Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Colouring Experiment


a) Flashcards
• We recapped words learnt such as beans, rice, grains, broccoli, spinach, food pyramid and etc.

b) The Plant Song.
• First, we read through the lyrics ad discussed. Then we sang together. Next, we sang along with the music. They kind of like it!
For a plant to stay alive,
It needs 5 things, I would not lie,
It needs water so it can grow,
And it needs soil just like so.
Plants needs space, they can’t be tight,
The sun helps plants by giving light,
Don’t forget to give plants air,
Repeat the needs if you dare, Need 1 = WATER
Need 2 = SOIL
Need 3 = SPACE
Need 4 = LIGHT
Need 5 = AIR

c) Picture Recording.
• We discussed about our cooking activity last Friday. I then drew some pictures on the board. We labeled them together. The kids started drawing onto their Log Book.

d) Experiments
• We prepared 3 bottles. Bottle A with blue colouring, Bottle B with red ahile Bottle C with pyrple colouring. Kids learnt red mixes with blue gives purple.
• We also did carrot experiment whereby we cut its top and soaked it in water.

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