Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Can Count

Tuesday (28/07/2009)

a) Word Revision
I flashed the cards about 10 minutes and they read it together. Some words were guided using phonics sound. I realised that their phonics skill have shown improvement and that boost their confidence!
Vocab: sleep, dream, brain, red blood cell, intestine, skip, jump, walk, food, bacteria, lungs etc.

b) Worksheet: Mathematics
We learnt “minus”. The scenario related to children playing in the playground. Out of 9 children, 4 went home. (9-4 = 5). Then, they saw 10 butterflies but 4 flew away. (10-4=6) On a tree, there was 9 squirrels. 3 ran away and left 6 (9-3=6). The kids plucked 4 out of 5 flowers available.

c) Drawing: My Sports Day
The kids recalled about their sharings yesterday. They started drawing their favourite moment of the Sports Day.
Among: Ze Yan and Zi Jun drew the baton race. Sharlene, Shi Jie and Yun Wen drew “Cheerleaders”. Foo Soon and max drew their Basketball Performance. Jin Shan drew a dragon in the sky. The kids claimed that at one point, the clouds looked like a dragon’s head. Jing Kai drew Basketball Performance while Wen Yue praised Max for his performance.

d) Storybook: Jungle Bullies
To enhance the topic of emotions, I told them this story.
It involved animals such as elephant, hippopotamus, lion, leopard, little monkey and its mother.
Morale: Big or small, huge or tiny, there is always enough space for everyone. Learn to share because it gets more fun. Don’t be bullies but love everyone.

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