Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wheels Invention.

Monday (11/06/2012)
a)      Pre-Transportation Period.
·         People as early as the Cavemen just lived in caves and hunt animals for food and their basic wear. They also eat plants and fruits and drink water. As they lived, they discovered many new things which had improved humans’ lives. Discoveries such as fire (by Jia Xun) and knife (Alisa).
·         People started living in village exchanging goods they want with neighbours.

Peoples’ needs grew and it was very difficult to carry those goods.
Teacher: So, how can they carry those heavy goods?
b)      Wheels.
·         The class was divided into boys and girls groups. 2 tables were stack together. Kids had to think of ideas to move them from the front right to the end of classroom.
Way 1: Obviously, kids pushed together and thought it was easy.
Way 2: A kid had to lie in between the 2 tables. Now, the kids had a harder time to push. They said pushing in a team makes the task easy.
TJ: Are you going to push those fruits on the ground and dirty road all the way across mountains and rivers, seas etc?
Way 3: Wheels were introduced. Earlier wheels were made of wood. We placed some “mushroom cans” as wheels. Why are the shapes; cylinder or round? (Kids: Because they are round? Because cans last a long time?)
Finally, they got the answer….wheels can be pushed and they can transport goods! So, kids took turns to push the heavy tables. 6 cans were placed underneath. Kids worked in team. As the table moved, the cans would be left behind. To continue the movement like a car, the kids quickly took the cans at behind row and placed them in front again! The process goes on.
TJ: Are these good wheels?           Kids: No! Because real tyres are attached to vehicles!
c)       Father’s Day gift discussion.
Kids: Can we give our father a card? We can draw car pictures!
·         Thus, kids would have to learn practising drawing cars the better way! Vroom…vroom..kids! 

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