Friday (10/07/2009)
Thomas Edison
When he was a little kid, he was very quiet. People around him thought he was silly or “not clever”……”s - - - - -“. Edison put fire on his father’s barn at a young age and he was canned in the public. Fearing for him, his mother bought him a thibk book of Scince. He read all of them and started expeimenting things.
When he was 12 years old, he sold newspapers and candies at a railway station. His ears was accidentally pulled by a man trying to go into a train. The ears got injured and became a little deaf. At that time, the medication was not that modern to fix his ears problem.
However, he continued doing experiments until one day, he decided making light. He failed so many times and he would stay long hours in his lab. People called him crazy. Evbentually after almost 1000 times, he was the light inventor. People called him “The Light Wizard”. Those People who called him unpleasant words learnt a big lesson: “Never Judge a Book By Its Cover”. The kids learnt too!
Practice: Cheerleading and Basketball
Based on yesterday’s performance, I divided the kids into 4 groups. I categorised based on their favourite physical movement as well as their interests and opinions.
The “Cheerleaders” are Jin Nan, Shi Jie, Jen Ning, Le Xin, Sharlene and Yun Wen. Shu Wei preferred to be in the Basketball performance.
The Cheerleaders practised first accompanied wit the song “I Feel Good”.
Then, the boys performed accordingly in their groups. The background music is “Space Jam” performed by Michael Jordan and Disney cartoon characters.
Justin tried a few times and he preferred to perform his yoga posture. So, we thought that Emcee position would best suit him. He shall then use some yoga postures while introducing our performance…..:)!
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