Our Pomegranate friends!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Story Tuesday (29/03/2011) a) Hop in! • The kids gave lots of opinions on how to make their submarine. They saw me tracing a pot cover to get circles as windows for the submarine. They even suggested that the tower not to be closed so that the kids can pop their head out of the submarine body. They also suggested that a door is made on the tower of the submarine. The periscope shall be on the tower. Thus, I had to do the cutting separately as it’s dangerous when it involves cutter. The kids beautiful pictures were pasted all over the submarine. b) Storybook: The Submarine. • A Chinese storybook which I translated. This was a small submarine that carried the sailors to carry out missios such as rescuing shipwreck victims or for research purpose. The sailors packed their bags onto the submarine, said goodbye to their friends. The Captain introduced the tools in the submarine. There were computers ad screens in it. To sink, the submarine was filled with water and the gears were controlled so that it gave the submarine a jet propulsion to dive into the ocean. Of course, the propeller spinned and its function is similar to a fish tail that move a fish forward and moving to the left or right too. The sailors used periscope to see the ocean surrounding which can’t be seen outside of the window. In the event that submarine was nearing big rocks or barriers, the computer sensor would sound (Wee Xuan: Just like our car) loudly as warning. Thus, the sailors had to navigate the ship from the barrier. Finally, the submarine saw a shipwreck ad rescued the victims. It also used its robotic submarine to repair some damaged pipe in the ocean. Wow! In the very dark ocean, they saw fishes that glow such as Anglerfish ad some other fishes with highlight body. Next, to float to the surface again, the sailors emptied the water in the tank and started speeding up to the surface. c) Kaleidoscope and Periscope. A submarine uses a periscope to see the ocean surrounding. A periscope needs 2 mirrors to view this. However, we didn’t have mirrors to make as well as we didn’t have a real periscope. However, the school has kaleidoscope and I showed the kids. It consists of many small glasses in it so that whe the kids see through an image, the particular image can be viewed I many patterns. We are still looking for the mirrors to make a periscope. Hopefully, we can find some! d) Drawing and Recording • The kids drew their submarine in the ocean with underwater animals. Overall, they were independent. It’s quite fun drawing because a submarine body is quite similar to a fish; just like an aeroplane similar to a bird.
Types of Submarine
Monday (28/03/2011) a) Video clip • We watched a video clip on submarine. This sub was a holiday cruise, a small one. We saw the customers placing their belogings on top of the submarine. Then, it sank into the ocean and customers watched the ocean animals through its window. • The second clip showed a military submarine carrying their marines or sailors to protect their country. b) Books. • The school bought 2 new books on sub. There are 2 types. One that carry people while another performs like a robot underwater. • The first submarine had o engines and they could be in the ocean oly for a few hours. Today’s sub ca stay for moths ad carry as may as 150 people. • These subs sometimes are used for military purpose to protect their countries from pirates ad enemies. I didn’t go very detail with kids on this. The other type is for research purpose. • The robot submarine that has o people on board carry a lot of computer device so as to send their data collection such as photographs via satellite to the scietiest at their sciece lab or ational Science Cetre. • The kids asked the meaning of submarine ad Tzen Yu said it floats outside the Earth. • Chu Kit is so impressed with the robotic submarine and wished he could have one. c) Submarine Continuation (Part 3) • We were brainstorming to make the box solid so as not to fall. Now, it can’t even stand by itself. Thus, how can it accommodate the kids as explorers. • Qian Joe said add some steel to it, Zhe Qing said, we can hold with our hands, Shawn said we can all put our heads together to hold up the box surface from inside….haaaa! But, how can we move freely then? • Finally, Kwong Yog said we should fold oe of the box side and yes…..it works! Brilliant! • The kids started sitting on the sub. d) Decorating the submarine. • We talked about decoratios. We want to learn various ways of decorating. Okay……the kids said they wanted to darw ocean aimals ad paste oto the submarine. So they started sketching cute preety pictures ad lear to paste with glue. • Meawhile, Chu Kit and Yun Xin assisted at pasting the small box onto the sub body. This will be the tower. Its not easy to attach but team work does help!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Submarine and team work
Friday (25/03/2011) a) Organising files. • Kids organised their worksheets of this theme into their plastic folders. These will be shown to parents on parents’ day (26/03/2011) b) Submarine craft (part 2) • The kids and I discussed of whether to leave the top part of the box open or closed. The kids preferred closed because that’s how a submarine looks like. Qian Joe suggested that we make doors so that the explorers in the submarine can push open the door. A great idea! • The kids had to make the box stand strong. To do that, we pasted the ends and corners of each box. I only showed the kid once but the 6 years old were really determined to do the task. I reminded them that “teamwork” is our focus. Those who could tolerate and work together got the chance to handle the first submarine. The few good examples are Zhi Feng, Jun Yu, Zheng Yuan, Yun Xin, Qian Joe, Xing Tong and Chia Yen. The others finally understood the meaning of “teamwork” and started behaving well which gave them an opportunity to work on our second submarine. Meanwhile, I guided the 5 years old to make the submarine top portion. We used Tzen Yu’s box and school’s box. The kids applied glue to the boxes surface and the kids were quite alright with it. They didn’t mind the sticky feeling. Then they pasted their favourite colour paper onto the surfaces. They worked in team. When there’s extra length of colour paper, the kids learnt to trim the balance. The mended gap of holes with small pieces of colour paper. This trained their patience and interpersonal skill. • 6 years old did a great job. At first the box kept falling off but Wee Hong thought of a smart idea by placing chairs against the box. That made the kids box stood still. The others pasted determinedly; so neat and nice; like an adult’s work.
Our little “Submarine”
Thursday (24/03/2011) a) A Hermit Crab Storybook • A story of how a hermit crab grows and has to leave its shell looking for a bigger shell. It keeps growing and keeps looking for a bigger shell. During the interval searching for shells might be dangerous for the crab as it has no protection. It only relies on is claws. • Unlike a crab, a hermit crab does not molt. b) What’s a submarine? • We had been singing the song, “Yellow Submarine” by the Beatles. Heee……it’s a nce song but we modified it. I drew a huge submarine and asked the kids what could they possibly find in a submarine. Yun Xin: An office to place the computers and to do important things there. Xing Tong: a toilet. Zhi Feg: A bedroom. Rei: A kitchen. Weei Xiang: Toilets. Qian Joe: A playground. Wee Hong: A small store room. Jun Yu: An experiment place. Class: Engine, windows, air-cond, the steering for captain to drive, small boats, some emergency buttons, fire extinguisher. Qian Joe: Water will come in if the submarine door is opened. • Err……the class was quiet for a while thinking of a solution. Rei: I know. Channel that water into a bottle so it can be the experiment place. Kwong Yong: I’ll bring a fan to blow the water out. Qian Joe: Make an engine that can blow the water that come in. • Of course, there is also periscope, computer screen, compass and etc. Well…….for a moment I really felt that these explorers are thinking like scientists. c) Discussion: submarine craft. • The class decided to make more than 1. So, I divided the class into 2 groups. This time, I didn’t mix because I want the 6 years old to work among themselves and think out of the box. The other group is the 5 year-old group. A great appreciation to Alisa for bringing big boxes and also to Tzen Yu and weei Xiand and Wee Xuan for boxes contribution. We discussed for the submarine pattern and thought of a few ways. We can’t close the box entirely because kids will find it difficult to breathe. Furthermore, they might feel uncomfortable in the box. The groups chose their colour. • Finally, 6 year-old painted yellow and blue while 5 year-old painted black and red. When their boxes became dry, the painting was not smooth. I taught them to repaint with only one stroke which is; up to down or down to upwards rather than scribbling. d) How to move? Qian Joe: We can bring in metals to make as wheels. Zhe Qing: We can make wheels using cardboard paper. Xing Tong: I have a skateboard at home. We can try that. • Thus, one step at a time. We shall continue with our craft tomorrow.
We can paint
Wednesday (23/03/2011) a) The molting crabs. • Kids grow, there are signs such as falling teeth, grow taller and of course new clothes for bigger size. • Crabs too grow by molting. First, they eat a lot and absorp a lot of sea water. A soft layer is formed below the shell. When its ready, the day before it molt, it will absorp lots of sea water and blow up like a balloon and will finally crack. It will leave its whole body with a new soft shell. At this moment, it takes the crab a week to be vulnerable as its shell become harder. b) Do crabs have blood? Zheng Yuan: My mother said its blood is white. Jun Yu: With bones, got blood. No bones, no blood. • Well, humans have hemoglobin to produce red blood but crabs have something different. Wee Xuan was correct. The crabs blood is the transparent liquid when I peeled off the crab’s shell. However some crabs such as Horshoe crab has got blue blood. c) Painting • Kids chose their favourite colour of blue, yellow or red to paint the crab’s background. However, the water colour will not cover the crayon because it’s made of wax. • They were beautiful paintings. Then, kids chose stickers of different colour and drew pictures to paste on their art piece after it was dry.
Tuesday (22/03/2011) a) Brainstorming Kids: Crabs walk sideways. They have claws. We can eat the meat. • Most crabs live in salt water. Crabs that lived by the beach will dig small holes as their homes to protect themselves from waves and predators. Small crabs are from millimeters and the biggest is the Giant Spider Crab nearby Japan ocean; eve taller than a man. Crabs eat anything from small to big animals. They also eat carcass which make them toxic. They have 8 walking legs and 2 claws. Males have a bigger claw than the other and its abdomen is sharper and longer. The claws are used to battle, for communication and also to attract mates. Crabs lay eggs. There are about 1000 types of crabs such as horseshoe crab which is older than dinosaurs and also hermit crab that searches for new homes when they outgrown. b) Crab Anatomy • I drew a huge crab on the board. Chun Kit asked about its content beneath the shells. Of course, we guessed together. Then, I showed them an anatomy picture of a crab. It has got heart, stomach, gills to allow it swim in the ocean but no bones. It has a antenna to search food and mates. Its shell is its protection. c) Exploring the real crab. • We went to the kitchen and identified its body part. It was a male. I opened its shell and found its gill. Yun Xin asked if crab has got blood. Oh….gosh…we didn’t find any. I have not thought of that….thus; I got the kids to ask their family members while I seek the answer too. d) Crab drawing. • The kids could either place their 2 palms onto the paper and sketched them on the paper. However, Jun Yu asked if he could draw like the one I drew on the board. Of course, the kids started making their choices. The younger ones, I guided them drawing using their 2 palms. Then the kids coloured them with crayons.
Our Happy Memory
Monday (21/03/2011) a) Sharing There were just so much things to play and enjoy at National Science Centre from the bus trip, the water and outdoor playground, the Nature Park with butterfles, the indoor playground, the big bouncer, the submarine, the indoor experiment area, the Science demonstration and most of all, dinosaurs everywhere. “We love the dinosaurs.” said Rei, Qian Joe, Kwong Yong. Eg. Stegosaurus and T-Rex. “We love the water playground” said Chun Kit, Zhi Feng, Xing Tong。 “We love seeing the huge tunnel aquarium” said Yun Xin, Alisa and also Yee Xuan. b) The Trip Photos. The kids watched their photos from facebook. Among: kids crossing the wheels on floating in the water playground, group photo in front of T-Rex, outdoor playground and also the photo of my burning hand for science experiment. c) Recording The kids drew their favourite moment。For Jun Yu, ZhengYuan, JiaXun and Zhe Qing, they drew about their holidays. Of course, they like telling their friends about their pictures s they were drawing.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Water Clay
Thursday (17/03/2011)
a) Kids guess.
• I asked why the dinosaurs went extinct. Kwoong Yong said because a volcano erupted and the dinos died. Most kids gave the same answer. However, Qian Joe said; a big thing from space came shooting into the Earth.
• He was right. Another theory was because a huge shooting star called the “Asteroid” shot into planet Earth billions of years ago. The Earth burnt and then the hot air rose to the air which later blocked the sunlight shining through the Earth. Thus, the Earth became extremely cold. Plants died, animals died too; the stronger dinosaurs killed the weaker ones for food which eventually left with none at all. However, geologists found their fossils which gave us ideas of dinosaurs looks.
b) Reptiles.
• Dinosaurs belonged to the reptile family. The land dinosaurs as well as the enormous sea lizard “Icythysaurus” and the flying dinosaur “Pteranodon”. After their disappearance, other reptiles too have appeared. Among were lizards, crocodiles, snakes, tortoises, turtles and etc because they have same characteristics including scaly skin and lay eggs.
c) The Clay Story
• I brought in dino toys and out them surrounding a cardboard volcano to demonstrate the shooting star version of story. I used green clay to make into trees. It was fascinating and the kids thought that it must be fun playing with clay.
d) Our Water Clay
• We were supposed to make dinosaurs friends,; the reptiles. Surprisingly, nobody asked for making dinosaurs. Instead, they asked if they could make other water animals. I allowed.
• I cut cardboards into waterfall, ponds, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans while the kids made various types of animals out of green and red clays. They were so happy that Chun Kit and Zhi Feng said “Thank you, teacher for letting us play clay”.
• I didn’t give them the mould because I wanted to see their creativity. The younger ones would observe the older kids’ artwork and improved from there. The output included tadpoles, tortoises, turtles, starfish, Guppy fish, sting ray, volcano, island, fish food, submarine and also the giant octopus.
a) Kids guess.
• I asked why the dinosaurs went extinct. Kwoong Yong said because a volcano erupted and the dinos died. Most kids gave the same answer. However, Qian Joe said; a big thing from space came shooting into the Earth.
• He was right. Another theory was because a huge shooting star called the “Asteroid” shot into planet Earth billions of years ago. The Earth burnt and then the hot air rose to the air which later blocked the sunlight shining through the Earth. Thus, the Earth became extremely cold. Plants died, animals died too; the stronger dinosaurs killed the weaker ones for food which eventually left with none at all. However, geologists found their fossils which gave us ideas of dinosaurs looks.
b) Reptiles.
• Dinosaurs belonged to the reptile family. The land dinosaurs as well as the enormous sea lizard “Icythysaurus” and the flying dinosaur “Pteranodon”. After their disappearance, other reptiles too have appeared. Among were lizards, crocodiles, snakes, tortoises, turtles and etc because they have same characteristics including scaly skin and lay eggs.
c) The Clay Story
• I brought in dino toys and out them surrounding a cardboard volcano to demonstrate the shooting star version of story. I used green clay to make into trees. It was fascinating and the kids thought that it must be fun playing with clay.
d) Our Water Clay
• We were supposed to make dinosaurs friends,; the reptiles. Surprisingly, nobody asked for making dinosaurs. Instead, they asked if they could make other water animals. I allowed.
• I cut cardboards into waterfall, ponds, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans while the kids made various types of animals out of green and red clays. They were so happy that Chun Kit and Zhi Feng said “Thank you, teacher for letting us play clay”.
• I didn’t give them the mould because I wanted to see their creativity. The younger ones would observe the older kids’ artwork and improved from there. The output included tadpoles, tortoises, turtles, starfish, Guppy fish, sting ray, volcano, island, fish food, submarine and also the giant octopus.
Wednesday (16/03/2011)
a) Dinosaurs puzzle
• I brought in 6 hand-made dinosaur puzzles. The class was divided into 2 groups. The 5 year-old observed while the 6 year-old assembled them first. At first, it was tough but then, when a kid was successful, the others got better ideas. Then we changed roles. The 5 year-old kids dound it a little more challenging but they were okay after that.
b) Do I know?
• As half of the class already learnt about dinosaurs in Chinese last year; thus I tested them. Those puzzles were among pictures of T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Spinasaurus and Apatosaurus.
• I also brought in a posters of dinosaurs. The kids guessed those that ate meat and plants. The meat eaters had got sharp teeth, bigger mouth and looked really fierce such as Megalosaurus and T-Rex; the fiercest of all dinosaurs. Velociraptor were the smartest and they moved very fast.
• The plant eater had friendlier mouth with smaller teeth wile some had sharp beak. They were Protoceratop (Barney’s friend), Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus. Apatosaurus being the largest and it prouduced sound like thunder when it moved. Stegosaurus protected itself by changing its plate colour that looked like volcano. The kids said Ankylosuarus protects itself like how puffer fish does…..true…..using its spikes!
c) Puppet Crafts
• The kids preferred making little puppet crafts to puzzles. They said they like having them talking to each other. I did a demonstration and they laughed at the story…..haaaaa!
• Each kid was to choose at least 2 pictures of dinosaurs. Then, they coloured them, labeled them and pasted to a small cardboard. Next, they pasted a short straw so that their little finger can be inserted through it. It was quite a easy craft and most of them made 3 puppets.
a) Dinosaurs puzzle
• I brought in 6 hand-made dinosaur puzzles. The class was divided into 2 groups. The 5 year-old observed while the 6 year-old assembled them first. At first, it was tough but then, when a kid was successful, the others got better ideas. Then we changed roles. The 5 year-old kids dound it a little more challenging but they were okay after that.
b) Do I know?
• As half of the class already learnt about dinosaurs in Chinese last year; thus I tested them. Those puzzles were among pictures of T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Spinasaurus and Apatosaurus.
• I also brought in a posters of dinosaurs. The kids guessed those that ate meat and plants. The meat eaters had got sharp teeth, bigger mouth and looked really fierce such as Megalosaurus and T-Rex; the fiercest of all dinosaurs. Velociraptor were the smartest and they moved very fast.
• The plant eater had friendlier mouth with smaller teeth wile some had sharp beak. They were Protoceratop (Barney’s friend), Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus. Apatosaurus being the largest and it prouduced sound like thunder when it moved. Stegosaurus protected itself by changing its plate colour that looked like volcano. The kids said Ankylosuarus protects itself like how puffer fish does…..true…..using its spikes!
c) Puppet Crafts
• The kids preferred making little puppet crafts to puzzles. They said they like having them talking to each other. I did a demonstration and they laughed at the story…..haaaaa!
• Each kid was to choose at least 2 pictures of dinosaurs. Then, they coloured them, labeled them and pasted to a small cardboard. Next, they pasted a short straw so that their little finger can be inserted through it. It was quite a easy craft and most of them made 3 puppets.
Frog Origami
Tuesday (15/03/2011)
a) Video watching.
- We watched an animated clip on “Frog Life Cycle”. It was so cute starting from how two frogs get married, then lay spawn eggs. 2 weeks later, tadpoles hatch and they have a long tail with no legs. Their gills allow them to swim in the water. They eat a lot and then 2 legs pop out their tails become shorter, automatically. Not long later, it has four legs with very short tail and it is call froglet. 4 months later, it becomes an adult frog and the cycle continues.
- We watched a song about “Frog Life Cycle”. The singer sang while strumming his guitar. He was actually surrounded by frogs. Later on, we learnt about the lyrics in the classroom and started singing together.
- We also watched an Aquarium Department shop to learn of its various freshwater life. This is to help the kids have a better idea when they visit National Science Centre on Friday. Among: Goldfish, Tiger Fish, Arowana, Guppy and some turtles and tortoises.
- The kids requested to listen to the “Yellow Submarine” song. I asked the kids to go home and think of their own lyrics. The chorus of the song remains.
b) Worksheet
- The kids labeled the stages which includes eggs, tadpole, tadpole with 2 legs, froglet and an adult frog. Next, the kid draws their favourite part of the Life Cycle underneath the stages. Some preferred drawing tadpoles, some drew eggs while a few drew frogs.
c) Frog Origami
- I gave the task to Chun Kit as he had successfully folded one at home. Thus, we listened to his instructions but he needed guidance from me half way through. It was a good try!
- First, the kids observed my folding. Then, each was given a colour paper. Those who could remember, started folding, those who can’t; followed my instructions again. The folding is quite simple. With many practices, the kids can fold it independently just like the rabbit origami.
a) Video watching.
- We watched an animated clip on “Frog Life Cycle”. It was so cute starting from how two frogs get married, then lay spawn eggs. 2 weeks later, tadpoles hatch and they have a long tail with no legs. Their gills allow them to swim in the water. They eat a lot and then 2 legs pop out their tails become shorter, automatically. Not long later, it has four legs with very short tail and it is call froglet. 4 months later, it becomes an adult frog and the cycle continues.
- We watched a song about “Frog Life Cycle”. The singer sang while strumming his guitar. He was actually surrounded by frogs. Later on, we learnt about the lyrics in the classroom and started singing together.
- We also watched an Aquarium Department shop to learn of its various freshwater life. This is to help the kids have a better idea when they visit National Science Centre on Friday. Among: Goldfish, Tiger Fish, Arowana, Guppy and some turtles and tortoises.
- The kids requested to listen to the “Yellow Submarine” song. I asked the kids to go home and think of their own lyrics. The chorus of the song remains.
b) Worksheet
- The kids labeled the stages which includes eggs, tadpole, tadpole with 2 legs, froglet and an adult frog. Next, the kid draws their favourite part of the Life Cycle underneath the stages. Some preferred drawing tadpoles, some drew eggs while a few drew frogs.
c) Frog Origami
- I gave the task to Chun Kit as he had successfully folded one at home. Thus, we listened to his instructions but he needed guidance from me half way through. It was a good try!
- First, the kids observed my folding. Then, each was given a colour paper. Those who could remember, started folding, those who can’t; followed my instructions again. The folding is quite simple. With many practices, the kids can fold it independently just like the rabbit origami.
Frog life Cycle
Monday (14/03/2011)
a) Wee Hong’s experience.
• He shared that he and his mother changed the tadpole water twice a day and fed them with little fish flake food. At one point, a tadpole was quiet at the aquarium bottom that he thought it died. I explained 2 reasons: probably sleeping. Secondly, probably resting because frogs are nocturnal like bats.
b) Body Movement
• We jumped around like any water animals. I’d call the names out and they moved accordingly. As I said “freeze”, they has to stop. Example: Guppy, tadpole, tortoise, shark, octopus, starfish, jellyfish, Anaconda and crocodile.
c) About frogs.
• We learnt about its Life Cycle. The spawn eggs consist of babies and they already strated eating plants and microorganisms that got stuck on the spawn. They swim their way out. Some mothers swallow the eggs as protection and release them when the tadpoles hatched. Tadpoles have a long tail and gills which eat plants like algae. After a week, their 2 legs will pop out and their tail become shorter. Finally, they become froglets and their gills change to lungs. Here they start to eat insects and etc. They take about 4 moths to be an adult and would eat insects with their long sticky tongue and bite with their only upper row of teeth.
• They breathe through nose on land and as they go into water, they close their nostrils and absorb Oxygen through their wet skin.
• There are about 5000 types of frogs and tree frogs have nno webbed feet. Courful frogs are poisonous. Hunters use their toxins to hunt. Their croaking sound differ and use to attract mates and to communicate such as giving warnings. They are hunted by birds, snakes, monitor lizards, foxes, people and also by bigger frogs. Chun Kit said he ate frogs before and it was delicious. The kids said….”Yeeeerrrr” and I told the kids to respect peoples’ choices because they eat frogs that are probably bred.
• Their body has got muscles that equivalent to sprig and would jump vey far as far as 2metres.
• Wee Hong quicly went out to get an encyclopaedia to show the class of a poisonous frog.
d) Japan Tsunami.
• My father told me about it. It’s scary. I brought in papers for kids to view and explained briefly that the earthquake had influenced the water balance and caused such a great wave over the land. The objective is to tell kids that water had a great force.
a) Wee Hong’s experience.
• He shared that he and his mother changed the tadpole water twice a day and fed them with little fish flake food. At one point, a tadpole was quiet at the aquarium bottom that he thought it died. I explained 2 reasons: probably sleeping. Secondly, probably resting because frogs are nocturnal like bats.
b) Body Movement
• We jumped around like any water animals. I’d call the names out and they moved accordingly. As I said “freeze”, they has to stop. Example: Guppy, tadpole, tortoise, shark, octopus, starfish, jellyfish, Anaconda and crocodile.
c) About frogs.
• We learnt about its Life Cycle. The spawn eggs consist of babies and they already strated eating plants and microorganisms that got stuck on the spawn. They swim their way out. Some mothers swallow the eggs as protection and release them when the tadpoles hatched. Tadpoles have a long tail and gills which eat plants like algae. After a week, their 2 legs will pop out and their tail become shorter. Finally, they become froglets and their gills change to lungs. Here they start to eat insects and etc. They take about 4 moths to be an adult and would eat insects with their long sticky tongue and bite with their only upper row of teeth.
• They breathe through nose on land and as they go into water, they close their nostrils and absorb Oxygen through their wet skin.
• There are about 5000 types of frogs and tree frogs have nno webbed feet. Courful frogs are poisonous. Hunters use their toxins to hunt. Their croaking sound differ and use to attract mates and to communicate such as giving warnings. They are hunted by birds, snakes, monitor lizards, foxes, people and also by bigger frogs. Chun Kit said he ate frogs before and it was delicious. The kids said….”Yeeeerrrr” and I told the kids to respect peoples’ choices because they eat frogs that are probably bred.
• Their body has got muscles that equivalent to sprig and would jump vey far as far as 2metres.
• Wee Hong quicly went out to get an encyclopaedia to show the class of a poisonous frog.
d) Japan Tsunami.
• My father told me about it. It’s scary. I brought in papers for kids to view and explained briefly that the earthquake had influenced the water balance and caused such a great wave over the land. The objective is to tell kids that water had a great force.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
River model
Friday (11/03/2011)
a) Vocabulary recap.
• We recapped the pictures of decorations In the classroom by reading the labels. Eg: streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, seas and oceans.
• We also recapped on names of animals living in the Freshwater.
b) The tadpoles.
• As it was raining in the afternoon, I saw lots of tadpoles on the pond surface. Thus, I scooped 4 up and placed in the aquarium to show to the kids. We compared to the Frog Lifecycle chart in the classrroom. Then, I asked if I could frelease the tadpoles into the pond. Half of the kids said No. I told them that someone need to take good care of them especially at the weekend. Chun Kit said I should bring home and take care of them. I said I have o intention and will be busy at the weekends. (My intention was to see if kids could be responsible enough to breed them). Finally a few kids said they wanted to volunteer taking tadpoles home. However, they need to have filter water and get mum’s permission. Finally, Wee Hong was the best candidate.
c) Boat origami.
• Qian Joe taught the class how to fold a boat origami.
Zheng Yuan: His boat looks more like a sailboat.
• I agreed. Then, each kid was given a rectangle paper to fold along. 5 year-old kids sat around me so that I could guide them better. Then, they decorated their boats.
• I showed them my different boat origami which was slightly easier. Then, they made their second boat.
d) River model.
• As it was still raining, we can’t really sail our boats on the pond. Thus, I showed them my idea of river model made using recycled bottle. First, I cut the bottle into long half. Then, I pasted them to be long. When, the kids put in their boat, it slided down and then flew off.
• Kids brainstormed of many ideas.
Zhe Qing: Paste cellophane tape around the open mouth.
Kwong Yong: Use paper to cover the open area.
Soon Yu: Use paper to cover the opened area.
• Thus, we decided to use the whole bottle rather than cutting it into half. I then pasted it to the first river model. This time, the boat slided and then into the river tunnel and finally into the water basin. It was fun! It was like having boat race.
• The bottles were rivers while the basin was the sea.
a) Vocabulary recap.
• We recapped the pictures of decorations In the classroom by reading the labels. Eg: streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, seas and oceans.
• We also recapped on names of animals living in the Freshwater.
b) The tadpoles.
• As it was raining in the afternoon, I saw lots of tadpoles on the pond surface. Thus, I scooped 4 up and placed in the aquarium to show to the kids. We compared to the Frog Lifecycle chart in the classrroom. Then, I asked if I could frelease the tadpoles into the pond. Half of the kids said No. I told them that someone need to take good care of them especially at the weekend. Chun Kit said I should bring home and take care of them. I said I have o intention and will be busy at the weekends. (My intention was to see if kids could be responsible enough to breed them). Finally a few kids said they wanted to volunteer taking tadpoles home. However, they need to have filter water and get mum’s permission. Finally, Wee Hong was the best candidate.
c) Boat origami.
• Qian Joe taught the class how to fold a boat origami.
Zheng Yuan: His boat looks more like a sailboat.
• I agreed. Then, each kid was given a rectangle paper to fold along. 5 year-old kids sat around me so that I could guide them better. Then, they decorated their boats.
• I showed them my different boat origami which was slightly easier. Then, they made their second boat.
d) River model.
• As it was still raining, we can’t really sail our boats on the pond. Thus, I showed them my idea of river model made using recycled bottle. First, I cut the bottle into long half. Then, I pasted them to be long. When, the kids put in their boat, it slided down and then flew off.
• Kids brainstormed of many ideas.
Zhe Qing: Paste cellophane tape around the open mouth.
Kwong Yong: Use paper to cover the open area.
Soon Yu: Use paper to cover the opened area.
• Thus, we decided to use the whole bottle rather than cutting it into half. I then pasted it to the first river model. This time, the boat slided and then into the river tunnel and finally into the water basin. It was fun! It was like having boat race.
• The bottles were rivers while the basin was the sea.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
My Ocean Class
Thursday ( 11/03/2011)
a) My trip sharing.
• Today, we started the class later because I accompanied the 5 year-old kids to National Science Centre for “Dinosaur Exhibition”. It was full of excitement….wooooh!
• I shared with the kids about the surroundings as we are going there next Friday. There are at least 2 big playgrounds with one on a pool. The playgrounds are on the hill and it shall be a great challenge for the kids. However, it’s not dangerous. There is also an outdoor aquarium site breeding Freshwater animals. Next, there is a butterfly park with animals and insets in the dry aquarium such as Horned Frog, iguana and scorpions. At the indoor, there is a Science Exhibition and Experiments involving a submarine, space, science tools, The Solar System, The Human Body. At the entrance, we can see fishes around us which are Freshwater animals. The dinosaurs were on the first floor and there were about 20 huge dinosaurs of plant and meat eaters. They are robotics. Thus, the kids were excited.
b) Class decoration.
• Then, we worked together by decorating our classroom wall. There’s a hill with streams, which diverted to rivers, seas and oceans. We also made a few ponds and lakes. Then, the kids pasted the freshwater and saltwater animals on the papers. They kept checking with me where to paste the animals.
a) My trip sharing.
• Today, we started the class later because I accompanied the 5 year-old kids to National Science Centre for “Dinosaur Exhibition”. It was full of excitement….wooooh!
• I shared with the kids about the surroundings as we are going there next Friday. There are at least 2 big playgrounds with one on a pool. The playgrounds are on the hill and it shall be a great challenge for the kids. However, it’s not dangerous. There is also an outdoor aquarium site breeding Freshwater animals. Next, there is a butterfly park with animals and insets in the dry aquarium such as Horned Frog, iguana and scorpions. At the indoor, there is a Science Exhibition and Experiments involving a submarine, space, science tools, The Solar System, The Human Body. At the entrance, we can see fishes around us which are Freshwater animals. The dinosaurs were on the first floor and there were about 20 huge dinosaurs of plant and meat eaters. They are robotics. Thus, the kids were excited.
b) Class decoration.
• Then, we worked together by decorating our classroom wall. There’s a hill with streams, which diverted to rivers, seas and oceans. We also made a few ponds and lakes. Then, the kids pasted the freshwater and saltwater animals on the papers. They kept checking with me where to paste the animals.
A Frog Life cycle.
Wednesday (9/03/2011)
a) Freshwater animals
• We recapped on water stages. Pond, lake, streams, rivers, seas and oceans plus waterfall and underground water. Then, we guessed of as many animals that we could find in freshwater.
• Among: Ponds and Lakes – Guppy, Snapping turtle, Daddy Long legs, Frogs, etc. Streams and Rivers – Alligators, Crocodiles, Piranha, Anaconda, Pelicans, tortoise, common puffer fish, eel, etc.
b) A Frog Life cycle.
• We talked about its life cycle. Along the way, kids asked a number of questions such as: What are animals like daddy Long legs or frogs at the pond? How does a tadpole come about? Can a tadpole live in the sea?
• Adult frogs sound is different to attract mates or eve to sound danger. Thus, there are various croaking sounds. (Kids started talking about their experience ). The female lays eggs on the water and takes good care of them. The yolk would hatch. (Kids asked if the head or leg comes out first?) Some eggs hatched faster upon realizing that they are in danger through the vibrations. Tadpoles with a long tail that eats algae. Next, the tail will be shortened a with legs growing. This is called “A tadpole with 2 legs”. Then, it turned into a froglet with 4 legs and very short tail. It has a row of teeth at the top only. It starts eating insects and meat.
a) Freshwater animals
• We recapped on water stages. Pond, lake, streams, rivers, seas and oceans plus waterfall and underground water. Then, we guessed of as many animals that we could find in freshwater.
• Among: Ponds and Lakes – Guppy, Snapping turtle, Daddy Long legs, Frogs, etc. Streams and Rivers – Alligators, Crocodiles, Piranha, Anaconda, Pelicans, tortoise, common puffer fish, eel, etc.
b) A Frog Life cycle.
• We talked about its life cycle. Along the way, kids asked a number of questions such as: What are animals like daddy Long legs or frogs at the pond? How does a tadpole come about? Can a tadpole live in the sea?
• Adult frogs sound is different to attract mates or eve to sound danger. Thus, there are various croaking sounds. (Kids started talking about their experience ). The female lays eggs on the water and takes good care of them. The yolk would hatch. (Kids asked if the head or leg comes out first?) Some eggs hatched faster upon realizing that they are in danger through the vibrations. Tadpoles with a long tail that eats algae. Next, the tail will be shortened a with legs growing. This is called “A tadpole with 2 legs”. Then, it turned into a froglet with 4 legs and very short tail. It has a row of teeth at the top only. It starts eating insects and meat.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Freshwater vs. Salt water
Tuesday (08/03/2011)
a) Freshwater vs. Salt water.
l The kids tasted salt and showed different facial expressions. Our body can’t take toomuch salt as it may cause sickness. The kids suddenly thought of Maggie Noodles and it’s the powder that consists of msg which s different from salt.
l Again, I sketched the Body Water picture. Kids said sea and ocean is salt water. I asked the kids examples of freshwater and immediately they remembered the school’s filter water.
l Others included ponds, lakes, stream, river, waterfall and also underground water. Kids got confused with fountains and waterfall which I explained that fountains are man-made and decorated with lights and beautiful at night. They started talking about their experience such as Genting Highland’s fountains. :)
b) Our new pet.
l Chun Kit, Qian Joe and Kwong Yong suggested that we find a new pet from the school pond. We went to the garden and observed the pond. It was quit a hot day with sunlight shining over te pond. Thus, the fishes were hiding in the shades. The kids observed how I scoop the pond for fish with a big net (kids’ suggestion). However, no fish came up! Wee Hong suggested that I feed the fish with fish food. Good idea! The carp fish started swimming to the surface. Again, they were fast for me.
Yee Xuan: Teacher, catch that as pet.
Teacher: We can’t because the carp fish needs gas pump and we don’t have one at the moment. Suddenly, we saw only a tadpole. I tried my best to catch it…and yes, we have a new pet. We placed it in a bottle with some pond water. We fed with some fish food not exactly knowing what its actual food is. I asked the kids to go home and check the answer.
c) Experiment: Water and salt.
l As we aren’t sure the contents of salt in freshwater, each kid took a bowl while I scooped the pond water into their bowls. Then they placed under the hot sun. Meanwhile, I also had 2 bowls; 1 containing salt water from the sea while the other is the tap water. We can only see te result after a few days.
d) Fun time!
l The kids were so excited that they could scoop the pond with the school’s big net. It wasn’t easy and I was almost wet due to their excitement….haaa!
l I sailed a paper boat but the kids realized that it became soaked and wasn’t beautiful after that. I asked the kids to think of other ideas of making a boat.
a) Freshwater vs. Salt water.
l The kids tasted salt and showed different facial expressions. Our body can’t take toomuch salt as it may cause sickness. The kids suddenly thought of Maggie Noodles and it’s the powder that consists of msg which s different from salt.
l Again, I sketched the Body Water picture. Kids said sea and ocean is salt water. I asked the kids examples of freshwater and immediately they remembered the school’s filter water.
l Others included ponds, lakes, stream, river, waterfall and also underground water. Kids got confused with fountains and waterfall which I explained that fountains are man-made and decorated with lights and beautiful at night. They started talking about their experience such as Genting Highland’s fountains. :)
b) Our new pet.
l Chun Kit, Qian Joe and Kwong Yong suggested that we find a new pet from the school pond. We went to the garden and observed the pond. It was quit a hot day with sunlight shining over te pond. Thus, the fishes were hiding in the shades. The kids observed how I scoop the pond for fish with a big net (kids’ suggestion). However, no fish came up! Wee Hong suggested that I feed the fish with fish food. Good idea! The carp fish started swimming to the surface. Again, they were fast for me.
Yee Xuan: Teacher, catch that as pet.
Teacher: We can’t because the carp fish needs gas pump and we don’t have one at the moment. Suddenly, we saw only a tadpole. I tried my best to catch it…and yes, we have a new pet. We placed it in a bottle with some pond water. We fed with some fish food not exactly knowing what its actual food is. I asked the kids to go home and check the answer.
c) Experiment: Water and salt.
l As we aren’t sure the contents of salt in freshwater, each kid took a bowl while I scooped the pond water into their bowls. Then they placed under the hot sun. Meanwhile, I also had 2 bowls; 1 containing salt water from the sea while the other is the tap water. We can only see te result after a few days.
d) Fun time!
l The kids were so excited that they could scoop the pond with the school’s big net. It wasn’t easy and I was almost wet due to their excitement….haaa!
l I sailed a paper boat but the kids realized that it became soaked and wasn’t beautiful after that. I asked the kids to think of other ideas of making a boat.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Diagnosing the fish.
Monday (07/03/2011)
a) Did you find out?
• Last Friday, I asked the kids to check with their parents of what can be found in a fish body? Zhe Qing replied that her mother didn’t cook fish last weekend. The others didn’t ask. Thus, we guessed.
Xing Tong: blood. Yun Xin: meat. Jun Yu: lungs. Zhi Feng: bone and etc.
• I showed a picture of fish internal anatomy. I sketched a huge fish and added on each organ as we discussed.
b) Fish internal organs.
• Last week, we learnt about overall fish fins, tail and lateral line functions.
• A fish breathe water through the mouth and the Oxygen is being absorped through the body while the water goes out from the gills. Alive and fresh fish has red gills.
Zhe Qing: What if not fresh? Teacher: Usually, brown or dark red.
• Most fishes have 2 holes in each nostril to smell the surrounding. As the fish eats, the food will go through its mouth, being digested in the stomach and goes along the intestines. The nutrition gives the fish energy to swim around. The liver will filter the food and detox. The waste goes through the vent as solid discharge or urine. It also has kidneys to filter the salt water and it goes out of the vent as urine. A fish has a long back bone like humans. The kids couldn’t believe that a fish has a heart.
Qian Joe: Why does it have a heart?
Teacher: When a body has blood, it usually tells us that it is pumped throughout the body by the heart. Just like human.
• Sea water fish usually the big ones have got a swim bladder to allow the fish dive in and up the ocean and surface. I used a plastic bag to demonstrate for the kids to see. When the fish dives in, the swim bladder will be flattened as to give the energy to go down. To swim to the surface, the swim bladder is bloated again so that it can swim near surface.
• Thus, that explains why salt fish still float when it doesn’t swim. However, a freshwater fish will sink when they don’t swim.
• A fish has a small brain.
Weei Xiang: Why is their brain that small. Teacher: When a living being is small, the brain is usually smaller.
• A female fish also has an egg which is orange colour. The kids exclaimed that they had eaten fish egg before.
c) Diagnosing the fish.
• I bought 2 Mackerel fish (Ikan Kembung). Only a few kids were excited to touch its body. Cold and smooth with little scales on mackerel fish.
Yun Xin: Is it dead? Why are its eyes still open.
• At this point, we recalled the fact that fish don’t have eyelids. Thus, they don’t close their eyes when they sleep.
• Some kids said that I was cruel and I explained to them the meaning of cruelty. They even said that I would have nightmare and the fish was really smelly. I clarified with them the statement later on.
• The kids identified the parts: eye, mouth, nostril, gills, heart, stomach, egg, vent, brain and also the liver.
d) Steaming the fish.
• To cook, I washed the fish, put some salt on its body, and add on sesame oil as well as ginger. I steamed and explained the steamed food are healthier than fried food.
• Meanwhile, the kids drew the fish and its internal organs. They were quite good and detailed at their drawing such as Kwong Yong, Xing Tong, Yun Xin, Jia Xun and etc. A few needed encouragement.
• The kids ate the fish and said….”Yummy…it smells good! Can I have more?”
• I have to explain to the vegetarian kids about our activity.
a) Did you find out?
• Last Friday, I asked the kids to check with their parents of what can be found in a fish body? Zhe Qing replied that her mother didn’t cook fish last weekend. The others didn’t ask. Thus, we guessed.
Xing Tong: blood. Yun Xin: meat. Jun Yu: lungs. Zhi Feng: bone and etc.
• I showed a picture of fish internal anatomy. I sketched a huge fish and added on each organ as we discussed.
b) Fish internal organs.
• Last week, we learnt about overall fish fins, tail and lateral line functions.
• A fish breathe water through the mouth and the Oxygen is being absorped through the body while the water goes out from the gills. Alive and fresh fish has red gills.
Zhe Qing: What if not fresh? Teacher: Usually, brown or dark red.
• Most fishes have 2 holes in each nostril to smell the surrounding. As the fish eats, the food will go through its mouth, being digested in the stomach and goes along the intestines. The nutrition gives the fish energy to swim around. The liver will filter the food and detox. The waste goes through the vent as solid discharge or urine. It also has kidneys to filter the salt water and it goes out of the vent as urine. A fish has a long back bone like humans. The kids couldn’t believe that a fish has a heart.
Qian Joe: Why does it have a heart?
Teacher: When a body has blood, it usually tells us that it is pumped throughout the body by the heart. Just like human.
• Sea water fish usually the big ones have got a swim bladder to allow the fish dive in and up the ocean and surface. I used a plastic bag to demonstrate for the kids to see. When the fish dives in, the swim bladder will be flattened as to give the energy to go down. To swim to the surface, the swim bladder is bloated again so that it can swim near surface.
• Thus, that explains why salt fish still float when it doesn’t swim. However, a freshwater fish will sink when they don’t swim.
• A fish has a small brain.
Weei Xiang: Why is their brain that small. Teacher: When a living being is small, the brain is usually smaller.
• A female fish also has an egg which is orange colour. The kids exclaimed that they had eaten fish egg before.
c) Diagnosing the fish.
• I bought 2 Mackerel fish (Ikan Kembung). Only a few kids were excited to touch its body. Cold and smooth with little scales on mackerel fish.
Yun Xin: Is it dead? Why are its eyes still open.
• At this point, we recalled the fact that fish don’t have eyelids. Thus, they don’t close their eyes when they sleep.
• Some kids said that I was cruel and I explained to them the meaning of cruelty. They even said that I would have nightmare and the fish was really smelly. I clarified with them the statement later on.
• The kids identified the parts: eye, mouth, nostril, gills, heart, stomach, egg, vent, brain and also the liver.
d) Steaming the fish.
• To cook, I washed the fish, put some salt on its body, and add on sesame oil as well as ginger. I steamed and explained the steamed food are healthier than fried food.
• Meanwhile, the kids drew the fish and its internal organs. They were quite good and detailed at their drawing such as Kwong Yong, Xing Tong, Yun Xin, Jia Xun and etc. A few needed encouragement.
• The kids ate the fish and said….”Yummy…it smells good! Can I have more?”
• I have to explain to the vegetarian kids about our activity.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
New Theme: Submarine Explorers
Tuesday (28/02/2011)
a) Underwater world creatures.
Teacher: What are the animals you can think of?
Chun Kit: Giant octopus.Zheng Yuan: whale. Yun Xin: Starfish. Xing Tong: Dolphins.
Jun Yu: Swordfish. Tzen Yu: Cockles. Shawn: Tiger fish. Wee Xiang: Eel……..
And the list goes on. While thinking about the names, the kids looked around fish charts and flash cards for ideas.
b) Questions, questions, questions?
As we were brainstorming, kids started asking questions?
Class: Who is stronger? Shark or octopus? Can starfish live without water? What do Clown Fish eat? What does a whale eat? …….among others. I asked the kids to keep looking for the answers from books or asking their family members.
Teacher: Which is deeper? KLCC or ocean?
c) Ideas.
Teacher: What are we going to learn?
Chun Kit: We can make a big ship with octopus.
Kwong Yong: We can make masks.
Teacher: What can we do with our class first?
Zhe Qing: Decorate just like what we did with “Care-A-Lot” topic.
The class started giggling and making noises. They were so excited.
Teacher: What shall we name our theme?
Qian Joe: Underwater World.
Rei: Row, row, row your boat.
Teacher: Hmmm……it is safe to row your boat I the ocean?
Jun Yu: Get a ship.
Teacher: Is there anything safer than a ship.
Zheng Yuan: Sub……sub…..
Teacher: Great idea….submarine!
* Thus, the kids decided that we can put everything in our submarine to explore the ocean. Thus, after brainstorming titles and voting; we chose “Submarine explorers”!
a) Underwater world creatures.
Teacher: What are the animals you can think of?
Chun Kit: Giant octopus.Zheng Yuan: whale. Yun Xin: Starfish. Xing Tong: Dolphins.
Jun Yu: Swordfish. Tzen Yu: Cockles. Shawn: Tiger fish. Wee Xiang: Eel……..
And the list goes on. While thinking about the names, the kids looked around fish charts and flash cards for ideas.
b) Questions, questions, questions?
As we were brainstorming, kids started asking questions?
Class: Who is stronger? Shark or octopus? Can starfish live without water? What do Clown Fish eat? What does a whale eat? …….among others. I asked the kids to keep looking for the answers from books or asking their family members.
Teacher: Which is deeper? KLCC or ocean?
c) Ideas.
Teacher: What are we going to learn?
Chun Kit: We can make a big ship with octopus.
Kwong Yong: We can make masks.
Teacher: What can we do with our class first?
Zhe Qing: Decorate just like what we did with “Care-A-Lot” topic.
The class started giggling and making noises. They were so excited.
Teacher: What shall we name our theme?
Qian Joe: Underwater World.
Rei: Row, row, row your boat.
Teacher: Hmmm……it is safe to row your boat I the ocean?
Jun Yu: Get a ship.
Teacher: Is there anything safer than a ship.
Zheng Yuan: Sub……sub…..
Teacher: Great idea….submarine!
* Thus, the kids decided that we can put everything in our submarine to explore the ocean. Thus, after brainstorming titles and voting; we chose “Submarine explorers”!
My Unforgettable Moment
Monday (28/02/2011)
a) Flash cards
To recap words learnt throughout the theme.
b) Discussion: Old Folks’ Home.
What could you remember from the trip?
Yun Xin: The old folks smiled when we gave them Ang Pow.
Rei: I shared jokes with them.
Zhe Qing: I massaged a very old man.
Zhi Feng: Me too. At first, they didn’t want me to massage them but I started slowly and gently.
Kwong Yong: The old lady patted my face and gave me a kiss.
The class laughed.
Xing Tong: they told me that they like eating Bak Kut Teh.
The class observed that they are quite old. One is 80 while the other is around 100 years old and has got some sickness. One of them had a walking stand.
The kids were amazing. The old folks enjoyed their lion dance performance, their singing (they sang Gong Xi Gong Xi with us) and also listened to our storie and jokes.
Rei: They didn’t want my cake.
Rei was upset but at that point, I immediately explained that maybe they could have some sickness. Furthermore, it’s unhealthy for old folks to eat too much sweet food.
c) The Orphanage.
The kids remembered about the swing, their second hand toys, their small rooms with crowded kids sleeping and also their small study room. They could remember Jackson playing guitar. He is the oldest at age 21. The other older\ kids are now studying in University.
The older orphans took good care of the younger ones. They didn’t quarrel over minor things such as “Who first? This is mine!” They are very caring, loving and encouraging. Suddenly, the kids just felt lucky.
d) Recording
* The kids drew their favourite memories of the visit. Later, we will compile the pictures with a Thank You note to appreciate each and every parent’s support.
a) Flash cards
To recap words learnt throughout the theme.
b) Discussion: Old Folks’ Home.
What could you remember from the trip?
Yun Xin: The old folks smiled when we gave them Ang Pow.
Rei: I shared jokes with them.
Zhe Qing: I massaged a very old man.
Zhi Feng: Me too. At first, they didn’t want me to massage them but I started slowly and gently.
Kwong Yong: The old lady patted my face and gave me a kiss.
The class laughed.
Xing Tong: they told me that they like eating Bak Kut Teh.
The class observed that they are quite old. One is 80 while the other is around 100 years old and has got some sickness. One of them had a walking stand.
The kids were amazing. The old folks enjoyed their lion dance performance, their singing (they sang Gong Xi Gong Xi with us) and also listened to our storie and jokes.
Rei: They didn’t want my cake.
Rei was upset but at that point, I immediately explained that maybe they could have some sickness. Furthermore, it’s unhealthy for old folks to eat too much sweet food.
c) The Orphanage.
The kids remembered about the swing, their second hand toys, their small rooms with crowded kids sleeping and also their small study room. They could remember Jackson playing guitar. He is the oldest at age 21. The other older\ kids are now studying in University.
The older orphans took good care of the younger ones. They didn’t quarrel over minor things such as “Who first? This is mine!” They are very caring, loving and encouraging. Suddenly, the kids just felt lucky.
d) Recording
* The kids drew their favourite memories of the visit. Later, we will compile the pictures with a Thank You note to appreciate each and every parent’s support.
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