Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Da Vinci Machines Exhibition.

(Tuesday: 06/03/2012)

a) An awesome trip!
* It was a great trip as we travelled by bus to The Mines Shopping Mall. Along the way, we saw so many types of buildings, railways, toll booths, the horse track field, Palace Of Golden Horses whose lake flows directly to the narrow canal of the shopping mall! Trip: Da Vinci Machines Exhibition, McDonald’s meal and swimming trip at Pandamaran public pool.
b) Da Vinci Machines Exhibition.
l We greeted our host and he toured and explained to us.
l Leonardo Da Vinci’s birth place, his family background, his great observation skills and his great enthusiasm which earned him the title “Renaissance Man”. His handwriting was written mirror-imaged and his potraits were of so real that equivalent to the work of a computer Photoshop! He used symmetrical shapes at his potraits and inventions. Among:
l Tanks, Machine guns, improved bullets, helicopters, parachutes, night clock, the hexagon mirror room, the ox carts and wheels, the improved bicycle chains, his great idea of war defence, his water turbine system and many more. His famous potraits caught the kids’ attentions as we asked more questions. His contrast backgrounds was the reason of Mona Lisa’s beautiful magical eyes! Kids even sketched pictures of their favourite machines there!

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