Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dinosaur Board Game

22/07/2008 (Tuesday)

a) Corner playing and assessment.
*The kids chose their playing included J, JH, EG and ZYg. Some preferred to colour. The colouring kids included LX, SJ, SYu, YP, ZY and JS. ZJ and XR assisted me to paste the crumpled newspaper onto the paperbox. Later, Yp also came to assist.
* I called 3 kids for The Space assessment.

b) Song: The Dinosaurs
* The kids learnt some new words such as fast, slow, alone, herds and roar.
* First, they listened. Then they followed the tune and sang along. Thirdly, they walked around the class to sing with actions. Take a look at the lyrics.

The Dinosaur Song
Dinosaurs x 2,
D I N O S A U R,
Some were small and fast, Some were big and slow;
Some walked alone, Some walked in herds;
Some ate meat, Some ate plants;
Some were fierce, some were tame,

c) The Dinosaur Board Game
* I introduced a board game. Each kid would be represented by an object. First, they will throw the dice. They will move according to the number shown on the dice. If they get “6”, then they can throw another time. If they reach any of the dinosaur’s head, they will have to slide down the body to the tail.
* Anyone who reaches numbers “10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80” they will automatically get extra 5 points. So, they will move further upwards.
* The kids were divided into 3 groups. Each group has a board game with a dice and the objects. They were very happy with it although there were some misunderstandings at times.

d) Stegosaurus Craft

* While 2 groups were playing, the other group assisted me with the Stegosaurus craft. They pasted the crumpled paper onto its paperbox body. The paper must be compact so that the dinosaur look compact and solid. They added more crumpled paper in the middle of the dinosaur to represent the stomach.
* They had to tolerate with friends when doing this activity. Example: becareful not to brush glue onto their friends’ hands…haaa!

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