Tuesday ( 26/04/2010)
a) Poem: The Rabbit.
* We learnt a short poem and hopped around the class. The poem sounded like this:
I saw a little rabbit,
going hop, hop, hop!
I said, "Please, Mr. Rabbit;
Won't you stop, stop, stop?!"
He flapped his big, long ears,
and had no words to say,
And before I could get near him,
he had hop, hop, hopped away!"
* I also introduced a simple measurement. The shortest snail is 0.1cm. The longest snail is 36cm. The shortest rabbit is 5 cm. The longest rabbit is 60 cm. I used ribbons to let them differentiate. Wow.......!
b) About Rabbit.
* We learnt that animals belong to many groups such as reptiles, mammals and also fish.
* We learnt that some features of mammals include having hair, giving birth and also warm blood.
* So, I drew a picture of rabbit and the kids watched carefully. Questions and questions were asked and the kids participated.
* A rabbit gives birth and has about 3 - 8 babies at one time. They milk their babies like our mothers do.
Natalie: Teacher, the babies are so cute.
* After birth, the mother would live them in her nest and roam around. The babies have no fur and do not open their eyes until about the 10th day.
Shi Jie: they are like snails because they don't take care of their babies.
* Not really, they feed their babies for about 5 minutes, once a day and they don't accompany their babies because not to attract predators. They have long ears.
Foo Soon: To listen carefully.
* Thus, their ears tend to move and flap around to listen to the moises. Furthermore, humans sweat but rabbits don't because they have fur. When they feel hot, their warm blood flow quickly to their ears and cool down. Then, it regulates their temperature. Which part of a rabbit has no fur?
Jun Hong: Mouth........... Teacher: Haaa......right. Any other places?
* Their feet have no fur, thus; they only sweat at their feet. If the weather is too hot, some rabbits die easily.
* Can a rabbit see behind their head?
Devin: No.
* Actually, they can see 360 degree, thus sometomes before we approach them, they would hop away.
A rabbit would scream if they are in pain or feel terribly scared. They would then use their sharp claws and sharp teeth to bite humans or predators. They hop very fast just like my kids in this class........haaa! Thus, I keep reminding the kids to be friends with the rabbit, as gently and caring as possible rather than screaming and scaring them. Until today, I feel that the rabbit is very happy to be with the kids.
* Yun Xin: Teacher, does a rabbit have sharp incisor teeth.
* Yes, it does. It has 28 teeth and as rabbits also eat tree barks and twigs; sometime sthey need sharp incisors to cut off the hard part of their food.
c) I CAN draw!
* Initially, most kids said they can't draw. I drew again and again, giving them an option to draw rounder rabbits or thinner rabbits. Rounder ones are easier to draw because we can use circle shapes.
* Most of them could draw them including Wei Jeen, Devin, Zheng Yuan and also Chun Kit. They praised Jing Kai's drawing; our Leonardo Da Vinci of the class.......haaaa!
* Natalie and Yan Shan needed more prompting. We went back early as there was a heavy rain.
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