Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Rainforest Experiment.

Wednesday (21/04/2010)

a) Continuation of craft

* We continued with the snail craft. Some applied the glue and spin the yarn the the spiral pattern of the shell. Then, we thought of making the stand so that we can move the craft easily on our gameboard. We tried using cardboard. It looked fine but most crafts couldn't stand steadily. So, I asked the kids to think of a solution. Some said we can add straws on the board but it might look messy. I suggested mud clay but then if it hardens, it will be as heavy as a stone.

b) The Rainforest Experiment.

Since, tomorrow is Earth Day, I thought that understanding the rainforest would be a good understanding for young kids.

Teacher: So, what are the things needed for a tree to grow?

Wei Jeen: Sunlight.

Yun Wen: Water.

Teacher: and also Oxygen.

* Qian Joe did mention before that soil is needed but not necessary because we can also plant in the water.
* Thus, we prepared 4 small containers, laid some cotton in them. The first container is without sunlight, the second is without Oxygen, the third is without water and finally the fourth is with everything.
* Foo Soon suggested that we place the first container in a big drawer. Jun Hong suggested the shoe box found at our recycled corner. The kids agreed the shoe box was more suitable.

c) Watering our plants.
Yan Shan: What will happen to the beans?
Teacher: I don't know. It is now a baby and maybe it will grow big.
Thus, the kids will take turn to water the plants every day. The assistant would take turns according to the namelist. The 6 year-old would help to monitor.

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