Monday (28/06/2010)
a) Play Time!
* All the kids were excited to play with their own hand-made Board Game. Before starting, I requested Foo Soon's help by playing with me as an example. After 5 minutes, when the kids understood the rules; they started playing. We used our rabbit or snail craft as the counters. I gave everyone some blue tag so that their counters could stick easily on the plastic Board Game.
* Initially, they were sitting while playing but as the game continues, they got excited and stood up. They had to move their own counters so as to learn addition. They also had to learn identifying the numbers. It's a great challenge for the younger ones and so they needed more guidance.
* They requested that they can make for themselves; individually. Yes, but it has to be of A4 size. They agreed! :)
b) Recap: Flash Cards
* We recapped the words included bats, wings, echolocation, fruit, blood, Earth, mountain, tree, animal, rabbit and etc.
c) Storybook: HUG
* Such a simple book yet so meaningful. The kids laughed out loudly!!
* It has manny animal pictures with each baby hugging its mother except baby monkey! Mother elephant offered to help monkey to hunt for its mother. Along the journey, it kept calling for its mother. All it could see were iguanas, snakes, lions, hippopotamuses, birds, etc. Suddenly, it felt so sad that it cried out loudly. Mother monkey heard the cry and immediately screamed for "Bobo"; the baby monkey's name. Bobo ran quickly towards its mother and likewise. The other animals cheered loudly. They felt so touched that they also hugged thir babies and mothers again. :)
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