Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Spring Season.
Tuesday ( 22/05/2012)

a)      Enquiries.
l       Yesterday, kids asked about spiders and leopards. Spiders’ blood have got anti-freeze enzyme in its blood. Thus, during winter, it can protect itself. They don’t hibernate but will stay in holes or homes covered with their webs as protection. They would lay eggs at winter to be hatched in Spring. However, some spiders which are not strong enough will die.
l       Tigers and leopards are only in Equator countries. Only Snow Leopards and Siberian or Snow Tigers are in seasonal countries. Snow Leopards live in Snow Mountains and they don’t hibernate.

b)      Winter Disaster.
l       Winter is fun but also drastic. The bad weather include snow slide or Avalanche, and snow storms.
l       The change of season to Spring will cause the snow to melt and thus; flood is a problem.

c)       Spring Season.
l       The Earth is nearer to the Sun and it’s a new life for many plants. Insects and animals become active and pollination is everywhere. Farmers and Gardeners are busy. Lots of vegetables grow and harvested. Other plants such as corns and wheat will be harvested in Autumn.

d)      Video Clips.
l       We watched clips on winter animals’ protection during winter.
l       Geese and other birds would migrate to a warmer place. Geese show good unity spirit. They fly in a “V” shape. When the leader is tired, it will fly behind and replaced by others.
l       We watched Spring video clips on learning various flowers. We also watched pollination by insects and birds.

e)      School Garden.
l       We explored the school garden and discovered that we have lots of plants some with flowers and some without. Among: sugarcane, pandan, vegetables and others. 

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