Monday (12/04/2010)
a) Song: Mary Had A Little Lamb
I introduced this song because the other day during story-telling time, they were confused between sheep and goats. All rams have horns but some female breeds might also have horns. Their thick fur allowed them to stay in a cooler place but not in Malaysia. They enjoyed the song as it has got a story.
“Mary had a little lamb,
Little lamb,little lamb,
“Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow,
Wherever that Mary went,
Mary went, Mary went,
Wherever that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day,
School one day, school one day,
It followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rules.
It made the children laugh and play,
Laugh and play, laugh and play,
It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb at school.
· They could relate the story well as Yun Wen brought her pet cat today and everyone was laughing and chasing to play with it.
Then, we took a look at the newspaper cutting which the kids cut last Friday. Each kid put up their hand as I pointed at their picture. They gave the reason why the picture is related to Nature. Some has got animals like tigers, elephants and also dishes of chicken or beef. Some has got snad-mining, flood, plants, flowers; some has got pictures of beautiful clothes made from animal fur, some has pictures of healthy people because of healthy food and healthy air. Some cut Power Rangers as they said these heroes helped fight off criminals as well as assisted in disasters like hurricane, earthquake and flood.
b) Discussion: New Theme.
· The kids chose the topics that they preferred. Among: plants and flowers, water and mountain, animals, dinosaurs. Each kid was given 2 options to vote.
· The results: 13 for animals, 6 for plants, 5 for dinosaurs, 4 for water, 4 for dinosaurs.
· We discussed the [laces we could find animals. Among: zoo, safari, homes, sky, water, rainforest, cage and also garden. Jing Kai suggested that we learn from the biggest animal to the smallest. Devin wanted to learn about elephant while Foo Soon wanted to learn about iguana. We will first learn about the rainforest.
yesterday I asked Jun Yu what can he find in nature ? he said power ranger as his friend cut out a power ranger picture and power ranger help to save the earth :p then i have explained to him that it is just a fiction and asked him to choose a book to be shared in the class he choose the animals book just because it is small and easy to bring **speechless** but i asked him to bring another book (十万个为什么)as well which cover many aspects about nature but it is in chinese with han yu pin yin, hope it helps :) thanks and regards
Hie, Serene!
Thanks, I saw 2 books. |The small animal book and another one that also has space and animal in it.
We did the paper cutting to let them understand the meaning of "Nature". However, a few other kids were excited about Power Rangers. Their reasons were because, these heroes fight the criminals and rescue people from disaster such as hurricane and earthquake. Thus, they know heroes have to eat healthy food, they are aware of various climates and mostly, where are Power Rangers when we really need them? You are correct, they are just fictions. :)
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