Tuesday (17/02/2009)
a) The Acid Rain
The kids recapped the water cycle and how it got dangerous as it mixed with the dangerous gas from factories.
On how to reduce the acid rain, Ze yan suggested that that factories should be closed. Then, Jen Ning said that it won’t be possible as we need things to be produced.
Giving them a riddle, they finally guessed that plants and trees would help to reduce this matter.
Song Chuan reminded the class that green plants would absorb the poisonous gas.
b) Planting Plants
I showed them the “Japanese Flower” plant. I wasn’t sure of the colour as it could be orange, pink, yellow or even red.
Thus, we talked of some vocabulary. Flower pot, soil, water, sunlight.
It also takes responsibility to plant the flowers as if not properly cared for, they would wither. None of the kids were interested of withering. Eugene suggested that we take turns to water the plant. Jin Nan would be the first gardener starting from tomorrow.
We went to the garden. The kids took turn to fill the pot with soil. Then, each took turns to plant them. We decided to plant it in the class. I hope it would instill responsibility and team work within these kids.
c) Recording: Sink and Float.
We recapped things that sink and float.
Each kid was asked to write the names of things on the whiteboard. By doing this, I hope they learn to recognize more words as able to write better. In fact, they recognized the mirror-imaged letters.
Then, they copied into their Record Book and also drew and coloured their pictures. Most kids were independent. Some guidance was needed for Yun Wen, Xjn Ru, Jing Kai, Justin and Jin Shan. However, they all showed dedication to record their observation……..awesome!