Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Monday (05/09/2011)

a) Friendship.
• We learnt the definition of “friendship”.
• A friend always helps us when we need assistance. A friend always encourages us. A friend forgives us and guides us doing the right things. A friend plays with us and shares with us.
• This is to welcome new friends from 5 year-old Red Bean class joining Pomegranate

b) Song: New Friends Found.
• A song getting to know one another better as well as dancing around having fun!
• The kids paired up as a boy and a girl. They sang and dance to the song. They watched my demonstration.
“We walk to the left, And we walk to the right,
And we walk, and we walk, And we walk alright,
With a heel and a toe, And a half turn around,
With a heel and a toe, And a new friend found!”

c) Guess who am I?
• The kids closed their eyes while I chose a kid to stand behind a very thin cloth. They guessed from the shadow. Well, some were so excited that they peeped at the process. They were so good at guessing who stood behind the cloth…..:) now, they know their friends’ name and features better.

d) Let’s clean together!
• The class is rather messy with pencils and books unorganized. Thus, we did job segregation. Some in-charged of the stationery, some wiped the walls, some wiped the door, some arranged the storybooks and some assisted me to clear the materials and posters of previous theme; “Let’s Play, Let’s Exercise!”
• Before going home, I asked the kids to think about new topics that they would like to learn for their new theme.

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