemo too got stung in order to rescue Dory. The kids got fascinated to know that Clown Fish are not afraid of jellyfish as they are use to Sea Anenome which is poisonous. However, too much jellyfish could still harm any fish.
Nemo was actually taken to Sydney. He now lived in an aquarium togetehr with other fishes including a starfish. He was to be a birthday present for the diver’s niece. The diver was actually a dentist. Thus, the aquarium was now in the dentist’s. They planned to escape but it failed and they just gave up. (To be continued).