Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Helicopter/Propeller hat

13/10/2008 (Monday)

a) Corner Playing and Assessment

* The kids liked playing the blocks to build aeroplanes / rockets / swords. Last time, they

assembled guns and we discussed about the danger of guns. Thus, they had stopped assembling
* Later, Jian Wei came with his Ben Ten watch, First, he only wanted to share with some friends.

After frfreshing their memory that toys brought to school are to shar around. Otherwise, leave
them at home. Then, he started sharing with all.
* Meanwhile, I did assessment with them. Today I called upon, Jun Hong, Yun Wen, Yun Zhe and

Xin Ru.

b) Origami: Propeller Hat.
l Last Friday, they painted their newspaper. Today, they learnt to fold it into a hat.
l They needed to check if they had two layers of paper.
l They needed to fold into half and then unfold again.
l They fold the two ends similar to aeroplane folding. Then they folded the bottom part over the triangle.
l Most of them were independent. They flew around with it!

c) Practice: Musical Play
l We looked at the words on the board to reinforce words recognition.
l I am glad they were more confident with the song.
l Then, we grouped separately into 4 groups: the aeroplane, the helicopter, the rocket and the

l The kids suggested to fly in circles rather than making straight lines.
l As they sang, they danced and performed. We did in a big group first. Then as they had a better idea, we did separately. They were laughing and having fun!

d) Storybook: A wonderful Idea
The kids gathered to listen to the story.
l It was about how two crane birds transported their good friend, a tortoise in order to find a new home with water.
l The tortoise thought of the idea. Yun Wen said, “The birds cannot carry the tortoise. It is so heavy!”
l She was right. So, the tortoise thought of an idea: to find a long strong stick to be held by the cranes. Meanwhle, the tortoise would bite the middle of it.
l The cranes reminded him not to open its mouth during the flight or it will fall.
l However, when it saw some farmers praised the clever cranes mistakenly, it got jealous.
l I opened its mouth, “It’s my idea!” and fell down……
l Is the tortoise dead. The kids said “NO” because of the shell.
l They had to think of the ending which we would discuss tomorrow.

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