Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday (30/03/2010)

a) Filtering

The kids gathered to watch filtering. A few kids were chosen to filter the pencil lead solution. One was the normal, the other colour pencils lead. YUn Wen, Zhe Qing, Chun Kit and Xing Tong were among the kids. The others observed as the solution dripped from the funnels. One was grey while the colour leads were rather colourful. Then, they smelled the solution and observed the substance.
Xing Tong: There’s powder!
Wei Jeen: It’s smelly!
Shi Jie: There are still some short leads.
Teacher: So, what do you think of leads? Can they be recycled?
Class: No, it’s smelly. It has poison.
l Leads are not poisonous but the chemicals added in pencil manufacturing such as for colours, were the reason why it is unsafe for children to bite their pencils.
l They are quite difficult to dissolve therefore pencil lead cannot be recycled but some other graphites can be recycled. Thus, I asked the kids to think of other ways to recycle the pencil leads as craft.

b) Sketching
Then, we watched a video clip on how the artist sketched pictures with just a pencil. Foo Soon immediately said he has an 8B pencil, suitable for sketching. They saw how Michael Jackson was sketched. Back in the class, the kids chose either pencils or colour pencils to shade their traced picture. Most of them, traced the sides as frames.

Pencil flake

Wednesday (31/03/2010)

a) Recycling lead.
Today we watched how big pieces of graphites being recycled. High temperature was needed
to break them. But what can we do as kids? Foo Soon said we could make a souvenir in a
bottle. Perhaps with some sand, stones, rocks and also pencil leads. Good idea!

b) Recording
We discussed about yesterday’s pencil lead experiment. A good scientist must record what they see and do. They recapped and I drew 2 bottle of pencil lead solution on the whiteboard. Then, I added a funnel to filter the liquid into a container. The final substance were small pieces of graphite and powder.

c) The breakable lead.
How do people recycle lead or graphite? Shi Jie reminded us that graphites are from the Earth core. Some can be recycled, some can’t Today, we watched a recycling factory that recycled lots of big pieces of lead found in televisions and brakes. High temperature was needed and then they were soaked. But what can our little hands do? Pencil wood can be recycled. Pencil leads made into souvenirs. Thus, we continued with our craft.
Yun Xin: Teacher, why does some lead break easily inside the pencil. Yun Wen said maybe a person hit the pencils on the wall. 2 reasons: low quality pencil leads and we drop the pencils too many times.

d) Craft: Pencil flakes
Each kid was given a sharpener and they sharpen blunt colour pencils. They took the pencil flakes to make shapes pasted on their traced drawing. Some made flowers, fish, sun, siren and etc.

e) Kids’ curiosity.
Devin: Teacher, why does Mona Lisa keep looking at us?
Teacher: It was because Leonardo was an awesome painter. The way he painted looked as if a real person. Thus, the shading of the eyes looked like watching you wherever you go. I drew a simple face on the board. They tried walking left to right and v.v. The eyes didn’t look at them. Today, computer software are able to produce these types of pictures easily.
The painting caused more than RM 2, 400 million.
Jun Hong: Teacher, than we can sell your this copy of Mona Lisa.
I laughed saying that that was only a photocopy not an actual one.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Magic Drawing

Monday (29/03/2010)

a) Graphite.

* When the English found the graphite mine in 1564, people started making pencil lead and pencils. Pencil leads are made from graphite, a type of stone or mineral from the Earth core. It looks similar to coals and can be used to write.
Foo Soon: Teacher, we can also write using the joss stick.
* That’s true. Then, we took a look at Zhe Qing’s collection of different pencils. There kids saw the letters HB and 2B before I introduced to them. We shaded on a paper and 2B pencils have darker lead colours whereas HB are lighter. There was 8B which had thicker lead of darker colour. They were more suitable for drawing and sketching. There was a hexagon shaped pencil to give the user a better grip or for people who have writing difficulty.

b) Analysing the lead experiment.
Then, we analsyed our lead experiment:
* The normal pencil leads dissolved in the water and produced dark grey colour in the clear water. That was because they were grey pencil leads. However, the coloured pencil leads produced more colourful water. Both bottles consist of mud at the bottom of the bottle. I opened one bottle and Wei Jeen suggested that I pour the water out. They smelled and realized that it was smelly. Shi Jie said it was because of the chemical used to make the pencil leads. We would only analyse the mud that sank at the bottom of the bottle today because we need a filter.

c) Leonardo da Vinci.
Teacher: What did you learn last Friday?
Yun Wen: The painter.
* Yes, we were talking about Leonardo da Vinci last week. He was a famous painter, also a scientist and inventor. He always carried a short pencil with a notebook wherever he goes. Whenever he thinks of an idea, he would jot down them and start sketching down with his pencil. However, his famous painting was Mona Lisa which until today, no painter could paint as well as him! J
* There were a few reasons why Mona Lisa painting won the hearts of many painters. One of the reasons was how the late Leonardo painted the eyes. “The eyes would look into yours wherever you stand”. This was a technique that not many could do. Today’s IT skill could do this feature easily. The kids got excited and walked to the left and right, front and back and true enough, “Teacher, the eyes are watching us!”… J Now, they can remember Mona Lisa.

d) Tracing: The magic drawing.
* The kids learnt about tracing paper. It could be used to trace any picture they like especially the ones difficult to draw. They can also make many copies from the tracing paper.
* First, they chose a drawing from any book. Then they traced. Next, they shaded the back page of the picture. Then, they can draw on the lines of the picture (front page). After that, they can see some light trace on their A4 paper. They are suppose to trace that again. Then, the kids exchanged with some of their friends for their pictures. Some kids found it fun, some found it difficult. Devin thought that it is easier and more fun to draw straight onto the paper. However, Yun Wen thought that it was magical and fun!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Graduation

Friday (26/03/2010)

a) Sharing Session.

l Everyone was wearing green today to standardize the uniform. The kids queued up and took their relevant flashcards and props. We had invited 2 classes; 4-year old and 5-year old to join our session. First, we greeted the teachers and then the kids. Then, each came out to say their lines. They were all independent and sang the “Matches” song. Then, came Foo Soon and Jun Hong’s turn to share about “Stop, Drop and Roll” and “Get Low and Crawl” self-rescue.
l Before we ended, each class queued up to do the “Stop, Drop and Roll” and “Get Low and Crawl” self-rescue. They enjoyed the rolling….haaa!

b) Graduation.
* They queued at the school field. Their Chief Firefighter was Shi Jie. They marched following her orders. Today, they performed the best compared to all rehearsals. After singing the National Anthem, the junior firefighters awaited to be rewarded with badges. However, the guest of honour couldn’t make it last minute. Devin wanted to know the reason. I told him that probably she has some emergency matter. Thus, I rewarded them with their honourable badges. I pinned onto their green t-shirt. They were very proud of themselves.

c) Pencil lead experiment
l As we had some time left, I invited the 4 6-year old kids to show us their experiment. Jun Hong, Foo Soon, Shi Jie and Yun Wen said that we needed 2 water bottles. One for the normal pencil lead. Another for the colour pencil lead. The other kids then helped to segregate the pencil leads into the appropriate bottle. The class had been collecting pencil leads since a month ago. Then some water was added into each bottle. We shall see the outcome on Saturday.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday (25/03/2010)

a) Rehearsal
Today, we did a full rehearsal at the main hall. The kids took their props and flashcards and stood at their positions. Then, they marched out individually to share their sentences. Overall, they were very independent at sharing but they have to be more disciplined at marching and remembering their exact positions……haaaa….. J

b) Marching Practice
Then, we went marching outside. Their straight posture and swaying of arms were highlighted.
Then, they sang the National Anthem with more confident.

c) Leonardo da Vinci
l After 1500s, when a lot of graphite was discovered, people started making pencils. Pencil leads are made from graphite.
l One famous person who always carried and used a pencil was Leonardo da Vinci. He was a famous artist and also known as a scientist and inventor. WE watched a video clip and the kids saw some of his famous paintings included the human wheel, the baby and they also saw a few of his invention notes on helicopters and aeroplanes….to be continued.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Experimenting with pencil.

Wednesday (24/03/2010)

a) Observation

l The kids recalled what they saw during their trip yesterday. Chun Kit remembered about the Police Museum while Devin remembered the National Museum.
l We were lucky that we saw a lot of things related to our current lessons on “Scientist”. The various stones dug showed that they could be of various colours from the Earth Core or the kids referred to as stomach.
l Thus, we watched a video clip again about the Neolithics writing culture. Xing Tong said that writing on paper is much easier than on stones. Thus, different tools were created to ease writing.

b) It became a stone!
l That was Jing Kai’s remark. The mud clay which the kids wrote on Tuesday evening were still soft at writing or drawing. Today, it became hard and Shi Jie tried writing on them but very difficult. They touched their stones, analysed them, juggling them.
Teacher: Why did it become hard?
Shi Jie: Because you removed the plastic wrapper.
Yun Wen: There is no more water. Water makes it soft.
Teacher: Where do clay come from?
Qian Joe: Near the grass. Teacher: Good! Some is near the river. What is actually mud?
l They learnt that mud clay is a type of stone on the top layer of the Earth and some is within 3 km deep down the ground.
l Teacher: What are the writing tools for today?
l Paper and various pencils. Kids guessed that pencils are made from trees. Thus, we watched a video clip on “The Making of pencils”.
l They were amazed to see that the pencil lead is actually long cylinder shape. The pencil leads were first made by crushing the granites. Then, colours were added for making colour pencils. After molding as long cylinder, they were put in between 2 pieces of wood by machines. Then, they were either packed by hands or machines. Wow, it was quite a challenging process.

c) Experimenting with pencil.
l We observed the pencil and I cut opened it. It was quite tough and yes…we saw the long lead. Thus, a pencil consists of 2 parts: the long lead and the wood part. Why can’t it just consist of the lead? They said because the lead is easily broken.
l Who invented pencils? The kids guessed and guessed the different jobs but finally Jun Hong guessed correctly. It was two carpenters who were husband and wife. However, they made pencil the difficult way. They took a piece of wood and dug the inner side of the wood. Then, a piece of lead was inserted slowly. Sometimes, they had to modify the lead just to fit the wood case.
l Later, scientists invented machines that made two piece of wood. Each wood has got a curve so that the lead could be placed in between before sandwiching the woods together.

d) National Anthem: Negaraku
* We practised the National Anthem to reinforce the lyrics. I reminded them of “discipline” as informed by the police officer who worked in the museum. Thus, they stood straight and sang seriously while saluting.

The Museum Trip.

Tuesday (23/03/2010)

a) The Police Museum

* In the museum, we saw the modern and older side of police force in Malaysia.
First, we watched a short film and realized that police force was first introduced by the Portuguese when they came.to Melaka. Later, it was further enforced by the British. The locals were trained and together they fought the Japanese soldiers during World War II. After Independence Day, Malaysia had its own Police Force called “Polis Diraja Malaysia”.
l Thus, during the tour we saw the changes of uniforms to the most recent. Shi Jie said, “Look! Girls can also be a police!” This was because we saw many dummies wearing various police uniforms. We also saw the tools they used including guns and boms. Their various transportations included horse cart, motorcycle, police cars, helicopters and also ships.
l We were very fortunate when the police officer gave a brief explanation about their uniform including the badges, guns, belts, shoes. Finally he also highlighted that disciplinary is critical in the police force.

b) The National Museum
After lunch, we continued the trip to National Museum.
* It was exhibiting, the cavemen period or rather Neolithics period. We were so lucky as we were also learning about that currently. There was also exhibition about the Kings and our National symbols. There was also pottery exhibitions.
* Devin called out loudly when he saw cave painting on the cave wall. The others gathered and they they were sketching some animal pictures. The others were rubbing the pieces of wood to make a fire.
* We saw the changes of head skulls from prehistoric till today. The kids saw the difference especially on the jaws. Furthermore, the size was begger than of today’s.
* We saw how statues were carved out from big rocks and the Foo Soon said they must have taken something sharp to carve that and he was fully agreed by Jun Hong.
* Then we saw the various stones from the Earth’s different core layer. They were of various colours. Some seemed harder and they were used for planting, buildings, writing tools and etc.
* After touring, we sat at a place to draw what we liked the most for this trip.

c) School

Upon reaching school, the kids had their tea break and rest. Each was given the McDonalds toys and that made them even happier! J

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Neolithics Alphabet System

Friday (19/03/2010)
a) Rescue vehicles.
· Wei Jeen brought us this wonderful book. It shows various vehicles for different emergency situations. Among: forest helicopter, a big fire truck with long ladders, snowplough, helicopter ambulance, patrol car, airport fire truck, ambulance, police motorcycle.
· The kids said all these needed petrol to move. Shi Jie said except people. Foo Soon said a bicycle needed petrol and he said it was in the tyre. Other kids said they sometimes go to petrol station to pump in the air but not fuel. Hmmm……I didn’t give them the answer but we would find out next week.
· The kids were interested at the snowplough and asked how come it could move in the thick snow. Chun Kit saw the huge wheels which looked like trains and tankers. Yun Wen wondered how the people could drive in the thick snowy road without the help of the snowplough. People would starve of hunger.

b) The Neolithics Alphabet System.
· The kids remembered that writing was needed for buying and selling. They said kids wanted to learn to write. That was true later on as they formed their own letters and words.
· Writing in the Neolithics Age was to record what they saw and learnt and passed the information the next generations. Animal pictures were seen and other images too!
· We saw pictures from an Encyclopedia. The class saw the Neolithic symbols. I printed a copy for them and highlighted how the words changes from difficult to easier level. Example: the word “sun” of the first generation looked like an eye but at the fourth generation, it was much simpler.

c) Analysing.
Teacher: Was it easy when you tried writing on the bricks with the stones?
Class: No. Yun Wen: …….but some stones are easier to write with.
· It was a good answer. Thus, the Neolithic people had to keep thinking of better ways for writing.
Shi Jie: We also wrote on the wood.
· The class said that writing on the wood was easier. However, they were puzzled why their hands were dusty after writing with chalks.
Yun Wen: Just like some stones. When you throw them onto the ground, they break into small pieces like chalks. They can be dusty.
· The dust was actually the powder form. The class learnt that stones, bricks, chalks are actually a kind of rock found in the Earth stomach. They looked amazed when I told them that the pencil leads that had been collecting was also a type of rocks. However, we would learn more about layers in the near future.

d) A different material.
Teacher: What is wood made from?
Jun Hong: Trees.
Teacher: What other things can a tree make?
· There was silence. Then, showing them a piece of black paper; Shi Jie said paper is made from trees.
· Thus, as scientist we were experimenting different tools to write with. A few kids were asked to write on the wood and the paper. All of them said, paper was easier to write with.
· Thus, each took a few chalks to write or draw. I reminded them to wash their hands after using as too much chalk is unhealthy for us.
· Foo Soon drew a hurricane, the sea and also a big burger, Chun Kit drew butterflies and a fire truck, Yun Wen drew a beautiful garden, Qian Joe drew a garden with hurricane, Xing Tong drew earthquake, Wee Hong wrote the Alphabet Family and also drew 2 bears, Devin drew a garden with a fire truck, butterfly, birds, fly and also a snake. Jing Kai drew a nice house with trees and Shi Jie drew a garden with a beautiful rainbow.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Neolithic Age

Thursday (18/03/2010)

a) Practice.

l The kids got into positions and took about 15 minutes to do the “Firefighter” presentation. They got better and better. I hope they need not require my help for the Performance Day next week.
l Then, we went downstairs to the garden and practiced Marching. We need to enhance our marching consistencies. However, they were more cautious of the instructions given by the Chief Firefighter, Shi Jie.

b) Video Clip: Neolithic Age
l Before watching,
Teacher: What did we learn yesterday?
Class: We searched for many stones pretending to write on the cave walls. Some were difficult to write with while some were easier to write with.
Teacher: Did they have school? Why then did they need writing for?
Yun Wen: To draw.
Devin: To draw animals.
l The encyclopedia showed the age of Neolithic and the kids saw they had their own Alphabet system.
Wei Jeen: Wow…..their ABCs are difficult.
l Many people carried many things to a market to sell. They then recorded what they sold on a stone.
Shi Jie: How come they can rub the mistakes with their fingers?
Teacher: Could we do that yesterday?
Class: No!
Jun Hong: Maybe they used sand to rub.
l Answers were not provided as we would be doing more experiments to find out. Actually, those were clay pieces which the kids are yet to find out.

c) Chalk experiment.
l Yesterday we discussed that trees could also be used as a writing platform besides cave walls.
l Thus, we used chalks to write, draw or scribble. We had only about 10 minutes and they were so enthusiastic.
Qian Joe: How can we rub the mistakes?
Chun Kit: Use your hands.
Kwong Yong: Why not use the duster?.................To be continued.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Let’s hunt!

Wednesday (17/03/2010)

a) Recap and pratice
* the kids recapped on the words related to this theme. They also chose their particular flashcards and shared a sentence or two about them. Qian Joe, Devin, Chun Kit, Zhi Feng, Shi Jie were actually independent….wow! The others have also improved. Hopefully, they would be more independent during the presentation to 4-year old class, next week.

b) Guessing the tools
l To write, we need a pencil and a paper. What about people of the past? I introduced them the years 2010, 1900, 1500, 1000, 800, 0, 500 BC and also 1200 BC.
l They learnt that humans only existed after dinosaurs period.
Shi Jie: They write on the cave wall.
Chun Kit: On the sand. Yun Wen: On the tree.
Teacher: What were the writing tools?
Kids: Rod, sticks or wood, stones, bones.
Shi Jie: Some stones are softer than others.
l After hunters hunted the animals, they recycled the bones to write. Some wrote on the wall, some on the sand, while some on the animals skin.

c) Let’s hunt!
l The kids had to find as many different stones or rocks as possible and experiment with them. Some wrote on the schools’ little cave wall, some on big rocks. They were curious. Some searched for sticks and tried writing on the sand. Some needed my help to carry the heavy rocks.
l I also brought other tools which the kids experimented with.
Rod: Screwdrivers and a fork.
Wood: Chopsticks, sate sticks.

d) Analysing。
l We carried 3 different rocks and each kid had a small stone in their hands.
l In the classroom, they each demonstrated to show their friends. 1 rock which was the clay brick (for construction) was more difficult to write on. Another rock which was made from cement was easier to write on. The kids found that even it was harder than the brick but it was easier to see the written words. Why? They had to think about that ….as scientists.
l Then, each kid was given a colour chalk and they found it easy to write on the rocks. They even coloured on them. However, they forgot to try on the wood. J …….to be continued.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The various “Writing Tools”。

a) The various “Writing Tools”。

Teacher: Did you think of the answers at home?
Jun Hong: They used feathers.
l They are actually called quills from different birds such as hens, ostriches, eagles or birds. They are called “quills”. But why quills.
Qian Joe: We use the ink.
Foo Soon: Dip the quill into the ink.
However, the kids didn’t know why the ink get into the quill. They have to think about it.
Teacher: But…..what about the earlier peple. Such as the cavemen? Where do they live?
Yun Wen: In the caves.
l They record what they see on the cave walls.
Kids: Wah….! Teacher: What can be written on the cave?
Kids: Rocks.
l Besides rocks, other tools such as bamboo sticks and rods were used to write.
Foo Soon: They can write on the beach.
Zheng Yuan: But the words would go away after raining.
Teacher: Then, they had to think of other writing medium before paper arises. Do you think it was difficult to write on the walls?

b) Practice: Junior Firefighters.
l The kids got into their positions. Then, they recognized the flashcards or pictures they were in charged of. Then, They came out individually to perform. Haaa……it’s challenging to get them speak a proper English sentence in front of a group.
l Overall, they were better than yesterday.

c) Practice: Marching
l The class selected Shi Jie to be the Chief Firefighter.
l She called out the instructions and the kids tried to listen attentively.
l The marching has improved than before. They also practiced singing the National Anthem.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pencil Leads

Monday (15/03/2010)
a) March! March! March!

· First, we sang our National Anthem, “Negaraku”. They sang with their hands saluted. They were better as they sang more seriously compared previously.
· Reinforcing the positions of left and right, the proper sequences, the appropriate distance.
· Paying attention to the instructions given. The marching practice is to be performed on the actual day of receiving the award of “Junior Firefighter Badge” from the Principal.

b) Practice: Junior Firefighters.
· The kids came up individually as if performing in front of the 4 year-old class. The practiced according to the sequence. At the moment, it’s about getting them speaking 1 to 2 English sentences confidently; based on their thoughts.
· We hope to present to them next week as a few students will go for holidays. Furthermore, it gives the other kids more time to practise.

c) Hooray……..scientist!
In fact, a week ago; the class had a discussion on what we should learn further upon completing the “Firefighters’ Test”. Some suggested pilots, teachers, doctors, scientist. 10 kids chose scientist, 6 kids opted pilots, 3 opted doctors while 1 opted for teacher.
· Some experiments at Barney’s film, the recent earthquakes and also the kids’ daily activities have greatly influenced this choice.
Teacher: There are some strange kids in this class who collect broken leads from pencils. And guess what? They have wonderful strange friends who would help them with the collection.
· The class laughed non-stop and immediately Foo Soon said he collects them for experiments. In fact, Shi Jie and Jun Hong do that too. They would be glad to show us the experiment very soon.
· Meanwhile, I asked the kids many questions about “pencils”. “Why do people use pencils? How do the different people use them?”
Foo Soon: Policemen use them to summon.
Qian Joe: Scientists use them to record.
Zhe Qing: School children use to do their homework.
Chun Kit: We can use to write.
Zheng Yuan: We can use to draw.
Shi Jie: Firefighters might need them to check tools in Fire Truck.
Wei Jeen: Colour pencils are used to colour.
Devin: Waitress use them to order food.
Chun Kit: Teacher, we can recycle them.
Teacher: How did people of the past do writing? How are pencils made? Think about it and we shall discuss tomorrow.
Jun Hong: “Lak Pik” cartoon showed that people used feathers to write. Pencils are made of wood.
Teacher: What other answers can you think of, class?..........................To be continued……

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Being Junior Firefighters.

Friday (12/03/2010)

a) Recap

We recapped what we discussed on Thursday....that was being junior trainers.

The contents included : "Who are firefighters? Their duties. Reasons of fire. Firefighters' tools. Self-rescue."

b) I can speak.
Each kid chose what they wanted to share about. They had to speak 1 or 2 sentences. It was a challenging task getting them to speak their ideas entirely in English. Thus, I encouraged them with a mixture first. Most importantly, most of them were able to utter the key words. The determined kids who always tried speaking in English were praised as good examples. Among them: Qian Joe, Foo Soon, Wee Hong, Zheng Yuan, Jun Yu and also Yun Wen. With that, more kids tried harder at speaking English. :)

c) My chosen duty.

* The kids came up individually choosing what they wanted. Some kids such as Jun Yu, Qian Joe also suggested other ideas which were happily accepted by their friends. The decisions were as follows:

Joe: doing the introduction.

Foo Soon: Job introduction.

* Chun Kit: snakes, Wei Jeen : bees, Kwong Yong: charity, Zhi Feng: Put out the fire, Qian Joe: earthquake.

Devin: Introduction to fire reasons.

* Jun Hong: matches, Zheng Yuan: irons, Devin: lighters, Yun Xi: gas cylinders, Foo Soon: overloaded sockets.

Jun Hong: Introduction to tools.

Yun Wen: ladder, Yan Shan: hose, Jun Yu: helmet, Natalie: axe, Jing Kai: hydrant, Wee Hong: fire extinguisher, Shi Jie: rescue dog, Chia Yen: siren.

Foo Soon: Introduction to Self -Rescue - Stop, Drop and Roll.
Jun Hong: Get Low and crawl.

d) Junior Firefighter Badge.
* The kids drew their pictures on the badge. Some preferred drawing fire trucks, burning house, axes and etc.
* They also wrote their names under the space provided.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Marching Team

Thursday (11/03/2010)

a) Instructions

Teacher: How do you think a firefighter “moves” to get his or her badge from the chief?
Kids: Walk! Run!
l The kids stood up and showed me. Some walked funnily while some walked shyly. Foo Soon said, they marched straightly.
Teacher: When do we see armies, soldiers, policemen or even firefighters march?
Kids: At their school.
l They also marched during processions like MERDEKA and award ceremony.
l We reinforced a few movements:
- Left, Right, left, right, left, right, left.
- Turn to your right, to the right turn!
- Attention! - STOP, Firefighter! - Salute.
* Then, they lined up and raised their right arm as a safe distance during marching.

b) The Field
* We practiced the marching session in the field.
* We saw a crow and we observed for a while before it flew away. Then, we saw a frog hiding among the grass. We observed for a while and it seemed that it wanted to join us for the marching.
* When everyone was ready, we practiced the marching. They were quite okay and needed more practice.
* Then, we pretended receiving the “Junior Firefighter” badge award from the Principal. We saluted and marched back to the actual position.

c) Junior Trainers.
* As the kids wanted to share their knowledge with the 4 year-old kids, we discussed on what to talk about. It will include:
- Firefighters’ duties.
- The reason of fire.
- The tools used.
- Self- rescue: Stop, Drop and Roll.
* Tomorrow, we shall discuss on the task segregation.

Let’s crawl

Wednesday (10/03/2010)

a) Marching

l Replacing the morning’s lesson, I introduced “Marching” to the kids. They have already learnt some from being a policeman.
l I got some kids to introduced. They learnt that the marching patterns are different from one organization to another as well as among countries.
l We learnt simple English instructions: “Attention!”, “Rest yourself”, “Stand up”, “Turn to your right, to the right turn”, “ST…OP, ST….OP, STOP!”
l We learnt to differentiate left and right.

b) Fast but be careful.
l In the afternoon, we learnt that sometimes; firefighters need to crawl in a narrow space. Some units also included training of putting off the bombs.
l Thus, I prepared 2 long threads tied to 2 chairs for 2 rows. I tied it low and pasted pictures of fire and bombs. The kids were told that the situation was in a burnt building. Thus upon the call of 999, they rushed to the door. As their uniform caught fire, they did STOP, DROP and ROLL. Then they saved a person ( we used a toy) and crawl under the threads. If they touch the thread, thy might get hurt. Thus, being careful is very important.
l This would be part of the test for them to obtain “Junior Firefighter Badge”.

c) Quiz
l Part of the test also tested on their speaking skill based on their learning knowledge.
l Discipline enforced as to put up their hands and waited to be called.
Questions: Who puts out fire? Where do firefighters live? What’s the emergency number? Name a tool used to put out fire. What must you do when your clothes caught fire? What must you do when there’s smoke around? Name a dangerous item.
l They were good as they could speak the correct vocabulary.

d) Flashcards
l Reinforcement of words learnt. Overall, they could read 15 words together as a class. Among: fire, fire crackers, firefighters, fire truck, fire station, hydrant, ladder, Stop, Drop and roll and etc.
Teacher: Would you like to share what you have learnt with the other friends before ending this theme? 4 year-old kids are also learning about Firefighters.
Class: Yes.
Teacher: Alright, we shall see what we can work on together.

We are fit!

Tuesday (09/03/2010)

a) Dicussion

l Before finishing the theme on Firefighters, we have to earn ourselves Junior Firefighter badges. All agreed. Thus, they are required to take up an assessment or a test. The test included 1) speaking (knowledge), 2) reading, 3) team work and 4) fitness level.
l Thus, the kids shared of different exercises. Qian Joe suggested hopping with a leg, Zheng Yuan mentioned about Jumping Jack, Foo Soon suggested about running. Then, I asked them why do Firefighters climbed the ladders. Some said to rescue cats while some to save people. Yun Wen thought that we should climb up and down the emergency staircase in the school. However, that stairs are too dangerous as they are quite high. Thus, Shi Jie said, we could use the indoor stairs. Good idea!

b) Fitness training.
l As it was raining, thus we did our exercise at the main hall. First, we did a few warm-ups. Running on the spot, swinging the arms, stretching our legs, hopping and jumping jack.
l Then, the class was divided into 2 teams. We did individual run around the triangle cone before giving high 5 to the next runner.
l Then, the kids did team task. They sat on the floor and held everyone’s shoulders just like millipede. Then they raced together around the triangle cone to reach the starting point again. Some kids moved faster and din’t wait for the rest. Thus, warnings were given.

c) We can climb!
l The kids used the gate as a climbing tool. We discussed that this activity is not allowed at home as it could be dangerous without the presence of any adults. They agreed and we started the activity. They enjoyed themselves and I was behind them in case they needed a helping hand.

d) Flashcards
l They read the cards together. They need to learn to read at least 5 words. Shi Jie said that if a Firefighter couldn’t read, they might not find the road name fast. People could die because of that!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Firefighter Pencil Holder.

Friday (05/03/2010)

a) Rolling
* Today, the kids rolled their craft made yesterday; so as to paste the edges together. No, it looked like a toilet roll.
* Then, each got another piece of cardboard. They wrote their names with the title, "Firefighters".
* Then, they decorated it with any desired patterns.
* Next, they queued to allow me paste the rolled craft to the written cardboard. I used a glue gun which was too hot and dangerous for the kid to handle. Thus, reminders were told again to beware of the hot glue gun.
* Some kids mentioned that they preferred to keep rulers while some keep flowers. Foo Soon suggeted that erasers are not suitable to be kept there as the container is too deep and narrow for our fingers. Shi Jie suggested that a smaller box (such as match box) pasted beside the roller craft would be good. :)

b) Rhymes and songs.
* We sang the "Safety" song using different vocabulary substitutions. Among them: matches, lighter, candles. Jun Yu suggested iron too. Wee Hong suggested fire crackers. So the song went:
"Never play with matches..........(x2),
It's not safe, it's not safe!
You could start a fire,
It could really hurt you,
It's not safe............(x2)"
* Then, we recapped on "The Five little Firefighters".
* We also recapped on flashcards to reinforce vocabulary learnt.

The Chain Whisper

Thursday (04/03/2010)
a) A firefighter's qualities

We played Chain Whisper. This was to highlight the importance for a firefighter being focus and alert at all time.
The message was “Firefighters put out fire!” hmm...it was quite a challenge for the kids to whisper quietly to their friends.....haaaa. At certain points, I could hear their passing of message.
The first few kids got it correctly until the fifth kid added some Mandarin into the sentences and the rest hear the Mandarin version. Then, some looked at me puzzledly as it was supposed to be in English. Finally, the last few kids received the different version. There was rhymes in the message. It ended as Pa ku po. The kids each took turn to say what they heard of and they had a good laugh and understood where the errors went wrong. :)
b) Recapped of key words.
Their recognition got better. At times, I questioned them the meaning and they were able to explain.
Continuation of Firefighter craft.
* The kids continued with their colouring. Then, each took a basket so that they could cut the craft parts and placedthem carefully into the basket.
Those who finished, quickly pasted the puzlles together to form a paper firefighters. A few kids required more prompting such as Yan Shan, Natalie, Chia Yen, Kwong Yong, Wee Hong and also Zhi Feng. However, they were quite persistent at cutting the shapes. Natalie and Yan Shan needed my guidance to cut.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Storybook: Rescue Alphabets.

Wednesday (03/03/2010)
a)storybook b) worksheet: tap water c) craft: firefighter

a) Storybook: Rescue Alphabets.
* A story about the determination of little alphabets (little firefighters) wanted to be firefighters. They were chased away by the older alphabets (older firefighters) as they were too young. The little firefighters found an old fire truck in the park and started fixing it together. It looked fantastic and was as new as ever. They rode together and rescued a cat, assisted at washing a muddy car and finally rushed to the burning factory. The older firefighters saw the smoke and sped the truck but it overturned. The little firefighters helped them up and gave them a lift. Little and older firefighters worked very hard as a team to put out the fire. The little ones were rewarded and welcomed to visit the Fire Station at anytime.
* The kids were so excited of this story that they learnt the word, “fantastic”. Thus, next time; parents and children can work together to accomplish many tasks. Kids just need to learn to speak up, “I can help you, mother or father.”

b) Worksheets: Cool a burn.
* Yesterday, the kids learnt that running our burnt skin under the tap water is the first step to treatment. Thus, I got a few kids to practice writing the words, “tap water” on the board. Well, with guidance; the kids can actually copy simple words from the whiteboard. Minor errors would be the proper strokes and some mirror-imaged letters which was given attention. They also learnt to write their names properly.

c) Craft: The Firefighter.
* Earlier of our thematic lessons, Jun Yu’s mother (Mrs. Khoo) had shared some of her crafts included a paper firefighter. The kids loved it and said thanks to Mrs. Khoo .
* They looked at the figures and guessed their vocabulary. These included a belt, his uniform, his arms, his knees, his face and also his hose.
* They started colouring the craft and shall continue to cut tomorrow. I allowed them to decide their desired colour. This is because every country’s uniforms, fire trucks and also hydrants may be of different colours. That of course made them happy .

Monday, March 1, 2010

Safe or Danger

Thursday (25/02/2010)
a) Hot or Cold

· We discussed about Jun Hong’s DVD on Firefighters. The kids could remember about the kitchen explosion due to the leaking gas cylinder.
· Thus, we went to the kitchen to analyse the school’s gas cylinder. Zhe Qing said her father’s shop sells many gas cylinders. We had 2 red ones. I showed them the top cover with its nozzle. I pulled it out and the kids could smell some gas. Then, I closed it back. If the cover was not properly closed, the gas might cause explosion especially with anyone walking in with a cigarette.
· Furthermore, the tube that connects to the stove can sometimes leak but how do we know? This was the task I gave to the kids to check with their parents.

b) Worksheet
· We learnt the words, “hot” and “cold”. Kids identified the particular items and then write those 2 words.
· They identified microwave, iron and matches as hot. Meanwhile, crayons, trolleys and books as cold which do not directly contribute to fire.
· Then, the kids d their worksheet and coloured the pictures.

c) The Recycling Clay
· Our clay which we added with water yesterday had become mud. Yeah, then we wrapped with wrapping plastic to avoid evaporation as it would be hardened. When we turned the bowl upside down, the mud didn’t fall.

We are the EARTH’s children

Monday (01/03/2010)
a) Tzu Chi team

· Our previous charity sale held on 11-02-2010 had generated altogether RM1343.00. The kids exclaimed, “Wow!”
· In the morning, they came to inform us about the Earthquake in Haiti that occurred in January. Among discussed:
Kids: Their homes collapsed. School buildings fell off. People were trapped inside. Roads cracked and some people fell into them. Families were separated. Children have no food and books too.
Tzu Chi: There are children all over the world. We are Malaysian children. They are Haitian children. Altogether, we are the Earth’s children. We must help among one another.
· They learnt to sing 2 songs with actions: We are Earth’s children. We are very lucky!
· In the classroom, each kid shared about what they observed.

b) A new friend, Debbie.
· Debbie introduced herself. She is 6 years old and goes to another school in the day. Her favourite food is fish burger and she likes yellow colour. Later, most kids shared with her about their favourite food. Among:
Kwong Yong: I want to make a Sunflower for you.
Devin: I like French fries just like you.
Yan Shan: I like ice-cream just like you.
Wee Hong: I like Genting Highlands just like you……..haaaaa!

c) The Gas Cylinder
· We recapped words: cold, hot, safe and dangerous.
· Most of the kids actually went back to ask their parents whether they check if their gas cylinders were leaking. However, all parents don’t; according to them.
· Thus, we went to the kitchen and we recapped the related vocabulary. Gas cylinder, yellow tube, handle and gas stove. According to the school’s cook, she can smell if gas leaks. But……what if we can’t smell it or it would be too late by the time we smell the gas.
· I pulled the handle and gas was released from the valve. The kids could smell the unpleasant smell. I closed back.
· We can prepare soapy water with lots of bubbles. Then we wipe along the gas tube. If the bubble starts bubbling, it indicates leakage. We observed and could see no bubbling bubbles from the tube.
· Then, we learnt about sockets and plus. People usually overloaded their sockets which could cause dangers such as black out and explosion. It might the house if we were sleeping at night. For 2 legged plugs, one should use proper sockets.

d) Does Earthquake cause fire?
· Wei Jeen: When the buildings collapsed, there will also be fire.
· Teacher: is that true?
· We watched some slide photos about Chile, Argentina on Tsunami earthquake. We only watched a few as our focus was on the electrical cabels first. We would learn more later.
· Electrical cables fell down collapsing together with buildings. Explosion might had happened causing fire and death. The cracked streets caused the cars to overturned and some petrol spilled, again might have caused explosion and fire.

e) First Aid Box
· Teacher: What is the first thing to do if your skin is burnt?
· Wee Hong: Stop, Drop and Roll!
· Teacher: Good….but that is when your clothes caught fire.
· Chun Kit: Wash with water.
· Teacher: Cold or hot?
· Shi Jie: Of course cold. If hot, it would even hurt our skin!
· That’s right! Always run under tap water. If the burn is mionor, we may use cotton to dry it and apply some cream or oilment. If it is serious, one should visit the clinic or hospital.
Teacher: Why must we first read the medicine labels?
Jun Hong: So that we use the correct medicine. If wrong, our injury will get worse!
· Chun Kit scratched one of his insects bites (still unhealed) and it bled. I requested Zhe Qing to use the cotton bud from the First Aid Kit and apply some “Qing Zhao” Oilment. After using, we have to discharge it away and wash our hands fearing that we might contact with the bacteria.