Monday ( 19/04/2010)
a) The Thematic Title
* The kids thought of a few titles: Animals in The Wonderland (by Foo Soon), Wonderful Animals (by Qian Joe), Mysterious Animals and Animal Kingdom.
* Finally, 10 kids voted for "Animal Kingdom" and Yun Wen explained the meaning of Kingdom. Thus, we can learn any animals that the kids suggested.
* Foo Soon suggested that besides decorating a small rainforest, we can have big hand-made animals so that they can add onto their toys. Thus, we decided to make a mobile "board game" just like "snake and ladder" game. It has to be mobile because the kids need space in the classroom for their nap. The kids were excited.
b) A snail encyclopedia.
* For every page that is shared, the kids relate to what they have already learnt the last few days. The book taught us about: their diet, their habitat, how they lay eggs, how they grow, the look of their muscular foot, saliva, the various patterns of the shell and also their predators.
c) Continuation of "Rainforest" craft.
* The kids continued drawing the leaves, flowers and some even drew snails. They cut, pasted and decorated the notice board.
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