Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Clay: Great Wall Of China.

Tuesday (03/04/2012)

a) Wei Lok’s Documentary Book.

l Wei Lok’s parents just got back from China trip and they also visited Great Wall of China. Every visitor would be awarded a book with certificate of participation in it! There were lots of beautiful photos. Kids learnt that China is a 4 seasonal country. Thus, we saw Great Wall photos of Spring, Autumn, Winter and Summer. They were so beautiful. Kids saw the “pagoda”, the beautiful architectures, the temples and a photo of popular China Story on “Meng Nu Jiang”.

b) Step-by-step instructions.

l Today, we made Great Wall Of China model using clay. Clay is made of mud.
l Kids could choose from 3 colours: blue, green or red and decorate with their own picture drawings.
l First, kids took a small ball of clay. Then, they rolled to make into rectangle shapes. Another rectangle shape as the WatchTower.
l Then, they used a toothpick to draw bricks on their caly. Kids were reminded not to stack bricks directly on top of each other for balancing purposes. Thus, they drew bricks in between.
l For watch towers, they could add on decorations. They could draw armies and paste on toothpicks. They could even add on canons or bow and arrows. They could also add on pagodas, Emperor or even ladders.During the process, the kids were rather independent with some guidance for the younger

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