Wednesday (9/03/2011)
a) Freshwater animals
• We recapped on water stages. Pond, lake, streams, rivers, seas and oceans plus waterfall and underground water. Then, we guessed of as many animals that we could find in freshwater.
• Among: Ponds and Lakes – Guppy, Snapping turtle, Daddy Long legs, Frogs, etc. Streams and Rivers – Alligators, Crocodiles, Piranha, Anaconda, Pelicans, tortoise, common puffer fish, eel, etc.
b) A Frog Life cycle.
• We talked about its life cycle. Along the way, kids asked a number of questions such as: What are animals like daddy Long legs or frogs at the pond? How does a tadpole come about? Can a tadpole live in the sea?
• Adult frogs sound is different to attract mates or eve to sound danger. Thus, there are various croaking sounds. (Kids started talking about their experience ). The female lays eggs on the water and takes good care of them. The yolk would hatch. (Kids asked if the head or leg comes out first?) Some eggs hatched faster upon realizing that they are in danger through the vibrations. Tadpoles with a long tail that eats algae. Next, the tail will be shortened a with legs growing. This is called “A tadpole with 2 legs”. Then, it turned into a froglet with 4 legs and very short tail. It has a row of teeth at the top only. It starts eating insects and meat.
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