Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Full moon eggs

31/07/2008 (Thursday)

a) Storybook: ‘How did dinosaurs eat their food?”
* As we read, the kids stopped to say if they were plant or meat-eater. At one point, JS said Lambeosaurus was a meat-eater. ZY and EG disagreed. To avoid the chaos, we checked an encyclopedia immediately. The class agreed totally that it was a plant-eater. YP was doubtful why plant-eaters also had claws. They needed them to protect themselves.
* They learnt some new dinosaurs’ names. Some dinosaurs spit the vegetable just like the kids. Some asked people to carry the cups just like the kids. Some eat noisily just like them!
* The second half of the book said, “No, dinosaurs were actually very polite. They have manners.”
The kids laughed and related to themselves.

b) Choose your props.
* The kids decided their favourite dinosaur and then chose the prop. They pretended to be that dinosaur while their friends guessed.
* Most kids preferred to be Pteranodon, the giant flying bird during dinosaurs’ age. XR, LX and JN were brave enough to act. ZYg and JW preferred to be T-Rex. The other kids chose to watch rather than perform.

c) Tea break: Full moon eggs.
* Teacher Hui Ping took some red eggs for the kids to celebrate her kid’s full month occasion.
* The kids cracked the eggs themselves and thought themselves as Oviraptors, the egg-stealer.
* Most of them were independent to crack and to clear the shells. They loved it!

d) Our blue Stegosaurus.
* The kids got more excited to see the standing Stegosaurus.
* As EG sat on the craft yesterday, the legs had sunk. They were more careful after the incident.
*We discussed how to strengthen the legs. So, we stuffed more newspaper into the dinosaur!
* ZY : “Wow, it’s so fat!”
* YZ : “We can leave it outside the kindergarten and scare away all the thieves.” Haaaa!
* SYu, SJ, XR and LX were responsible for a tree. M, WY, EG and ZYg for another tree. The
other kids helped me with the Stegosaurus.
* M and WY needed prompting as they were rather dependent at times. After showing them more
guidance, they were able to produce a nice one.
* SYu’s group was independent. Good job!
* Today, we cover the Stegosaurus with blue paper and pasted the plates. JH and ZJ pasted the
spikes. We needed to decorate the scales in the next lesson.

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