Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The “Pop-Up” Car Card.

Thursday (14/06/2012)

a)      Better strategy.
l       When I entered the classroom, I saw kids playing with the toy cars; so excitedly as if they were having a race! It was rather noisy and messy.
T: Do you think it’s a good idea to play this way?
l       Firstly, the cars didn’t race in proper road lanes. Secondly, the ending line is not the same (due to bookshelves, boxes, tables and chairs in the classroom). Thirdly, it would be more challenging if kids could build a roller coaster lane just like the marble roller-coaster toy. I asked the kids to think about the idea and share with the class. Meanwhile, we continue with Father Day’s pop up card gift.

b)      The pop-up card.
l       Kids observed and listened to step-by-step instructions. Fold a colour paper into half. Now, we have the open ends and closed ends. Fold the closed ends about 2cm width. Creased it to get a line. Cut 2 vertical 2cm lines in the middle. This will be area to paste the pop up picture.
l       To make the pop up picture, kids take a small piece of cardboard and draw pictures of their choice. It could be their father, a house or anything that their father love. Then, they paste it with double sided tape.

c)       Decorating the card.
l       Kids drew more pictures.
Yi Han: I don’t know what my father likes except the computer. So, she drew a computer. Kai Song did the same too. Hiro said his father loves cars!
l       Kids pasted the lyrics of “Father’s Day” and also a felt cloth of a heart shape. Then, we dropped 1 to 2 drops of fragrance on the felt heart. Lastly, I punched the card at the middle top. Then, the kids inserted a ribbon through the hole and tried tying it.
l       Thus, the gift could be a fragrance card to be hung in the car or anywhere around the home. “Happy Father’s Day”!

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