Our Pomegranate friends!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
a) Where did I come from?
* Mother’s stomach was everyone’s answer!
* To be correct, it’s from a mother’s uterus. It stays there for 9 months and during this time, it is called a fetus.
b) Stages
* For the first month, it is as big as a pea. By second month, its spine, heart and brain starts to develop. By the third month, some facial features appear together with arms, legs and obvious genitals. From 4th to 6th month, the fetus’s hair, eyebrows and eyelashes develop and a heartbeat can be heards by a stethoscope. The skin is covered by fine hair and mother feels the kicks! The 7th to 9th month is the crucial period for rapid body and brain growth. The fetus wakes up easily and sucks its thumb.
* All the while, the fetus is being protected by a special fluid called the fluid-filled amniotic sac. It protects from bumps and bacteria. The fetus gets its nutrition from the umbilical cord which would be cut off once the baby is delivered. That would be our belly button.
c) Heredity
* Because the baby shares his / her parents’ genes, thus, they look similar to them.
* Some twins look alike, some not. Some are of same sexes while some are of different sexes.
d) Sports Day Practice
* We practiced again to ensure consistencies. They got much better and were in line.
e) Game: My lost toy
* The kids formed a circle. We closed our eyes. A person was chosen to hold a toy. He / She had to place the toy behind a friend. Once we stopped singing, the person where the toy was placed behind had to chase the first person. Either one person would have to grab for a place to sit.
* We sang all the songs that we have learnt before.
Rehearsal At Stadium
a) At The Stadium
· The kids were so excited that we went to the Stadium for rehearsal.
· Upon arrival, we saw a number of Chung Hua students preparing for Sport Day’s performances and activities.
· They were so amazed too see how a teenager jumped over their friends’ hands similar to high jump.
· They also saw the running track, the football goals, the long jump sandpit and also the javelin sport.
· We started by warming up but the kids were so thrilled that they ran a huge round circulating the tracks.
b) Rehearsal
· Overall, they were attentive. We practised more on the coming in for positions and going out from the stage.
· The place was so big that it was a bit messy at the first practice. At the second practice, things got better. The Cheerleaders were also more consistent. The Goodbye Wave was also livelier.
c) Post-mortem
· When we reached school again, we enjoyed Jing Kai’s birthday mini ice-cream cones. We also discussed about our performance on how to improve it!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Game: Scissors, Rock, Paper
a) Vocabulary
* We read some words learnt earlier including: leg, arms, lips, hair, head, hand.
* Each kid was given a counter. They played in pairs. First, they placed the counters at the “Start” position. Then they competed “Scissors, Rock, Paper’ to move their counters. The first person to finish reading the words would win. This was exciting. Some kids even came asking me the words a few times to ensure they can win such as Eugene, Yun Wen and Foo Soon.
b) Practice: Sports Day Performance.
* First, we practiced a new dance for our Sports Day in accordance with the music “Oh, Suzanna”. Only 5 steps involved to be repeated four times.
* Then, the kids went down to the playground to practice their “Cheerleaders” and “Basketball Performance”.
* It was their first rehearsal in front of other teachers and they were very alert of their steps. The Cheerleaders needed more guidance to ensure consistencies of steps. They were quite efficient!
Food Pyramid
a) The Pyramid Structure
* The kids are always told to eat healthy food. What is healthy food?
* By looking at the pyramid and pictures, they know independently what to eat and what not to eat.
* We should eat grain and cereal the most as they provide energy. Others included: pasta and bread. Next most would be vegetables and fruits. Next, would be meat, segg, beans and tofu to provide lots of protein. Next, would be milk, cheese and yoghurt. The least to be consumed would be sugar and sweets.
* These foods have got nutrition such as vitamins and minerals which help us to stay strong and healthy. People from different countries consume different food to get the same nutrition. Example; a vegetarian consume lots of beans and tofu to get protein. Guess what? Some people from Africa consume roasted juicy worms for protein. Some Thai people roast well-bred cockroaches as snacks. The worms and cockroaches are bred for commercial purpose and they are clean and safe to be consumed.
* The kids shared their stories. Some people after a surgery consume lots of eggs, fish or meat to get the protein so that they heal fast.
b) Practice: Sports Day
* We practiced the Cheerleading and Basketball Performance. The kids got better and more confident!
* We discussed about our attires. Black tracksuits for boys and since girls do not have black or dark grey tracksuits; the girls would wear the pink tracksuits.
The Wave Movement
a) The Wave
* After wushu class, the kids settled down. We discussed about waves. Some kids came to demonstrate its movement. Jen Ning, Foo Soon, Yun Zhe and Zi Jun demonstrated.
* Then we got into the boys’ group and girls’ group.
* Each held one another’s hands. It was difficult at first. Then, we remembered about dominos. So when the first person bent, the next person followed through and until the last person. The wave was getting better. Finally, they looked quite like a wave…haaaa. We might include that movement in the Sports Day Performance.
b) Practice: Sports Day
* We practiced the Cheerleading and followed by the Basketball Performance.
Teeth Brushing
a) Proper Ways To Brush Teeth
· Justin said we had to brush the front teeth sideways first and then brush the inner teeth.
· Sharlene said we should brush up and down.
· Shu Wei said her dentist advises 3 minutes brushing.
· We read Guan Yi’s book. It said we should brush softly up to down continuously for 2 – 3 minutes to avoid gum bleeding.
b) Video Clip: Teeth
· We watched a dentist who advised us. We must brush our teeth on the left or right first. Place the brush near the gum and teeth. Brush down a few times to get rid of the stuck food. Then, brush them in circles for about 20 times. Next, move to the front and right teeth. Then, only go the inner teeth. Lastly, brush our tongue one way down.
· Some people use a device to brush their tongue. Some people use floss to floss the teeth between as food might get stuck. Some with bad breath or who want hygiene would rinse with Listerine.
c) Worksheet: Teeth
* We learned words: mouth, lips, teeth, toothbrush, toothpaste.
* Then, the kids labeled and coloured them.
d) Practice: Sports Day
* The girls practiced Cheerleading while the boys practiced Basketball Movements in groups.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Our Teeth
Monday (13/07/2009)
Song: Laugh With Me
A song to describe how important a “smile” to us! Laughing even makes our days wonderful!
Storybook: The Toothbook
The kids had so much to say about their fallen tooth and what they did with it. Eugene said that his sister’s friend threw the rotten tooth under the bed and the next day, she found a coin…wow! Jin Shan agreed it will be true. Shu Wei just smiled puzzledly!
Song Chuan said he still has all his Primary 20 teeth. Shi Jie said her some of her sister’s teeth had fallen. Yun Zhe said he was worried that his 2 milk teeth at the top row would not grow. They had been away for quite a while. I said they will definitely be out. Meanwhile, just take lots of Calcium and healthy food. Furthermore, these food will help their teeth grow beautifully.
The book shared with us the teeth structure of different animals. Example: a duck has no teeth, a cat has 30 teeth and a walrus’s teeth are called small tusks. The tusks would help them hold to ice glaciers when they sleep.
About 6 months old, a baby would have its first 2 Milk teeth at the bottom row. By the agae of 6, they would have 20 teeth. At the age of 6 or 7, their Primary teeth would fall off and be replaced by
Permanent Teeth.
We learnt the structure of a tooth. Enamel, the white and outer layer is as hard as a rock. The roots will hold the tooth to our gum. Blood vessels within the teeth would help us sense our food. Thus, especially when one has a rotten tooth; it hurts when they drink cold drinks or eat ice-cream.
Some kids from China and Italy believe there are Tooth Fairy. Thus, the kid will place their tooth under the pillow and the next morning, they are suppose to find some treasure…wow!
As half of the class didn’t bring toothbrushes and toothpaste, we shall do the brushing activity tomorrow.
Worksheet: Body parts
A revision to the words learnt earlier. Kids read a few times, then labelled the parts correctly. Then, they coloured the picture.
Meanwhile, the kids practised their Cheerleading and basketball Performance separately in their groups.
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison
When he was a little kid, he was very quiet. People around him thought he was silly or “not clever”……”s - - - - -“. Edison put fire on his father’s barn at a young age and he was canned in the public. Fearing for him, his mother bought him a thibk book of Scince. He read all of them and started expeimenting things.
When he was 12 years old, he sold newspapers and candies at a railway station. His ears was accidentally pulled by a man trying to go into a train. The ears got injured and became a little deaf. At that time, the medication was not that modern to fix his ears problem.
However, he continued doing experiments until one day, he decided making light. He failed so many times and he would stay long hours in his lab. People called him crazy. Evbentually after almost 1000 times, he was the light inventor. People called him “The Light Wizard”. Those People who called him unpleasant words learnt a big lesson: “Never Judge a Book By Its Cover”. The kids learnt too!
Practice: Cheerleading and Basketball
Based on yesterday’s performance, I divided the kids into 4 groups. I categorised based on their favourite physical movement as well as their interests and opinions.
The “Cheerleaders” are Jin Nan, Shi Jie, Jen Ning, Le Xin, Sharlene and Yun Wen. Shu Wei preferred to be in the Basketball performance.
The Cheerleaders practised first accompanied wit the song “I Feel Good”.
Then, the boys performed accordingly in their groups. The background music is “Space Jam” performed by Michael Jordan and Disney cartoon characters.
Justin tried a few times and he preferred to perform his yoga posture. So, we thought that Emcee position would best suit him. He shall then use some yoga postures while introducing our performance…..:)!
Our Ears
Thursday (09/07/09)
Storybook: I Hear With My Ears
Kids asked questions: What is a wave? Why does some people wear hearing device, what is an eardrum and etc.
Sounds travel throught waves in the air. They would flow into our ear tube until it reaches our eardrum. The ear tube is wear we accumulate dust and dirt.
The waves vibrate the eardrum and are moved along by auditory bones, they reach another stretched membrane called the oval window. It transmits the vibrations through the fluid filled cochlea which is filled with thousands of sensory hair. The thousands of hair would send messages to the brain.
When we tend to listen to loud sounds, by mid 30s or 40s, some people would have hearing problems. Thus, we must look after our ears to avoid using hearing aids. Some people are born deaf or mute or maybe they faced some accidents. Thus, the serious patients would learn sign languages to communicate.
Continuation: Artcraft
We continued with drawimng lines using rulers. Today, they drea on the second piece of paper.
They got better. Some kids were excited doing this activity.
Discussion: Our Performance
I drew the layout of the Stadium which we are going to have our Sports Day. I drew the stage where they would perform. Some kids say, when performing with friends, they are not afraid.
Back 2 months ago, when we first tried “pom pom” and “Basketball Game”, the kids already wanted to perform to their parents. I said it would depend on their hardwork and discipline. Now, their chance is here. We did some planning together, Rugene, Ze Yan and Yun Zhe also gave some ideas. They suggested somersaults. Wer would practise tomorrow.
Our Red Lady Fingers
While watering our vegetables, we saw two grown Red Lady Fingers. The kids came down to pluck. This time, they were Jien Wei’s. However, they were hard. Could they be too old?
We then compared to Jen Ning’s small red lady fingers and found that hers was hard too. I guess that was why nobody sold Red Lady Fingers.
Learning to Measure
After wushu class, the kids learnt to measure with rulers. I brought in 1 meter ruler and the kids learnt that 1 m = 100cm. The normal ruler is only 15 cm. However, the ruler which I am lending to them can be opened up to 30cm. Those rulers would be their third present.
We were going to make a patterned paper or rather “batik”. Thus, each took a piece of half recatangle paper and measured. It was difficult but most of them tried until the aim is achieved. I assisted Le Xin, Justin, Jin Shan, Jing Kai and also Foo Soon.
Game: Stack ‘em
Tuesday (07/07/2009)
Video Clip: Domino
* We watched a video clip. The kids watched it rtepeatedly and were amazed at how the man constructed his dominos. He included a handmade mini bulldozer, a few balls, a small wheel and finally a bell.
Game: Stack ‘em
Yun Zhe brought over a Stack ‘em and the kids were very happy. Zhe taught them to play. They need to balance the stack of woods. Thus, thinking intelligently is the objective of the game.
They would scream when their friends are about to pull the wrong wood….haaa!
Meanwhile, some kids even played with dominos. We used erasers as dominos.
Recapping eyes
The kids sat in their 3 groups and recapped what they could remember about eyes. They talked about the pupil, retina, the nerve system, the moisture and also about glasses to remedy a person’s nearsighted or farsighted problem. The lenses on the glasses wil project the image to the retina.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Keeping Fit
a) Song: I Love The Mountain
We recapped the song and sang it together.
b) Storybook: Keeping Fit
A book that teaches us to be fit. Ways: Exercise, sports, games, housework, food and also a good rest and sleep. There needs to be a balance of various activities to keep us healthy and fit.
next, we listed down what the kids could remember in order to stay fit.
c) Basketball Dance and Cheerleading.
First, the girls did their cheerleading first. Jen Ning introduced a new pattern dance which the other girls accepted.
Next, the boys got into 5 pairs and started performing. They had to remember the steps included bouncing 4 times on the left and then 4 times on the right. Then, throw the ball to the next partner and the partner will also bounce 4 on the left and right. Next, they ran while bouncing. A t one point, one of the kids somersaulted to the other side while the other partner bounced and ran.
We danced to the music of Space Jam featuring Michael Jordan.
d) Basketball Competition
The boys then competed, Thunderstorm against Twister.
There were quite good at defensing their teams and eventually, Thunderstorm scored 5 to 1 against Twister.
Basketball Dance
Song: I Love The World
We learnt a new song which we watched the video clip on Wednesday.
The kids learnt easily and tried explaining each line. The chorus was their favourite.
Worksheet: The 5 senses.
As our brain controls our 5 senses, thus we did this worksheet.
They were quite independent at answering and reading.
Eyes to see, Ears to hear, Tongue to taste, Fingers to touch and Nose to smell.
Cheerleaders and Basketball Dance
We tried using our intelligence skill.
We chose “I Feel Good” as the music background. The girls did the first 2 minutes dance and the boys continued with basketballs.
They bounce and threw to their friends. After exchanging, they ran and bounced. We were still thinking of more steps.
We marched down wanting to play a basketball match but cancelled due to the music lesson at the hall.
Thus, the kids gathered to discuss and they preferred a race. So, they raced 3 by 3. The girls cheered for them.
Sleep and Dream
a) Flashcards
l A quick revision of words learnt earlier.
b) Our Brain: Sleep and Dreams
l We recapped the different parts of the brain.
l We talked about “sleep” and “dreams’
l When we sleep, our muscles relax, breathing and heart rate slow down and blood pressure drops. Our brain is believed to organize the information which we worked throughout the whole day earlier.
l Situations of sleep. When our eyes are moving from left to right, most probably; we are dreaming as the brain organizes information. Otherwise, we would be in deep sleep.
l Dreams occur when we think of a certain situation too much.
l Some people snore due to a cold or too tiring. The kids then share with me that sometimes their parents snore.
l Some would do sleepwalking and when they awake, they wouldn’t know about that.
l This could be a serious sickness.
c) Activity: Parachute Cloth
* Al the kids held the cloth together. On my cue “Open up”, the kids throw up the big cloth just like a parachute. Then, I called out the kids’ names and they quickly crawled under the parachute before the parachute touches them. Thus, they were using their hearing and sight senses, as well as physical movement.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Our Boss: The Brain
a) Revision: Word Recognitions
· We recapped some words included: artery, vein, heart, appendix, gastric, lungs, kidneys, urine, bladder, blood and immune.
b) Magical Performance
· Justin shared with me a book on magical tricks. Thus, I invited him to do the performance. He also invited his cousin, Eugene to assist him.
· There was a container with rice grains. The 2 boys held a golden cloth covering across the container. Meanwhile, I shake the rice and yup…..a ping pong ball appeared on the grains.
c) Our experience
· The kids got excited sharing about the magical performances they had been to. Foo Soon shared about his experience in Hong Kong, Wen Yue too, Yun Zhe, Jin nan, Le Xin, Jin Shan, Sharlene, Shu Wei and just almost all the kids have got experiences to share about.
· I told them about David Copperfield of how magnificent his magic was. People disappearing from one place to another across the ocean and it was a live performance at that time!
· Wow! However, the kids said there is no magic only tricks or jape.
· Thanks to our mighty brain.
d) Brain and memory
· When we first started writing, we scribbled, and then; it got better. The reason is because our brain has a better memory when we practised often. Practise makes perfect. Similarly, when we always behave politelty and say pleasant words, we will do it automatically because our brain has been trained to do that through practice.
e) Balancing Bricks
· The kids and I arranged the bricks on the floor. We took turns to walked on the narrow line slowly. The kids enjoyed themselves. They asked for more.
· The second round, they had to balance a bean bag and at the end of the journey, throw it into a hoop.
· Some walked steadily while some stumbled over it. They discovered that when stretching our hands, we could balance better.
The Sick Bear
Monday (29/06/2009)
a) Storybook: The Sick Bear
l A wonderful story about a sick bear. It felt tired, very warm and kept groaning. This could due to the strong wind that kept blowing in the season of Autumn. The bear’s friends included hare, mouse, owls, crows, moles were very concerned. They covered him with a blanket, took turns to put a wet towel on its forehead, boiled warm water for it and also sang lullabies for the bear. After a few days, the bear was still groaning and sick (the kids said it was the moment white blood cells attacked the bacteria)。 Using their intelligence skill, the birds searched for herbs and boiled for the bear. The friends didn’t sleep well because taking good care of the bear.
l The next day, the bear healed but the flu bacteria already infected its friends. Thus, they started coughing and sneezing. The bear remembering how wonderful his friends were; now in turn took good care of its friends.
l Along the story, the kids connected themselves that when they were sick, sometimes they mumbled and groaned. Now, they could relate better to the immune system they learnt last week.
b) Encyclopedia: Our Brain
* Our brain weighs about 1.4 kg yet it is the most important organ in our body. It consists
of 2 hemispheres and controls so many of our activities.
l Vocabulary: Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brainstem and Hypothalamus. They have their own functions.
l Among the cortex brain’s functions: to govern sight, muscle movement, touch and taste, eye movement, smell, hearing and also speech.
c) Video Clip
l We watched clips on the Nervous System that includes spinal cord, nerves and the brain.
l Kids learnt that nerves are like small roads linked to the spinal cord such as highway. When we faced different situations, our reflexes will send messages to the nerves and flow through spinal cords which then trigger the neurons of the brain. The brain will then send messages through neurons to the nerves which affect our muscles to respond.
l Then, we listened and watched a music clip of Discovery Channel, “I Love The World”. It was an exciting song with wonderful pictures. After watching, I asked if the kids could recall the pictures they saw. Wow…they were quite good! Eugene: I can see an astronaut. Justin: I can see the giant squid. Jen Ning: I can see some people dancing around the fire. Jien Wei: I can see the aranichd. The list goes on!
d) Blindfold and Balancing
· The kids learnt that “cerebellum” controls our balancing.
· Each kid finds a partner. One of them is blindfolded. The other friend guided them to the staircase. They climbed excitedly and carefully. Then, they walked down again.
· Part of our brain monitors our sight and plus the cerebellum, that explains why it was quite challenging to climb without seeing with our eyes.
Our Immune System
a) Video Clip
· It is a challenging topic for the kids. Fortunately, I found some easy and interestimng video clips on the Discovery Channel. We watched together.
· The kids were surprised that a single bacteria cell could copied themselves into millions when it got into our body. Likewise, our white blood cell could duplicate themselves. The kids thought it was amazing how the white blood cells swallowed the pathogen or bacterias.
· They learnt new words such as antigens, antibody, vaccine and also saw B Cells and Killer T Cells. They saw how the Lymphatic Nodes produces more white blood cells to battle against the alienated pathogens…..wow!
b) Vaccine
· They heard the word vaccine and asked about it. In layman’s term; it is a medicine against the pathogens in our body. Vaccine would strengthen our immune system and fight them.
· Vaccines are actually good bacteria. These good bacteria are being bred in eggs and then after a while, being transferred as vaccine in small bottles.
c) The Legendary Michael Jackson
· Michael died of heart failure. The kids were anxious of his look and wondered why he turned from black to white. One of the kids said, her mother mentioned about skin cancer.
· We watched and sang a video clip by him, Heal The World. They loved it and we tried interpreting the important sentences.
d) Modifying The Hula Hoop Game
· We wanted to create more interesting games.
· Thus, this time; we used a small and a big hula hoop. The first person hold the big hoop would have to go through it and pass it to his or her friends. Whatsoever, they musn’t let go their hands. They really had to work as a team intelligently. Any violation of rule, they have to restart the game.
The “Bubble Boy”
a) The “Bubble Boy”
· From Ze Yan’s encyclopedia, we saw something unexpectable.
· Born in 1971, David had a rare genetic disease whereby he had very low immune system against any kind of bacteria; even a cold virus could kill him.
· Thus, he lived in a bubble room which was a germ-free environment for 12 years. No friends or even parents could touch him. Any food or toys and books given must be sterilised first. He attended school by speakerphone. When he was 6 years old, NASA gave himan astronaut suit so that he could sometimes play outside. At 12, he underwent an experimental operation to give his body the white blood cells it needed. However, 15 days after the operation, he died.
b) The Immune System
· When a bacteria or germ gets into our body, it will trigger our immune system which will send an army of cells to fight them off. These includes white blood cells, B Cells and Killer T Cells.
· The kids were amazed of what our body can do.
· Thus, people suspecting of H1N1 would be quarantined for 7 days because it usually takes about 7 days to see whether our immune system has successfully fight off the alienated bacteria. If yes, we will be negative from H1N1 or even some other flus. Otherwise, we would then be tested positive.
· Learning about this, we talked of ways to stay safe from the infectious H1N1.
c) The “Swapping” Game
· We recapped words we have learnt. Then, each kid chose 2 words to write on a paper each. Then, they were grouped in a team of 4 friends. Each person then put their mini flashcards in their bowls and turned them upsidedown. Next, they used their hands to swpped the 2 bowls. The other friends would have to watch carefully. Then, they would guess which bowl has got that particular word.
a) Kidney failure
Teacher: Did you ask your parents “What happens if our kidneys fail?”
Sharlene: We will die.
Eugene: We still can live if we have one kidney.
· When a patient’s kidneys failed, the doctors would arrange for dialysis while awaiting for new donors. However, not all kidneys are suitable for our body. If the donated kidneys aren’t suitable, our body would reject them. Thus, doctors need to examine carefully before doing transplant.
· A dialysis machine costs expensive and hospitals charged a sum of money for every dialysis treatment.
· The dialysis function id similar to kidneys that filter our blood and thus, helps us to pass urine.
It is definitely painful but after dialysis, the patient would feel stronger.
b) Kidney diagram
* I drew a kidney diagram. Thus, we learnt about Renal Artery, Renal Vein, Ureter, Renal Pelvis and also capillaries in the Nephrons.
* After doing work, our cells will produce a waste which could be poisonous to our body. Thus, this blood is carried through Renal Artery to the capillaries and being filtered. The waste would be channeled into the ureter as urine. Meanwhile, the cleansed blood would return to our body through the Renal Vein. It would go to the heart which pumps it to to the alveolus in our lungs to discharge CO2 and accept O2.
* Urine contans of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and other toxins. They are kept in the bladder from the ureter before discharged as urine. If the toxin remains in our body, the accumulation would be dangerous to us!
Ze Yan: Is liver enough to filter our blood when we have kidney failures.
· Liver has 500 tasks to perform in our body such as restoring the vitamins and cleansing blood too. However, only kidneys can channel the urea as urine. Kidneys failure can be assisted with machine but liver is yet to have a machine to assist any liver failure. Both are equally important!
c) Experiment
* We took a bottle and cut a hole at its bottom. Then a cut open balloon is tied overt the hole. The other end, the cap was not covered but we attached another balloon over it. When, we pulled the top balloon quickly and released it, the cut opened balloon at the bottom deflated and inflated.
* The cut open balloon is our diaphragm.
c) Recording: Boomerang Ring
* We recalled the vocabulary included: cones, players, rings, line and score marker.
* After drawing, they labwelled the pictures. Some kids suggested for other titles such as Mighty Rings and Canon Rings. I allowed them to choose but they still have to jot their record neatly.
The Boomerang Ring
Game: The kids sat in their usual 3 rows.
· A leader was chosen for every group.
· The first person would have to carry 4 rings. He / She has to hop to the hula hoop and then throw the rings there onto the cone. Eugene, Sharlene and Jin Nan were quite good.
· It was fun because the kids thought it was easy until they flung the rings. We did for 2 rounds and Group 1 and 2 had a tie.
· We had 2 filters in our body. Liver and kidneys.
· We learnt earlier about liver and it is so important to clean our blood cells to be channeled to our body parts.
· We have 2 kidneys that look like beans.
· They have lots of blood capillaries.
· Imagination: Jack ate some noodles. The saliva broke them down. It went down through esophagus and theninto our stomach. The kids took turns trying to explain. The hydrochloric acid break the food into churn. Pancreas and gallbladder produce digestive juices to further break down the food into nutrients as to to be absorbed by small intestine and send them into bloodstream.
· The leftover goes to the large intestine which would be secreted with mucus of the large intestine walls. The leftover consist of water, undigested fiber and a few minerals. They are expelled through anus as discharged.
Watching CD
· Sharlene brought us a CD. We watched how food could be digested and provide us energy. We swallow food which was munched by our teeth and saliva breaks them even smaller. Down, it flows down through our Esophagus into the stomach and then further digested through the small intestines which proveides nutrients to our bloodstream. Next, to the big intestine and finally into our rectum as motion.
Our Heart
Game: Win, lose or draw.
· This is a game whereby, a person would draw a picture and the other people would guess the message of it.
· First, I drew and the kids guessed. Then, the kids drew and their friends guessed.
· We have interesting sentences.
· Among: The butterfly is singing. The frog is listening to the radio. The crocodile is plating basketball, The table is flying in the sky.
The Cardio System: Our Heart
· Jen Ning: Without a heart, we will die.
· Zi Jun: A heart pumps blood, teacher.
· Foo Soon: A heart gives us energy.
· A heart size is similar to our fist. It’s job is to pump blood to all our body parts.
· Yun Zhe: What colour is the blood with Oxygen?
· When we breathe, Oxygen goes into our nostrils, throat, lungs and into the alveolus. Oxygen here will be absorbed into our heart which pumps through the heart to body parts. Its chilli red colour and in most books, this is symbolised by red colour arrows.
· Reaching the end of this body part, the blood with non-Oxygen would flow back to the heart and then into the alveolus so that we can breathe the Carbon Dioxide out again.
· Some people with heart problem can replace with another donor’s heart.
· Some even rely on machines to pump their blood.
Measuring Heartbeat.
a) Most kids couldn’t find the heartbeat. We tried with two fingers touching our wrist. However, most kids found them vague. So, we changed the location to the pulse under our neck and it was better.
b) We tried calculating the beats per minute which was very challenging for the kids.
c) By looking at the clock, the kids know that there are 3 needles on a clock. The longest needle is the second needle. 60 seconds = to 1 minute. Thus, the kids now calculate their pulse for only 10 seconds and we times by 6. Rather, we also added them 6 times. Most kids were successful. Averagely, a healthy kid has 80 beats compared to an adult of 72.
d) Yun Zhe: Why? Teacher: Because they are growing up and their body is more active. They usually breathe twice faster than us.Next, we jumped on the spot for 30 times and calculated our pulse again. The heartbeat has increased due to we need more Oxygen to help our body at jumping.
a) Wushu
· Our respectable instructor is Teacher Yong (Yang lao shi)
· He taught the kids a few skills: queuing discipline, instructions such as bowing respect, not to scream when listening to instructors, stretching hands sideways straight and with energy.
· The kids also learnt that Wushu is for protection and not for fighting.
b) Father’s Day Song
· We read through the words and then the kids explained the meaning.
· They enjoyed the song especially the chorus part.
· It is sung to the tune of “I Will Follow You” as in the DIGI song.
· Song:
“I will follow you,
Follow you wherever you may go,
You work hard all day long,
To give us a Home Sweet Home,
Thank you so much…..
“Oh …..Father(x 3),
Please remember we love you (x 3),
Forever and forever, forever, forever,
Thank you for everything!”
c) Father’s Day Book
· As discussed earlier, majority of the kids voted for making “a book” for their father.
· However, they have different ideas they wanted to draw on the cover page. The picture will be their father’s favourite.
· Eugene drew a laptop, Wen Yue, Foo Soon, Jien Wei drew dragons, Le Xin drew a rainbow, Shi Jie, Jen Ning and also Sharlene drew a house.
· They drew and decorated with yarns and also straws. Then, they coloured the picture.
· We shall continue with the second page today.
· The kids preferred that the book not be stapled so that they can continue the book for a long term basis.
The IQ Game
a) IQ Game: Hula Hoop
· The class was divided into 2 groups. They made 2 straight lines. They must hold hands throughout the game. If they let go, they have to restart the game.
· A hula hoop was given to the first person and when the whistle blew, the kids twisted their bodies intelligently to pass the hula hoop. It was interesting to see how some kids paused a while figuring how to pass the hula hoop.
· They liked the game that they requested to play a few more times.
· Wen we got back to the class, we discussed. Kids who used legs to pass the hula hoop got through the game more easily.
· Kids shouldn’t give up easily because it tests our Intelligence skill.
b) Appendix
· Till today, the doctors couldn’t find the duty of an Appendix. However, if after our meal, we started jumping or running; we will have body pain on our right side. This might lead to appendix.
· Our stomach usually takes 4 hours to do a omplete digestion. Thus, the stomach needs lots of Oxygen form the blood for digestion function. When we run or jump, we need more Oxygen on other body parts. This will slow down our digestion and cause stomachache.
c) Continuation of Worksheet.
· The kids continue yesterday’s worksheet. They cut and pasted to another Body model worksheet.
Our Lungs
a) Definition
· We have 2 lungs; one on the left and another on the right.
· Wen we breathe in Oxygen, it goes into our nose, the windpipe and then into the bronchial tubes. It then branches into left and right which leads to the bronchioles. Here the Oxygen would be absorbed into our blood system. The heart would pump them throughout our body to assist us at doing activities.
· After doing activities, we now have Carbon Dioxide as a result of using the Oxygen. The Carbon Dioxided blood would flow back to the heart and then into the lungs which then be discharged into the environment. This is the exhale process.
· We then looked at Ze yan and Jing Kai's encyclopedia as well as Jin Nan's. The kids were amazed how black the lungs could be if a person lives near a polluted area. Thus, a smoker has very dark lungs. The lungs actual colour is pink.
b) Game: The Wheelbarrow
· Due to the haze, we played an indoor game.Ecah kid find a partner. One being blinfolded, the other would lead them walking to the end of the line passing the Sports Cone. Here, the other partner would give the blindfolded person a stick. He then has to hit a container. Upon the hitting, he would take off the blindfold cloth. The other partner now had to crawl using only his or her hands while the legs being held up by the other partner. This is a wheelbarrow. They enjoyed this game as it involves team work.
a) Haze
· Haze condition in Malaysia is getting more serious.
· T: What is haze?
· JS: because people burn rubbish.
· JN: I saw some people burn leaves in the garden.
· YZ:Dad said the farmers in Indonesia burnt their trees.
I showed them some newspaper articles. The haze was due to the forest burning. Some were intentionally burnt, some were due to the hot weather. In fact, in Malaysia, some people still do open burning either on their farm or dry leves at their backyard. These factors contributed dust and unhealthy gases into the air. Consequently, we have haze.
· Newspaper even mentioned that the El-Nino wind blowing towards South East Asia direction has caused haze even more unavoidable.
b) Effects of haze
* As we breathe in air, Oxygen now mixes with haze into our body. Consequences: difficulty of breathing, eye irritation, skin irritation, coughing among others. People also have diffi
of sight when driving at night.
· Kids breathe more than adults as they are more active than adults. Thus, it is advisable to play indoor and drink more water. We hoped that the haze would be better.
Our Tongue
a) Experiment: Guessing the tastebuds
· They learnt names of 4 tastebuds: sweet, sour, bitter and sour.
· Food: sugar, salt, mayonnaise and coffee.
· They learnt that these tastebuds are strongest at their place. Thus, when we eat something sour but we taste with the tongue tip, it would take a while to identify the taste. It would be faster if its on the tongue side.
· After experiment, we labelled the places of the tastebuds on a tongue diagram.
b) Basketball Practice
· The kids requested for a game.
· Before playing, we rcapped the Sports Spirits.
· We also practised some Cheerleading steps as the girls had to be independent.
· During the match, the kids were more independent and could even recognise any mistakes made by their opponents.
· Before the match starrted, I played a music background and the kids pretended to run on the court waving to the audience. Then, they shook hands with the other team.
· During the break, the Cheerleaders performed their short dance. Throughout the game, they also cheered for Thunderstorm and Twister.
Our Nose
a) Storybook: Our Nose
· Jen Ning shared a book on “Our Nose”. All animals and humans have nose. However, the sensitivity is different.
· Foxes sniffed for food. Elephants have long noses called trunks. They used them to bathe and also to feed themselves with food.
· People used them to smell. When a person is sick, they would catch a cold and caused flu.
b) Theory: Nose
* We have a nose with 2 nostrils. They have a small piece of cartilage and not bone. It has hair and mucus which would trap dust and some polluted particles.
· Thus, some unhealthy habit of digging nose and then sucking fingers are totally unhealthy.
· When we breathe, some molecules of air would land inside the nose and trigger the smell receptors, namely tiny hair. Then, smell messages are sent to a nerve in a brain. A normal person can smell 4,000 different odors.
· However, the “Bloodhound” dog smelling sense is hundreds of times more sensitive than humans. Thus, they always help police to search for criminals and evidences.
c) Sniff and guess
Some food were prepared.
· However, the kids eyes were blindfolded.
· Food: curry puff, doughnut, coffee and some tomato sauce.
· They enjoyed this experiment. Most kids could guess the tomato sauce as its their favourite food. Doughnuts too won half of the class's votes.
· Then, we ate the food together.
The Talented Handiccapers
a) The Handicapped People
· Today, Jin Shan shared a poster with us on handicapped people.
· Kids said that they could see many of them at night market. They shared their experience. Some would donate, some parents would not as they could be only disguising themselves.
· Some are natural borned handicapped while some because of accidents.
· To continue living, they have to be determined and think wisely of what to do. After all, the main boss of our body is the brain.
b) Various Handicappers
· The poster showed how some of them painted using their mouths, some using their legs wile some only using a hand.
· The kids were lost for words to see these.
· I showed them some video clips of their beautiful pictures. One man actually lost his 2 legs but he could draw and paint the picture of Mona Lisa fantastically; on a Hong Kong Street. Another girl used her mouth to draw a beautiful tiger.
c) Drawing Differently.
The kids disguised themselves as Handicappers and they could either use their mouth or legs to draw.
· Initially, they thought it was easy but then just hardly 5 minutes, they already started commenting.
· Jen Ning used her legs to sketch but used her hand to colour. Jin Nan used her left hand to draw as she is a right handed.
· Max, Eugene, Ze yan were rather determined not to give up and yes, the pictures were not that nice compared to their usual work. Now, they could understand better how talented those Handicapped artists were.