Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Concert Day

Friday (10/12/2010).

a) The Rehearsal.
• The school will have the rehearsal at the living hall on Wednesday (15/12/2010) from 10 am to 12 pm. Music teacher, Wushu teacher and all the teachers are involved. Kids are to wear their full attire and equip with their props. Meanwhile, the actual concert day in the Sunday itself, 19th. December, 2010 from 8.30am until 12 noon. The kids were excited. They were even excited to know that there will be a class party on the following week. School shall be closed from 24th December, 2010 until 2nd. January, 2011. School will be closed for 10 days and in 2011, the kids will be in 6 year-old class. Hooray!

b) The Practice.
• We did the practice in 6-year old classroom as there was Wushu practice at the living hall.
• Cikgu Xin Ru came and watch our performance. She will be assisting the class on the concert day too. She said, everyone has improved. A few kids need to improve further. Keep it up, kids!

c) Our Storybook continuation.
• The kids continued with their darwing and colouring of their favourite scene. Qian Joe was generous to lend the class his new glittering pens. Everyone thanked him. It was so nice to see Qian Joe and Chun Kit got along closer together as they used to argue over small matters. It’s like watching Foo Soon and Jun Hong being together as good friends. I believe the performance process must have influenced both Captain Hook and Peter pan to get closer….haaaa!

My favourite scene.

Tuesday (07/12/2010)

a) The Practice.
• We practised at the living hall. A few kids were reminded to behaved more seriously during the performance. The dance, “Following The leader” needed some prompting for a better performance. Other than that, everything was good.

b) Drawing.
• We recapped about our discussions yesterday. I sketched the pictures on the board.
• The kids started drawing on their paper. The older ones also labeled their pictures. Wee Hong drew a Disneyland castle, Chun Kit drew the octopus and crocodile, Natalie drew herself as Tinker Bell, Qian Joe drew Peter Pan and etc. They are more courageous to draw their thoughts. 

Our Storybook Continuation.

Monday (06/12/2010)

a) The assistance.
• Today we did our practice downstairs. We had Teacher Pik Xia to help us with the music. On the performance day, I will be the narrator to guide the kids. As the sound system is far from me, we are happy to have her helping us monitoring the music.
• Altogether, this “Kids Musical: Where is Peter Pan?” has got a short fashion show, 5 dances, and a battle scene. Our second performance is a short dance call “Following The Leader”. Thus, 10 pieces of music are involved for the different scenes. The kids are already well versed with them.
• Teacher Huang saw a little of their performance and said they have improved a lot. Well done, kids!

b) Our Storybook: My favourite scene.
• We didn’t have much time. However, we talked about our favourites scenes in our musical drama. Some like Tinker Bell flying, some like the battle, some like Michael Jackson, some like seeing crocodile hitting octopus’s backside, some like the Disney Dance. We shall draw tomorrow as it was time to go home


Friday (03/12/2010)

a) The Practice
• Today, we practised in the classroom as there was Wushu practice at the living room.
• The practice got better and better. The only challenge was having some kids being absent. Thus, I had to be the replacement. They were more independent.
• We talked about taking care of the props and where to place them after the musical performance.

b) Cartoon: Dumbo.
• As a reward, we watched Dumbo together. They were very happy. We watched half way through and shall continue with it again.
• The flying storks brought down babies for all the animals including to Mrs. Jumbo, a circus elephant. The baby had bih huge ears and all the animlas laughed at it. Mrs. Jumbo was crossed but she loved her baby so much that she called her Dumbo. The animals worked very hard to set up tents for circus. On the performance day, people laughed at Dumbo and Mrs. Jumbo got so mad that she attacked them. She was jailed and prisoned. Poor Dumbo was left alone. Everyone disliked him and a friendly mouse became his friend. Mr. Mouse motivated him that his ears were so special that they must be meant for useful matters. They brainstormed together. The clever Mr. Mouse pretended as the Ringmaster’s dream asking him to make Dumbo a start because of his big huge ears. The next day, Dumbo was made the main performer. It was supposed to jumped from a trampoline until the very top of the tent. However, as Dumbo was running, he stumbled on his huge ears and fell down, knocking over the other huge elephants. Everyone ran away and the tent collapsed……..to be continued.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.

Wednesday (08/12/2010)

a) Vocab recognition
• We recapped words learnt: chest, pirate, ship, princess, sword, castle, peacock, eagle, dance, sing, performance, puppet, etc.

b) Shawn’s storybook: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
• This classic story tells how a poor woodcutter found gold in the thieves’ secret cave. He took some and became rich ( we discussed that this is wrong doing). The woodcutter became rich. His wife wore a beautiful ecklace and the head thief saw it. He and his thieves planned to rob them. That night, the head thief pretended being lost and asked for accommodation. The kid woodcutter allowed and treated him dinner too. Meanwhile, the other thieves hid in the kitchen’s big jars. The maid realized this and she quickly pured hot oil into each big jar. They screamed and died. The head chief was the caught. The King heard about this and wanted to meet the brave ad clever maid. He made her his daughter as the King had no child.
Moral: We have to think wisely before acting. We have to be courageous when in trouble. When we do bad things, the negative impact would come back on us just like Ali baba who stole the money and was later being robbed.
c) The Practice.
• We talked about the rules during the performance especially to remind those who like having fun during practice.
• Today, I left them independently and guided very little. I guided on Peter Pan’s dance, the battle, the crocodile ad octopus dance. Lastly, I reminded the kids to put their props into a box by the side properly before performing the dance, “Following The Leader”.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Friends’ Photos.

Monday (29/11/2010)

a) Vocab recap
• We recapped words learnt included: castle, fly, magic wand, Disneyland, pirate etc.

b) Continuation of Storybook.
• We continued making our storybooks.
• The kids had to ensure they have every friend’s photo which will be 16 photos altogether.
• Today’ situation was better as the kids were more careful at taking care of their cut photos. The others who lost some photos, started counting the numbers. They would come to me for the missing photos of their friends. It was fun seeing them counting the numbers and checking their friends’ faces.

c) The Practice
• We did the practice in the classroom as Soon Yu and Zhe Qing weren’t here. However, if allows, tomorrow we should be doing full dress rehearsal in the school’s living hall.
• The kids are getting better and more independent. I reminded them to be aware with their props, where to put them after the performance before the next dancing performance. Yet, some kids were rather playful and consistent reminder is needed.

Our Storybook

Monday (29/11/2010)

a) Briefing
• We talked about making our own storybook to share with family and friends. We actually had talked about this before and we were doing that today.
• Each kid was given a set of friends’ photos altogether 16 friends. I gave them a view of how to make the second page of the storybook.
• Each page has 3 rows whereby each photo is to be pasted on the left side. The right side will be pasted with the “after dress-up” which will be later.
• Altogether, there must be 16 photos.
• Well, only half of the kids could follow the instructions. The others chose to paste them all over a page. Well…….it’s okay because storybooks do come in many formats.
• To avoid confusion, the kids paste after cutting each photo. The 4 years old needed guidance except Shawn.

b) The Practice.
• We did the Practice in the classroom as individual attention was needed for smaller groups.

Body Painting

Thursday (01/12/2010)

a) Body Painting
• Part of a performance includes make-up. Instead of make-up, the school provided us with Body Painting, a safe product by Luna. There were blue, green, yellow and red colour. First, I painted the kids’ body which could be their face, arms or even legs. They could choose to imagine they are someone and I shall make-up them as in their imagination. Some chose to be their drama character such as Snow White and pirates. Some preferred to be animals such as bears and snakes. Some preferred plants. Then, the kids chose 2 of their favourite colours and painted themselves. We took photos and then washed up ourselves. It was enjoyable.

b) Story-telling: Goldilocks and the three bears.
• I read Jun Yu’s storybook the class. It was an interesting story with good moral values. It was an adventure of how Goldilocks went into a stranger’s home in the forest. She ate the baby bear’s porridge, tried on all chairs and broke baby bear’s chair and finally slept on it’s bed again! When they came back, the bears were angry, puzzled and amazed to find Goldilocks in baby bear’s home. Goldilocks jumped to her feet , ran as fast as possible and never came back.
• The class discussed about values learnt. We shouldn’t touch peoples’ belongings without permission. We shouldn’t wander alone in the dangerous forest or anywhere without our family knowledge.

c) The Practice.
• Each day, it gets more challenging to practise as some kids go off early, some were absent, some went for holiday. However, I believe that regular practice with the kids would enforce their movements. I advised them to practise at home. A few kids always do that included Xing Tong, Yu Xuan and Wee Hong. In fact today, the kids volunteered to relieve the absentees’ places temporary. Example: Zhi Feng the Superman was also Captain Hook. Xing Tong the Cinderella was also TikerBell. They were good.


Wednesday (01/12/2010)

a) Dressing-up
• Who wouldn’t be excited to dress up for a performance. I gave each kid their attire. Most attires were theirs which the kids and I had work together to decorate them. Accessories were added, stickers were pasted and etc. Then, they wore their particular mask. Some equipped themselves with swords and the hook. The pirates carried a long chain and a big ship with them.
• We talked about the rules and regulations before marching to the living hall for practice. Xiang Wei, Soon Yu, Zhe Qing and Shawn were absent. Thus, I had to relieve their places. We just had to do this practice as the kids and I already agreed earlier.

b) The adjustments.
• While we were practicing, Teacher Huang came and watched. She gave ideas on certain costumes which were to be sewn and tighten.

c) The Full Dress Practice.
• It was a good one except that the kids need to be more proactive and focused more. They needed to scream louder for help, both Captain Hook and Peter Pan need to speak louder , the younger kids must be more attentive and each kid must be responsible for their props.

d) Motivation.
• It’s always important to motivate the kids. I can’t even remember much of what I was doing at the age of 5. I thought that these kids were marvelous. Teacher Huang gave encouragement. As for me, I want every kid to have fun throughout the process yet show improvement.  This calls for various strategies.