Thursday (18/03/2010)
a) Practice.
l The kids got into positions and took about 15 minutes to do the “Firefighter” presentation. They got better and better. I hope they need not require my help for the Performance Day next week.
l Then, we went downstairs to the garden and practiced Marching. We need to enhance our marching consistencies. However, they were more cautious of the instructions given by the Chief Firefighter, Shi Jie.
b) Video Clip: Neolithic Age
l Before watching,
Teacher: What did we learn yesterday?
Class: We searched for many stones pretending to write on the cave walls. Some were difficult to write with while some were easier to write with.
Teacher: Did they have school? Why then did they need writing for?
Yun Wen: To draw.
Devin: To draw animals.
l The encyclopedia showed the age of Neolithic and the kids saw they had their own Alphabet system.
Wei Jeen: Wow…..their ABCs are difficult.
l Many people carried many things to a market to sell. They then recorded what they sold on a stone.
Shi Jie: How come they can rub the mistakes with their fingers?
Teacher: Could we do that yesterday?
Class: No!
Jun Hong: Maybe they used sand to rub.
l Answers were not provided as we would be doing more experiments to find out. Actually, those were clay pieces which the kids are yet to find out.
c) Chalk experiment.
l Yesterday we discussed that trees could also be used as a writing platform besides cave walls.
l Thus, we used chalks to write, draw or scribble. We had only about 10 minutes and they were so enthusiastic.
Qian Joe: How can we rub the mistakes?
Chun Kit: Use your hands.
Kwong Yong: Why not use the duster?.................To be continued.
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