Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Farewell, Boyny

Friday (15/07/2011)

a) Gone too soon!
 3 days ago, Chun kit informed that his parents would like to adopt “Boyny” our freshwater turtle to his temple’s pond, Boyny passed away on Friday morning. I was busy on Thursday at bringing the other 2 classes for outing at KLCC Petroscience. When I got back, Boyny was under the bigger stone. I quickly removed it and Boyny was still swimming. I thought it was okay because the turtles like hiding under those stones. I fed it but was so disappointed at losing it this morning.

b) Acceptance
 It was quite difficult for everyone to know about this news. Girlny died last Sunday and today, its Boyny’s turn.
Alisa: The husband misses the wife. So, he left us too!
 Kids asked “Why”? I wished I knew……I wished I would had passed Boyny to Chun Kit’s temple on Wednesday itself rather than planning to make “Thank You” present before handing over to the temple. We learnt to accept its death. The kids assisted at burying Boyny next to Girlny. We discussed the reasons of its death. It could be
i) the heavy stone ii) Girlny passed its bacteria to Boyny. iii)the midnight thunderstorm.

c) Memory.
 Some kids suggested that we make a book compilation of drawings for both Boyny and Girlny. Zhe Qing suggested that we make cairns for them. Yun Xin said we should give them some flowers.
 When the kids have finished drawing small pictures, they took their LogBook out to draw a huge picture of Boyny and Girlny as memory. The kids missed playing with them such as having the turtles at racing

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