Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thunderstorm versus Twister

Tuesday (02/06/2009)

a) The Clapping Game Song

l We warmed up by singing the song and moving around. Two people a pair and they got better each time. After the completion of a round, they have to quickly change a new partner.
l They learnt some vocabulary: yourself, everywhere, clapping game.

b) Cheerleaders practice

l The girls gathered: Le Xin, Yun Wen, Shi Jie, Jin Nan, Sharlene and Jen Ning. They turned their back first. Once the music is on, they turned to face the audience. Some steps they followed mine, some they suggested.
l We used the rhythm 1234, 2234, 3234, and 4234 as guidance.

c) Basketball Competition
l The most thrilled moment: Thunderstorm against Twister! Thunderstorm comprised of Eugene, Zi Jun, Jin Shan, Wen Yue and also Foo Soon. Twister comprised of Jien Wei, Max, Song Chuan, Yun Zhe and Justin. The reserved were Jing Kai, Guan Yi and Shu Wei. Ze Yan was absent.
l Today’s game witnessed much improvement. There was more team work and they know how to avoid foul as well as throw the ball to another partner once grabbed the ball. However, some of them tend to throw to the wrong person. We have to solve this challenge.
l Due to fouls, Twister was given a few free throws and that was the reason they scored 5 against Thunderstorm, 2.
l They were better at grabbing the ball and passing around. In between the game 5 minutes break was given and the Cheerleaders performed their cheers. They were not independent yet but at least they have a better idea.

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