Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Great Wall Of China

Thursday (29/03/2012)

a) Brainstorm: Walls.
l I arranged blocks into a rectangle representing walls. I asked each kid to touch the wall in the classroom. Some touched under the table, nearby the chairs, some touched the wooden wall while some touched the one under the window.
Teacher: Why do we need walls?
Hiro: To protect from bad people.
Ying Qiao: Protect from wild animals.
Rei: To divide the house into rooms.
Alisa: To keep the house clean. (Such as kitchen, toilet and bedroom).
Teacher: Protect us from dangers such as thunderstorms.
l Kids said they have got bricked walls. There are also wooden walls and walls with tiles. Fences surround our homes as a border between two homes. Some are metal while some are wooden fences. Some have got CCTV, some with thorns while some with electricity guarded.

b) Great Wall Of China.

l Astronauts claimed that they could see a long stretched line (similar o snake) from the space using tools such as binoculars. To date, it’s said the length is about 6000km while the width of 5 horses and height of 6m. However, if were to add all the walls built since 2000years ago; the total might add up to 12,000 km. Some sources said, it is almost 2 times the size of Earth diameter. (We’ll be talking about erosion tomorrow).
l As I arranged the blocks, I made a gap between some blocks. They would be the gate or huge gigantic door. (Yi Han: I’ve got gates at home).
Teacher: Why did the Chinese build such as long wall.
Wei Lok: To protect them from bad people.
l I briefly explained that China has got lots of goods such as rice, water, silk, money, homes and many more. Many travelers or Nomads tend to steal from Chinese. Thus, the Chinese Emperor built walls to protect themselves.

c) Measuring Activity.
l Taking a big block, I showed the kids about “length, height and width”. I introduced the easier way…..”____ long, _____ high and ____ wide”.
l We decided to measure the school.
l Height (Tzen Yu and Xiang Wei suggested we measured from Phonics room to the ground).
l Length (From garden fence to the main gate).
l Width (From Recycled bin to the sand pit fence).


Wednesday (28/03/2012)

a) About China

l Questions: How big is China? How many people are there? Why are there many factories in China? What is famous in China?
l China is the 4th biggest country in the world after Russia, Canada and USA. It has got 1.34 billion people. Malaysia has about 28million people. There are about 56 ethnics, thus; many dialects in China. The widest spoken language is Mnadarin.
l I drew the map. The western side is more developed with cities and factories. The Capital City is Beijing. Jun Qian’s parents just got back from Shanghai according to him. At the south, one can find may paddy fields as farmers are there. Thus, China’s main food is rice. There is a desert near north of China. It’s so big that the climate is different. Generally, it is a four seasonal country.
l More buildings and towers in China and the world’s highest building will be in China very soon. Factories are everywhere because there are many cheap manpower. Thus, many things are produced in China.

b) Chinese Inventors.

l Before Leonardo da Vinci, a lot of things were already invented in China. Some information could be seen from Marco Polo’s notebook. Among Chinese inventions included bicycle, abacus, gunpowder, wheelbarrow, compass, paper money, umbrella and kite.

c) Chinese Features.
1) Martial arts including Wushu and Tai Chi.
2) Chinese Medication include foot reflexology, acupuncture and herbal medicine.
3) Religion include Buddha and also minority of Muslims.

l We did some Tai Chi movements. We also searched for our wrist nerves and located the nerves. We massaged our feet and identified certain acupuncture points.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Movie: Around the World In 80 Days.

Friday (23/03/2012)

a) Italian Folk Dance.

Kids chose their partners and danced beautifully. They improved within just 2 days!
First, I chose Jia Xun to be my partner. Kids observed our steps. Most counting is up to 8. The final step was the bridge and they ended with a big circle and some postures!
We danced in the classroom and at the school hall as it is more spacious. We danced 4 rounds and kids were exhausted but happy!

b) Movie Continuation: Around The World In 80 Days.
From India, Passepartout, Mr. Fogg and the French lady arrived in China. Mr. Foggg was curious why everyone was so friendly towards Mr. Fogg. He was the only person who didn’t know about Pasepartout’s secret. Somehow, when Mr. Fogg found out, he was so angry and disappointed. However, while he was still angry; the Chinese triads came to capture 3 of them in front of the Chinese villagers. The triads wanted to kill them! Luckily, Passepartout’s 9 siblings came to his rescue. They won and the triads had to leave the village. Passepartout used martial arts to protect himself and friends. He didn’t kill his enemies but gave them a second chance to change.
The Jade Buddha was safely placed in the village temple. Everyone was happy……to be continued!

Italian Dance

Thursday (22/03/2012)

a) Binding the mask.

l We worked together at binding the mask using a black elastic band. The kids inserted through the holes while I tied the knots for them.

b) The Italian Dance.
l We watched Tarantella Italian folk dance video clips. The song is the same but different performers may danced differently. Rei asked if we could create our own steps. Of course, we can.

c) The Steps.
* 1) learning left and right. 2) Learning to skip 8 counts (front and back, then side to side).
3) Learn to skip in circles. 4) Learn to clinch arms and skip in circles for 8 counts.
5) A partner kneel while another skip around. 6) Learn to make a bridge and taking turns to dance through the tunnel bridge. 7) Learn to spin!
* It was fun. Kids will dance again tomorrow and are encouraged to bring dresses and danced more formally!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Buon appetito, pizza!

Monday (19/03/2012)

a) Ingredients and tools.
Kids were already so excited, sitting at their
seats while listening to my introduction. They were pizza dough (we used bread
instead as it’s easier to find at home), mayonnaise or tomato sauce, button
mushrooms, corns, pineapple, fresh tomatoes and cheese.
They listened attentively to step-by-step
instructions of making Italian bread pizza.
Spread mayonnaise, then place the ingredients
(tomatoes, mushrooms, pineapple, corns) and the last has to be cheese. Nobody
ask why……I was waiting….

b) Group chefs.
Kids decided on the task they preferred. Tasks:
cutting tomatoes into small cubes (Kai Song, Hiro and Xiang Wei) cutting button
mushrooms (Rei, Alisa, Jun Qian and Jia Xun)
into cubes, cutting pineapple into small slices (Ying Qiao, Xing En and
Shang Hong), cutting cheese into small slices ( Jia Jia, Yi Han, Yu Xi) and finally, moulding the rectangle bread into
round shape (Yee Xuan and Wei Lok).
Pineapples and tomatoes were more challenging as
they are softer and juicier but kids were serious at preparing them. Both Yee
Xuan and Wei Lok were working well preparing the round shaped bread. Yee Xuan
pressed it hard while Wei Lok pulled the sides outside the round shape from the
rectangle bread.

c) Let’s top up!
When ingredients were prepared, I showed the
kids how I made my pizza. They followed my steps and were tolerant at their
turns. They also learned to consider to have enough ingredients for all
friends! Cheese was the final stage.
Then, I placed them on the tray with their names
on their pizza using toothpick and stickers. While I was busy, the kids helped
to tidy the classroom.
Rei, Tzen Yu washed the bowls, 5 years old
helped at sweeping, Xiang Wei and Kai Song helped at arranging tables. The kids
sat on their chairs waiting eagerly!
They started singing songs cheerfully. “Friends
are special, A Small World, Thinkety Think, We are the world”.
Ying Qiao: Look! The cheese is
Now, the class realized that the melted cheese
is like the glue to hold the ingredients together J The kids enjoyed their
pizza……hmmm…..look at their faces……”This must be the best pizza I ever had!”
Kai Song: I’m gonna ask my mum
make pizza. Teacher, we can make a big pizza for the whole school! J

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Sand Play

Thursday (14/03/2012)

a) Words recap
* Each kid recapped words they have learnt: Malaysia, map, Kuala Lumpur Tower, Petronas Twin Towers, Pisa Tower, tourist, river, sports care, grape farm, pizza, fashion, globe, gondola, Genting Highlands and many more.

b) Gondola Boat Origami.
* Practice makes perfect! The kids could only play at sand for a while yesterday due to the drizzle. Thus, each was given a recycled paper again and they folded more independently.
* Instructions: Fold a rectangle paper into half and unfold it again to get the crease. Fold each side to the middle of paper along the creased line. Fold the angles to get small triangles so as to meet the creased line. Repeat for second triangle. Fold it for every 4 angles. Then fold the sides to the middle along the creased line. Unfold the paper to get an origami gondola boat.

c) Outdoor play.
* Kids get to choose to play on the sand or on the slides. A pail of water was place below the slide so that the gondola can sail to the water surface.
* At the sand, it was challenging for kids to imagine how to dig a long river. They dug in separate groups for 3 pits and filled in water. They looked more like lakes. Finally, Shawn came and dug a deep straight pit combining 2 earlier lakes. Eventually, kids followed his footsteps and we dug a long river successfully. Hiro and Wei Lok prefer to fill the pits wit water. When ready, the kids sailed their gondola paper boat. Yee Xuan even suggested a Pisa Tower while Ying Qiao a building. Shawn added on a mountain. It was fun!

d) Malaysian Folktale.
* People go around the world to collect different things. Christopher Columbus sailed around the world to determine the Earth shape. Leonardo went around countries to get more ideas. Barney went around the world to share stories with kids. Allan Robert went climbing towers of the world. I prefer to collect stories of the world.
* The Clever Mouse deer.
“ A cow heard a crocodile’s cry because it was under a fallen tree. It asked for the cow’s help. The cow did so but crocodile quickly bit the cow’s leg. The cow cried and the clever mouse deer came along and asked what happened. The cow explained the scenario. The clever mouse deer came up with an idea. “Mr. Crocodile, can you show me how the fallen tree trap you?” The crocodile let go the cow and crawled under the fallen tree. The silly crocodile was once trapped again! Morale: Be grateful to peoples’ help. Never have evil thoughts.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gondola boat origami.

Tuesday (13/03/2012)

a) Song: Thinkety Think.

· We recap the meaning and sang the song. It meant not giving up at anything you do.

b) Gondola boat origami.
· Shawn and Jia Xun said they know how to fold. Thus, I gave them paper and they folded in the circle. Jia Xun’s folding was loose while Shawn has forgotten a few steps. Shawn said his father taught him.
· I showed kids my step-by-step instruction to fold. I repeated twice before giving them the paper. Only 5 years old needed more guidance while some 6 years old needed prompting at turnin the paper inside out.
· Then, they wrote their names.

c) Sand play.
· The kids were so excited that thye dug the sand and made narrow rivers or canals. They were amazed at how the water became like a big lake. They took turns but then the unpredictable weather started drizzling. We shall continue again another day.

d) The Video Clip
l We watched how Ventians rowed the gondolas and tourists enjoyed themselves. Some gondolas have got musicians and singers ….with higher fees. We also saw the beautiful architectural buildings along the canals.
l We also watched the beautiful masks worn by Italians during their colourful festivals. Some masks were scary though…some were beautiful.

The Venice City

Monday (12/03/2012)

a) Vocabulary Recap.

l We recapped words learnt: Malaysia, globe, tower, Petronas twin Towers, tourist, Italy, river, gondola, sandwich, tourist, Venice city etc.

b) Venice City.
l I arranged straws on the shelf table. Then, kids listened.
l Venice is the world’s smallest city with at least 12 narrow rivers or canals. It’s actually a lagoon consisting of many islands. It’s popular with ships that carry items for trading. Venice is known as City of Water. It’s popular with Pisa Tower, the slanting tower which took more than 200 years to construct. It has no cars as there are no roads for them to travel. People travel by water taxi, gondolas and some have their own private boats. There are traffic lights and police catch those that disobey laws. Venice is popular with its glass industries. Its buildings eg. Churches have got beautiful glasses. It has markets, schools, shops, theatres among others. Its popular with its masks dance and festival. Also popular with art eg. Opera singers and comedians.
l However, Venice is flooded many times a year. Some prediction said that Venice might be sunken in the near future due to the rise of water?
l Wei Lok: The Erath is sick!
l The globalwarming has caused floodings everywhere.

c) Mini Venice City Craft.
l The kids thought of pictures they could draw to make this little Venice city. Among: the hotels, schools, museums. Pisa Tower, boats, gondolas, hot air balloons, masks, theatres, shops, markets, water taxis and others. Then they cut their paper to paste on a small cardboard stand. We would continue the construction tomorrow.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Parachute Craft

Thursday (09/03/2012)

a) Parachutes comparisons.

l Leonardo’s pyramid sketch was of pyramid shape. Kids brainstormed together and realized that it can’t be folded into a bag; it would be heavy to carry up to a height, plus it might be bigger than the helicopter or aeroplane.
l The modern parachutes generally come in 2 shapes; the round one like a jellyfish and the longer one. They are friendlier and convenient. Today’s parachute also has the steering to steer to the desired landing area and will be safer too.

b) Usage of Parachutes.
l Generally three purposes: i) For emergency rescue from any aeroplane or helicopter fire. ii) cargo parachute to send goods to save victims of flood, Earthquake and etc. iii) Sports performance.

c) Step-by-step Parachute Making.* The kids listened and observed. 1) Take a recycled plastic. Use a marker pen to draw a “V”shape and cut along the line. Make 4 holes using a pencil. Next, take 4 yarns and insert through the holes. Kids will use a little cellophane tape to paste the yarns onto the plastic bag. Next, the paste all the 4 yarns together. They have to give some weight for the parachute so that it can fly down. They can use a recycled paper and crumpled it into a ball and then link to the yarns. Lastly, kids will have to decorate.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Da Vinci Machines Exhibition.

(Tuesday: 06/03/2012)

a) An awesome trip!
* It was a great trip as we travelled by bus to The Mines Shopping Mall. Along the way, we saw so many types of buildings, railways, toll booths, the horse track field, Palace Of Golden Horses whose lake flows directly to the narrow canal of the shopping mall! Trip: Da Vinci Machines Exhibition, McDonald’s meal and swimming trip at Pandamaran public pool.
b) Da Vinci Machines Exhibition.
l We greeted our host and he toured and explained to us.
l Leonardo Da Vinci’s birth place, his family background, his great observation skills and his great enthusiasm which earned him the title “Renaissance Man”. His handwriting was written mirror-imaged and his potraits were of so real that equivalent to the work of a computer Photoshop! He used symmetrical shapes at his potraits and inventions. Among:
l Tanks, Machine guns, improved bullets, helicopters, parachutes, night clock, the hexagon mirror room, the ox carts and wheels, the improved bicycle chains, his great idea of war defence, his water turbine system and many more. His famous potraits caught the kids’ attentions as we asked more questions. His contrast backgrounds was the reason of Mona Lisa’s beautiful magical eyes! Kids even sketched pictures of their favourite machines there!