Our Pomegranate friends!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Old Folks’ Home
a) Change of plan.
• This coming Friday, we shall be visiting the Old Folks’ Home and then the Orphanage. The reason is due to many orphans are busy preparing for their exams and it’s difficult to get all of them together when we visit them. Our school kids have been longing to perform. They might be disappointed when the orphans don’t give them much attention after all their hard work from bringing charitable items, selling, discussion and finally the preparation before visiting the organization.
• We shall depart at 3pm and be back before 5.30 p.m.
b) About Old Folks’ Home.
Qian Joe: I think they live in a place like the orphans.
Chun Kit: They are for old people.
Teacher: Why do they live there?
Class: They have no children. They have no money. Their children might be sick. Their parents have passed away……
• We discussed briefly reasons which included unloving children, accidents that claim the old folks’ family and poor families. They were listening very attentively.
• It must be difficult for kids to understand this concept as they have just learnt about orphans a few weeks ago. “We don’t want our parents to live in Old Folks’ Home. We love them!”…….was the class response! Thus, love and good qualities must be instill from young.
c) What to share?
Xing Tong: let’s make rabbit origami for them.
Chun Kit: Let’s make a present.
Qian joe: Let’s make a love for them.
Zhe Qing: We can feed them with food like what we did for our school aunty last year.
Kwong Yong: they can eat vegetables.
Teacher: What if they have few teeth left? …..(mischevious kids started giggling)
Zheng Yuan: Bread…… Shawn: cake……… Chun Kit: grapes
Xiang Wei: Fruits…….. Kwong Yong: Herbal tea…… Jun Yu: orange juice.
Tzen Yu: Let’s massage them.
• Everyone started massaging me and themselves.
Yun Xin: We must not sing loudly.
Xing Jing: We massage them lightly.
Zhi Feng: we can perform Lion dance for them.
Yee Xuan: Let’s sing “I love you”.
Yun Xin: We can do riddles.
• When I asked volunteers for riddles, nobody dared to try. Zhe Qing suggested a story. Immediately, the kids pointed to the story of “The rabbit and the tortoise”.
• Kwong Yong, Rei, Xing Tong ad Zhe Qing volunteered. They spoke 12 short sentences with some prompting from me. The second round, I didn’t help them…….they are so cute and smart.
d) The Practice
• As there is a bigger space at The Old Folks’ Home, we decided to perform 6 lions altogether. Thus 6 kids from Pomegranate and another 6 from Soya Bean class. @ as little monks from each class. The kids are quite independent and the singing is better. However, they like shouting when singing. Reminding them that we’re singing for old folks, they started singing softly…….but it sounded sleepy…….haaaa! Kids being kids
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A gift for you.
a) Pick lots
• We shall only perform a lion dance during the orphanage visit this coming Friday. Thus, we require 2 dancers, 2 little monks; while the others would play the musical instruments. Only 6 kids volunteered themselves as lion dancers. I highlighted that there will be 30 orphans altogether with 42 kids from our school. Thus, they have to be really brave and excited. The kids who raised their hands were Chun Kit, Qian joe, Yun Xin, Xing Tong, Rei, Tzen Yu and Kwong Yong. Kwong Yong and Rei got the lucky lots; so they will be the lion dancers. Tzen Yu and Rei are the little monks. The other kids get their favourite musical instruments such as bells, tambories, cymbals and triangles.
b) Practising together.
• Our kids went up to practise with Soya Bean kids. As we won’t be bringing radio to the orphanage, the kids would sing while the lions and little monks dance. At some points, I guided the kids reminding them the steps they learnt from their Wushu teacher such as sleeping, jumping happily and bowing. The kids had fun. Hmmm……Kwong Yong seems to be more confident than before……this must be part of the “learning and growing” process.
• Then, the kids sang “Gong Xi, Gong Xi” in Mandarin and then English version. We wrapped up with “Tian Tian Hao Tian”.
c) A gift for the orphans.
• We really want to give the kids something to the kids as asweet memory. Yun Xin suggested a storybook. Qian Joe suggested letters. Well, looking at out short time, I thought each kid draw beautiful pictures of any theme to be compiled as a loving book.
• I reminded the kids about sensitivity which was not to draw on mother, father or a happy family as the orphans might feel sad. Pomegranate kids immediately completed my sentence about sensitivity. Respect and love is instilled from young.
d) The Orphanage Visit.
• There are some slight changes. The orphans are only available at 3.45 on Friday afternoon. Some of them are busy preparing for exam and in the morning, they have schools. Actually, they asked if we could come on Sunday which we couldn’t.
• Pomegranate kids decided to wear school green t-shirts because they said the pink t-shirts make them feel hot ……hmmmm. They are advised to wear pants or shorts and sandals or shoes.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sharing Ideas
a) Discussion
• Pomegranate and Soaya Bean kids will be visiting the orphans this coming Friday on 25/02/2011. The kids were so excited! Altogether, the amount collected for the charity was more than RM800. The exact amount is yet to be known as we are waiting for the Administration Department’s report.
• Anyway, we discussed of what to do at the orphanage. First, the kids will introduce themselves briefly. Secondly, the kids will perform the Lion Dance. Next, we shall sing Chinese New Year songs of Chinese and English version. Next, we shall teach them rabbit origami. Then, they will introduce to the kids about their orphanage.
b) The Practice.
• We recapped on the body actions for our Happy Chinese New Year song. It was quite simple and they were quite standardized.
• Next, I divided them into 5 groups with 6-year old kids as leaders. I asked if anyone would be happy to show their friends ways to make a rabbit origami. Xing Tong volunteered. She was quite good. We did that for our CNY decoration. Thus, I folded one more time to show the kids the steps of making.
c) Visiting Soya Bean class.
• First, we taught them to sing our English version of CNY song with actions. Next, they joined us. They were quite good and had fun!
• Next, Soya Bean kids taught us the actions for the CNY song “Gong Xi, Gong Xi”. Then, all kids sang “Tian Tian Hao Tian”.
d) Teaching Origami.
• Qian Joe volunteered to teach. Everyone watched him. I guided when he was lolst of words. Upon completing, Pomegranate kids went to their respective groups. Then, Sya Bean joined us. We distributed each kid a small piece of paper. Then, they started folding and cutting. It was really fun! Teaching one another is where the joy sparks! Then, they decorated their rabbit origami and put into their bags to bring home.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Orphanage Charity Sale
a) Stall preparation.
• I set up the stalls as the kids were still having lessons at 9.30 a.m. Then, some of them helped me to place the items accordingly. I placed the labels which comprised the name of items and price.
• By 10 a.m., the kids were already excited. I called their names accordingly so that they remember who their partners were. They sat together and I gave each pair a container to keep the sale money.
• Next, they marched out and sat at their relevant places. I reminded them to take good care of the money and also to advertise their products as to attract their potential customers. Example: Helicopter blades can fly….for only RM1. Get a nice Recycled bag for your mother…….for only RM1.
b) The Sales.
• 5-year old kids came down to buy our items. The sellers are kids from our class and Soya Bean class. At first, the kids didn’t know how to promote but as they listened to how teachers promote, they started copying us…
• They kept the money in the container. Sales for toys, helicopter blades, , toy cars and biscuits were the best. Zhe Qing started sobbing when nobody came to buy her cups and glasses. I explained to her that she has to promote and she was quite shy at first. Jun Yu came to me asking why nobody buys from him even though he promoted many times. I told him to be persistent and business is sometimes good and sometimes bad.
• Yee Xuan and Xing Jing were very patient and finally some parents bought water bottles from them. Zheng Yuan was also very patient and eventually promoted his items as parents’ gifts. Example: key chains, beautiful envelopes, pencils etc. Jun Yu’s biscuit business got better when some parents started buying his biscuits. He could remember so well that he told me the amount he received. Kwong Yong and Shawn were quite a team as they kept promoting their cookies. Kwong Yong was also excited to help his friends promoting their items. Xing Tong’s business was like hot cakes. Probably because we displayed balloons at the counter. Zhi feng was also busy selling toy cars. Soon Yu and Jia Xun were busy selling other toys such as Naruto, lipsticks, dolls, telephones and etc.
c) It’s the Orphans’ Money
• As this was the first time kids deal with real money, they have the perception that the money collected belonged to them. This thought was especially strong among the 5-year old kids. Luckily I saw the actions and explained again that those collection is for the orphans. So, kids can’t take those money to buy the charitable stuffs.
• The same situation occurred for Soya Bean class too. However, after a while; they started telling one another that the money was for the orphans.
d) Counting the money.
• In the classroom, each kid got the chance to count the money. We calculated together. The collection for the morning was about RM129. However, gthis does not include parents’ donation. Xiang Wei’s mother and grandmother donated RM50 each. Alisa’s aunty donated RM10. Teacher Hui Ping donated RM50. Our charity sale has yet finished because the kids will continue to sell at 5.30pm to parents.
e) Songs: The Muffin Man, You are Special.
• We substituted the lyrics related to our Charity Sale.
Example: Do you know the cookie children, the cookie children, the cookie children?
Do you know the cookie children who help the orphanage?
(toy children, bag children, Milo children, bottle children, t-shirt children, container
children, keychain children)
• Overall, the kids performed well during their charity sale including kids like Kwong Yong who kept promoting his cookies. :)
• Thus, I thought they are very special, everyone is special in their own ways. Thus, we sang this song with actions!
“You are Special, You’re the only one,
You’re the only one like you!
There isn’t another in the world, who can do the things you do!
Oh…you are special, special,
Everyone is special,
Everyone in his or her own way. (x2)
f) Discussion and drawing.
• Eeach kid came to report what they bought. Each kid used their Rm2 rather wisely. As most charitable items are sold for RM1; thus most kids bought 2 items each. They shared their experiences happily.
• Then, they started drawing their favourite moments onto an A4 paper. Some kids actually drew detailed pictures such as Zhe Qing and Jun Yu…….hmmm I bet they had a wonderful time!
g) Evening Charity Sale.
• As we still had items to sell off, the kids were so happy to work together with Soya Bean class and sell the items to parents.
• At the end of the day, I handed the money to Teacher Huang. The actual amount would only be known when she calculates and adds to Soya Bean class collection. I shall announce to parents and kids by then. Thank You so much to all parents for your dedicated and loving heart and soul.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Charity Preparation
a) Duty segregation.
• The kids were divided into groups of pairs. The 6-year old chose the 5-year old. Then, they chose the items to sell. Then, we discussed on the prices. Example:
Toys: Zhi Feng, Soon Yu and Jia Xun.
Helicopter blades and balloons: Xing Tong
Biscuits and sweets: Alisa and Soon Yu.
Cookies: Kwong Yong and Shawn.
Drinks and Milo: Yun Xin.
Biscuits: Jun Yu and Natalie.
Others (key chains, envelopes, pencils).
Water bottle: Yee Xuan, Xing Jing.
Recycled bag: Qian Joe, Tzen Yu.
Containers: Xiang Wei.
Cups and glasses: Zhe Qing.
Plates: Chia Yen.
b) Labeling.
• The kids identify the words and cut the labels to be placed on a hard cardboard. Then, they used magic pens to write the price.
• Next, they were given stickers to write prices on them. Thus, most items have got price tags.
c) Placement.
• Next, the kids carried their items and placed them into proper containers and boxes.
• They even wiped the plates and cups which Zhe Qing brought for charity.
d) Briefing.
• The kids were to wear their school pink t-shirt to indicate them as sellers.
Chun Kit: Are we using real money tomorrow?
Teacher: Yes, of course.
Chun Kit: What are we going to do with money then?
Yun Xin: To donate to the charity.
• I reminded the kids to bring their RM2 tomorrow so that they can also buy the charitable items from their friends.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Charity Announcement
a) Charity Announcement
l We recapped on sentences to say about the Orphanage Charity Sale. The kids are rather independent as they chose to voice their thoughts. I assisted them with the proper language. Some carried the posters, some wanted to speak and we would be ending with Barney’s Theme song, “I Love You”.
l First, we went to 4-year old class to share followed by 5-year old class. Finally, we went to 6-year old class telling them that we are working together as a team to raise the fund for the orphans.
l Among the information the kids shared were:
Yun Xin: Let’s help the orphans.
Xing Tong: They have no money to buy pencils.
Natalie: The have no money to buy drinks.
Tzen Yu: They have not enough money to buy food.
Chun Kit: The have no house to live in.
Qian Joe: Orphans have no mother, no father, no brother and no sister.
Xiang Wei: They have no money to go Jaya Jusco.
Kwong Yong: They have no money to buy t-shirts.
Jia Xun: They have no money to go to a school.
Zhe Qing: They have not enough colour pencils to use.
Zheng Yuan: They have no money to buy storybooks.
Rei: Let’s help them.
l Initially, last Friday we practiced by saying, “They don’t have enough money to buy books”. However, most kids preferred saying, “They no money to buy books”. Thus, I simplified the sentences as “They have not enough money to..…… or They have no money to….….”.
b) Maths: Plus and minus.
l When we returned to the classroom, the kids were quite tired. I did some calculations with them so that they can play their role as sellers well on Thursday (17/02/2011).
l I placed cards of RM1, RM5, RM10 on the table. We talked about items kids brought to school for Charity Sale. Among: biscuits RM1, bottles RM2, books, RM1, clothes RM5, cookies RM1, toys RM2 and etc. The vocabulary: buyer and seller were introduced.
l A kid became a seller and another as the buyer. The objective was to discuss addition and minus with the kids. Addition was easier. The kids took turns to play the role of sellers and buyers.
c) Charity items.
l A BIG THANK YOU to all caring parents. We were very touched with your contributions knowing that they are all in good conditions. Your good attitude has definitely influenced your kids. The kids brought different items to school for Charity Sale. The money would then be collected to donate to the Orphanage.
Chun Kit: How are we going to give the money?
Teacher: We would pass it to them when we visit the orphans.
Xing Tong: Are we going to buy and sell using card money (false money).
Teacher: Haaa……of course not. We are using real money.
Yun Xin: We cannot buy real items with false money. We cannot donate false money to the orphans.
Qian Joe: We must be truthful.
l I got some kids to carry the items into the classroom and we observed together. Among:
Biscuits – Yun Xin, Xing Tong, Jun Yu, Chun Kit, Zhi Feng.
Clothes – Qian Joe, Natalie, Tzen Yu.
Toys – Zheng Yuan, Chia Yen, Natalie.
Cookies – Jia Xun
Book – Kwong Yong
Water bottles, cups and plates – Zhe Qing.
d) Packing.
l At first, I thought it would be just a small scale charity sale. However, with parents’ and kids’ contributions, it would be quite a big one. We invited 6-year old class to join us for the charity sale. Thus, even more items will be sold.
l Some items needed to be packed. The kids queued to get a small plastic bag. They put a pack of biscuits, 2 chocolates and a sweet in it which would be sold for RM1. Another packet contains 5 pieces of different cookies worth RM1 too. We shall continue with the labeling on Wednesday.
a) The Orphans
l We recapped about the features of an orphan.
Class: They have no father and mother. They don’t have money. They don’t have enough clothes. They don’t have many pencils. They don’t have a lot food.
l I shared with them some pictures of orphans. The described them. “The orphans don’t have comfortable beds, they don’t get chances to go holidays, they don’t have a home, they have a few friends. Some caring people visit them and organized activities like having funny clowns, lucky draw and also sharing delicious food with them”.
b) Posters Making.
* As we are having Orphanage Charity Sale next Thursday, it is important to spread the news to the other classes. For this, we have decided to make posters advertising about the charity activity.
* The 5 year old kids cut out the pictures to paste on the cardboard. The 6-year old kids drew related pictures of orphans. They even wrote phrases to indicate their message. Next, they decorated the poster together.
c) Origami Practice.
l As the kids mentioned that they wanted to teach the orphans making rabbit origami; thus it is important that they themselves can fold the origami independently.
l I showed the kids the steps slowly in small groups. They were very happy when they managed doing it. They even used the small pieces to make baby rabbits. Some kids were glad to teach their friends. We would be teaching the 6-year old class making the rabbit origami before the orphanage visit. Wit that, it would be much more fun when we teach the orphans making rabbit origami.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Sugar Cane
a) Parent Letter
l The content was about our Orphanage Charity whereby Pomegranate and Red Bean kids will be running a charity fund for an Orphanage Home in Kapar, Meru. The activity will be in our school hall on Chap Goh Mei (17/02/2011), Thursday.
l Parents and kids are encouraged to bring any items for donation such as cookies, books, clothes and etc. but still in good condition.
b) The Sugar Cane
l I brought in a stick of sugar cane. The kids started sharing that their mother bought sugar cane to pray. However, they have no idea what prayer is that. That sugar cane is from our school garden. There are 2 types. 1 purple and another of green colour.
Xing Tong: It’s green because it has pandan.
l Haaa….. that’s such a cute answer.
l Today is the 8th day and tomorrow is Jade Emperor’s birthday. The Chinese people especially Hokkiens will offer a lot of luxurious food and sugar cane for Jade Emperor at midnight. Past midnight is the 9th. day which is his birthday. Everyone wishes the best to him and hope he can continue blessing people of the Earth.
Teacher: Why do the offer sugar cane and not other fruit like apple or dragon fruit?
Class: Because it’s delicious. Jade Emperor likes sugar cane….. :)
l I asked them to find out the answer. Then, we watched a video clip on Jade Emperor’s birthday celebration. There were a lot of fire crackers and fire works, abundance of food, some even had dragon dance and lion dance, the burning of gold paper and incense.
l We also watched a powerpoint on “orphanage”. The public shared food with them, played games such as hiring a clown, brought them to the playground, played balloons and etc.
c) Tasting the sugar cane.
* I skinned the sugar cane and chopped it into small pieces. The kids chewed the pieces for the juice and spit the fibre to throw. A few kids didn’t want to try at first but after persuasion, they asked for more. J Sugar cane is healthy for us and it is used to make into sugar.
d) Corner Playing.
* The kids asked to play the “trading game” and this time, they decided what to sell. They were better at counting and also questioning and answering. They offered me a haircut and I started a clinic to introduce the doctor service.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Our Stalls
Wednesday (09/02/2011)
a) Everyone’s birthday!
l Today is the seventh day of CNY and it represents all peoples’ birthday. Thus, we sang a birthday song for ourselves.
l The Chinese on this day will free animals from cages and etc. to the nature. They hope to do good things as they believe good deeds will receive good effects. Animals such as birds, tortoise and fish when kept in the cages and aquarium definitely feel sad. It would be such a relief and happiness to return to their habitats.
b) RM 5 and RM 10.
l Today, the kids made their own RM 5 and RM 10. Green paper for RM 5 while red for RM 10. The kids also learntto write their names on the note.
c) Demonstration.
l To learn about money value, we decided to set up stalls in the classroom selling variety of items. The kids chose the items. These include: fried chicken – RM5, pizza – RM3, burger- RM6, coke – RM1,fried kuey teow – RM3, fried fish – RM 5, water colour – RM10, hot drinks – RM2, toys – RM1, and hair cut – RM10. I would be the bank whereby the kids can withdraw money if they have already used up all their money.
l I demonstrated to the kids the way of trading. I chose 3 kids to be the seller. Manners were highlighted. Example:
Buyer: “Excuse me,sir. How much is your fried chicken?”
Seller: It’s RM5.
Buyer: Can I have 1 piece, please?
Seller: Here you are. RM5 please.
Buyer: Thank you.
Seller: Please come again.
d) Our stalls.
l We used the class toys as the trading items. About 10 stalls were set up. The kids took turns t be sellers and buyers. Initially, it was very funny. The buyers gave the money to the sellers and the sellers said thank you. Before the buyers depart, the sellers returned back the money to the buyers. Haaa……thus, we had a brief meeting and I highlight the activities to improve on.
l After the second round of trading, the kids can now see if they had a lot of money or less or even no money at all.
l Those with no money, started withdrawing money from me as I was the ATM bank machine. The kids really had fun. Along the process, I guided them at the money “change” and value.
e) Orphanage Charity.
* Till today, Xin Jing brought some cookies, Mandarin oranges and also a box of dates. Zhi Feng brought some wafers and Yee Xuan brought a container of Lego blocks.
The Orphans
Tuesday (08/02/2011)
a) a) Who is an orphan?
· I illustrated using a simple story how a happy boy suddenly became an orphan. It might sound scary but I made it otherwise. The boy used to have many things. Now I asked the kids, what things would he not have now. The kids were quiet. Thus, I asked them yes / no questions ands they started having ideas.
· Can they have new clothes now? Can they eat fast food like fried chicken now? Can they go Genting Highlands like before? Can they go to school? Can they get enough money?
· Thus, the orphans will go to Orphanage Home and stay there hoping to be cared as before. Yet, parents love is still the most unconditional.
· Orphans can be as young as from being a baby to an adult. We brainstormed together reasons for being an orphan.
Kids: Some bad people catch mummy and daddy and injure them. They might die.
Rei: Some parents get sick and die.
Teacher: Some due to flood, war, Earthquake, accidents and etc.
b) Lending a hand.
· Let’s help them.
Chun Kit: Teacher, we can bake cookies for them.
· We have invited 6 year old class to join us for charity sale as unity is more powerful. The kids shared that they can bring their books, toys, shirts and also food. Qian Joe said he can donate his Ang Pow money of RM20. However, I stressed that they should go home think about it and discussed with parents what they can donate. Things donated should be in good condition. Teacher Ng will sms to parents regarding this activity.
· This orphanage donation was actually suggested by Qian Joe and supported by his friends when we were learning about Chinese New Year. Thus, our Charity Sale is next Thursday (17/02/2011) for the kids only. We would arrange another day to visit the orphans together with the donations.
c) About Money.
· The kids love selling and buying role-play. However, they needed to know how to count and collect the money. I showed them real Malaysian note of RM1, RM5, RM10 and RM50.
· They made their own small purses and wallets. Then, each kid was given 5 pieces of blue cardboard rectangle paper. On each paper, they wrote RM1 and their names.
· At corner playing, they immediately pretend to trade.
Monday, February 7, 2011
My Happy Moment.
a) Sharing of memories.
• Around 16 kids were present, the others were still on holiday. First I shared with the kids my happy moments during Chinese New Year including “remote control” fire crackers, barbecue and minor flood in Melaka.
• The kids came forward voluntarily to share about theirs. They spoke with the first sentence, “My happy moment during Chinese New Year was…….” The kids were so excited. Among: Xing Jing and Soon Yu enjoyed visiting as they received “Ang Pows”. Zhi Feng went Kuantan for its Wet Park. Yee Xuan, and Xing Tong enjoyed helping their parents to serve the guests. Alisa and Yun Xin enjoyed their “Tuan Yuan” dinner whereby about 3 tables were needed to accommodate family and relatives.
b) The “Ang Pow” money.
Teacher: What are you going to do with the money?
Yun Xin: I want to buy things like books.
Xin Jing: Mummy keeps them for me.
Xing Tong: I have my coin box.
• Nobody mentioned about saving in the bank. I explained briefly of the advantage. Chun Kit was surprised how money can grow in a bank.
c) The Flood.
• Upon listening to my story on flood in minor area of Melaka and also in Johor, the kids became very serious.
Chun Kit: If you swim, you should be safe.
• However, if the water flows swiftly and quickly, even a great swimmer might drown. The news have shown how people in Muar, Segamat and Kluang climbed onto their house roof waiting for food and to be rescued. On the other hand, the other Malaysians are enjoying their Chinese New Year with ample of food, new beautiful clothings. We are so lucky. The kids agreed.
Chun Kit: We can do charity for them.
Yun Xin: We can collect things for them.
Yee Xuan: We can give our money to them.
• Before CNY holidays, the kids have suggested raising fund for orphans. We have invited kids from 6 year old class to join us because “unity is powerful”! Thus, I reminded the kids of their intention. I asked them to decide whether to raise fund for orphanage or flood victims. Majority chose orphans. It would be rather challenging for kids to help both parties as they are still very young. “Orphanage” might be a better idea because our kids can visit them, see for themselves and feel the situation.
Performace and Gathering.
a) Lion dance Gathering.
• Beforehand, teachers performed Dragon Dance. It was hilarious but fun! I carried the ball to lure the dragon. The other teachers were the dragon. I made them chase after me. At times, I ran slowly but at times, I daced swiftly making the dragon to cahse and kids to cheer! .
• The kids had been training for the past one week for this event. First, we had 6 year old class to perform. Then, it was us. We had 4 lions with 8 performers altogether. All the kids gathered at school’s living hall while the lion dancers were lying at the playground. The Little Buddha woke them up ad the lion danced through the gate into the hall. The other kids were playing the instruments such as cymbals, drums and tambourine. Then, 4 kids brought Mandarin Oranges for the lions which they pretend to peel off. They ended the performance by bowing to everyone. The school kids were very happy!
b) Lion Dance Greeting.
• For this, we needed only a lion. Weei Xiang and Wee Hong held the lion head high to eat the vegetable consisting red packet “Ang Pow”. Then, it threw the vegetable out from its mouth. We rested for a while.
c) Class visiting.
• We visited every class together with a Lion dance. The performers took turn to perform at different classes. The other kids sang “Happy Chinese New Year” song. We gave the kids some candies ad a paper scroll wishing them Happy Chinese New Year.
d) Reunion lunch
• The kids rested for a while. Then, we sat in a huge circle together with 6 year old children for lunch. Our cook had prepared delicious dishes. We ate fried noodles, nuggets and also ice-cream.
e) Friends’ Visit.
• In the afternoon, we invited the 6 year old friends for a gathering. Jun Yu, Qian Joe, Xing Jing and Tzen Yu were kind to bring some food such as dragonfruit jelly, cookies and also potato chips. I bought some biscuits for them. Then, we sang our Chinese New Year song for them. We didn’t have time for games. They thanked us and greeted us well. Each of them brought a Mandarin orange to share with us.
f) The Legend of Dragons.
• The kids begged me to tell the story. It told how four good friends, the dragons helped giving rain to the poor people on earth. They were punished by Jade Emperor who thought that they stole his rain. The dragons scooped water from their ocean and poured dow to the earth as rain. The dragons magically turned themselves into 4 famous rivers which ca be seen in China today.
Origami Ornaments.
a) The Rabbit Origami.
• First, I showed them the steps. Then, they followed me step by step. Some older kids were quite independent. They even guided their friends.
• The kids were given a rectangle paper. Then, they folded it ad cut into a square shape. Ext, they unfold it. The paper was folded similar to aeroplane origami. Then, the smaller triangle was folded towards inside and then outside again; as to get a sharp point for the rabbit tail.
• Next, the paper was folded symmetrically. The long sharp point was cut whereby they folded upwards to form the rabbit ears. The kids were happy and excited as they were easy to make. The older kids such as Qian Joe and Chun Kit were creative to use the recycled paper to make a smaller rabbit ad attached to the mother rabbit’s body. The younger kids followed the ideas.
b) The paper lantern.
• I showed them making a simple paper lantern using red packet “Ang pow”. The kids folded the paper into half and started cutting it except its edges. Upon unfolding it, they learned to roll and paste them together. Next, they attached shredded paper onto the end similar to an actual lantern.
• The kids pasted the rabbit origami to the lantern. They took the ornaments home as decorations.
The Chinese Superstitious.
a) Chinese New Year Superstitious.
• Before CNY, Chinese will do Spring Cleaning. They believe on the eve, “Chai Sern” or God Of Wealth would bless them. Most Chinese are vegetarians for the first day. They would wear new clothes especially red and play fire crackers to scare away the Legend of Nien Monster. No sweeping is allowed as it will sweep away good luck from the home.
• Second day, the family usually visit the mothers’ family. Some people believe that the third day is improper for visiting as it causes quarrelsome.
• The seventh day is everyone’s birthday ad the eighth day is the birthday of “Jade Emperor” whereby the Hokkiens would offer him sugar cane.
• The last day is Chap Goh Mei whereby some people throw oranges into the river hoping to find his or her life partner. It is alos the final day of CNY.
b) CNY card continuation.
• Today we continued with the front cover. We learned how to sketch a rabbit picture as it is the “Rabbit” year. The older kids were encouraged to be more creative. Then, they have to write the phrase “Happy Chinese New Year”. Then the kids checked their card to add on more details such as their names and etc.
Cornflake Cookies.
a) Recipe.
• Last year, Zheng Yuan’s mum taught us to bake cookies for Chinese New Year. This year, the kids and I learnt from a recipe. We identified the ingredients and tools: cornflakes, raisins, butter, honey, brown sugar, cherries, paper cup, weighing machine, pots and etc.
• We weighed the ingredients together by observing the weighing scale. The kids were chosen as assistants.
b) Baking.
• We baked in the kitchen. The butter were mixed together with brown sugar so as to dissolve on the gas stove. Then, the mixture were mixed together with cornflakes and honey. Each kid took turn to mix the batter. Next, I added raisins and cherries. They then took turns to scoop the mixture into the paper cup.
• The cookies were the baked in the oven so that they stick well together. Altogether we baked about 100 pieces. Each kid managed to eat a piece while the others were left to cool down. They are able to bring home the next day.
c) Recording.
• We discussed about the process, tools and ingredients needed for this recipe. Then, I sketched some pictures with label. After that, the kids started drawing pictures ad labeling them on the paper.