02/09/2008 (Tuesday)
a) Sharing of Storybook
* Jn volunteered to tell her story: “the three silly Goats”. However, she was unable to start. So, I prompted her with questions and she found her confidence.
* The lesson she learnt was “We should not quarrel or fight. We will lose out. We should tolerate our friends.
b) Sharing of MERDEKA!
* Half of the class watched the MERDEKA countdown. They shared their experience.
JH : I watched TV8 on Merdeka.
ZY : I saw them performing the Hibiscus, red flower
JN : I saw the flags.
JS : There were many people.
ZYg : There were also aeroplanes and helicopters.
LX : I saw Datuk Lee waving at the King. He played at the Olympics.
JN : The king and Queen were wearing yellow suits.
c) English Reciting Poem
* My story: As I cycled down the seaside, I wanted to sketch a scenery. Suddenly I was attracted to a brown bird, butterfly and the dancing leaves
* We recited together.
* Next, the kids divided themselves into 3 groups to represent the brown bird, the butterfly and the sea waves.
* They enjoyed making the movements as the poem was recited.
d) Selamat Hari Raya
T : Did you ask you parents what fasting is about?
JS : cannot eat.
T : Good but why?
YZ : So that they can feel the lives of the poor people.
T : Correct, the unfortunate ones…….
* They got to know about the Ramadhan market that sells all types of desserts and food.
* After one month, they will celebrate ‘Selamat hari Raya”. What’s that.
ZY, YZ : Its their Chinese New Year……..
T : haaa…….it’s actually Malay New Year.
Video clip
* They had to observe the clip besides listening to the song called “Suasana Hari Raya”.
* They mumble among themselves what they saw.
* In the class, they drew the pictures they saw from the clip. Marks were awarded.
* ZYg drew “lemang”, the bamboo rice. JN drew flowers. YZ drew a house. ZY drew the happy people greeting one another.
* I added the lights used for decoration. In Malay, its called, “pelita”.
T : Why did they light the pelite?
ZY, JN : To scare away the thieves.
T : Haaa……Today, they are more for decorations. In the past, they were used to invite their ancestors to join them for Hari Raya Celebration.
I encourage Jn to share this story to all her friends.But she told me she will scared and no confident to tell the story.I am happy she manage to do it finally.
Dear Mrs. Ang,
Thank you so much for your comments. It helped me a lot with the kids' lessons and growth.
Jin Nan has always been a wonderful girl, trying to improve herself continuously. She is doing a great job......showing many great positive changes.
Teacher jenny
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