Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How was Space born?

21/05/2008 (Wednesday)

a) Colouring and Assessment
I showed the kids some of the “space” colouring pages they could colour. They loved the rockets, spaceships, planets so much. JH, ZJ preferred Corner Playing. Meanwhile, I called the kids individually for assessment.

b) Flash cards revison
Next, I did some flashcards session with them. We revised the words beginning with letter “c”. the words included: “cat, cot, curtains, comb, cup, cake, coat, cow, carrot, cake”. Then, they talked about the words. LX said that her sister sleeps in the cot. The kids love especially banana cake. They also pull the curtains during our space lessons so that the classroom is very dark.

c) Tea break
I gave the kids some biscuits of mine as to praise their hard effort at improving themselves. It’s also a motivation to keep them perform better.

d) Space
Just I started the lesson, the kids pulled the curtains and of course, they were very excited! “he space is dark,” said the kids. I introduced an imaginary friend, Peter; whom I drew on the board. Peter is an astronaut and he works in the National Science Centre. His character actualyy had lightened the spirit of the class a lot!
Today, they learnt some vocabulary including: planets, sun, comet and the names of each planet. I showed them a Planet chart and then drew on the board. There are 8 planets with Mercury the nearest o the sun. The other planets in correct sequence is Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

e) Questions and questions.
The kids asked how the sun was formed. Why is there space? Why are there planets? Generally, the space has many galaxies and I showed them our Milky Galaxy. In theis Galaxy, we can find our Solar system. The space is about 15 thousand million years ago. The planets are formed due to the explosion of dust and gas. Then YW said, “No,…God made them!” Then, the class got noisier because everyone half of them were arguing about “Science” and “God”. I told them that there two types of thinkers. The first who believes in facts and science. The second who believes in God! So, I told them that we must respect everyone’s choices. As for the class, we are learning space through Science. They also learnt that only Planet Earth has got water, air and ground which enables living things to live.

f) Size of planets
Next, we analysed the size of each planet from the Planet Chart. I wrote the diameter of the planets on the whiteboard. Then, they learnt to analyse “big, bigger than , the biggest”. The biggest planet goes to Saturn while the smallest goes to “Mercury”. And they know that Earth is the third nearest to the Sun. The sun is 4.5 billion years old. The sun is a big star and it was born before the space was born! YW asked, “Then, why we cannot see the small stars in the daylight?” YZ said, “The sun is very bright and brighter than the stars. So, we can only see the sun and not the stars in broad daylight.”

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