Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Individual Presentation and our TV set.

12/01/2009 (Monday)

a) Flashcards

To help them better at reading and understanding the story.
To use them for daily conversation.
King, Prince, palace, China, soldier, plug, television, beautiful, garden, people.

b) Story reading
Last week, the kids drew and coloured their pictures. Their pictures were according to the story they created.
Today, they read the whole story as a class. For each storyline, they assessed their friends’ drawings to see if the pictures complement the storyline.
Their feedbacks were for some incomplete colouring pictures.
Thus, the kids later took their individual pictures and coloured attentively.

c) Individual presentation.

The TV set is almost done. However, we couldn’t insert the pictures yet as they were not laminated.
The kids came forward to present their drawing and said a few sentences.
The reason is because they hope to present and share their story to other friends in the school.

d) Continuation of TV Craft

The kids: Yun Zhe, Song Chuan, Max, Jin Shan and Ze Yan continued making the plug and socket of the TV.
They finished it today. Yun Zhe said, “Teacher, we need not plug the cables onto the wall because we have to carry the television around”. That is true…….:)

e) Fire crackers making.
The kids who have finished their activities, proceeded to roll red packets “Ang Pow” into fire crackers. We would need them for the class decoration.

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