Thursday (21/07/2011)
a) Discussion
2 – 3 kids suggested that we have dance competition. To encourage the kids explore their skills, we arranged the 4 tables into a runway. Kids who are interested got up to do their dance. Some used pom pom strings, ribbons, paper fans and some preferred to dance using just body movements. However, after voting, the class decided not to do dance competition. They preferred to do “Hula Hoop” dance, ribbon, fan, ballet and Latin dance. Hmm…..but how can we combine these into an activity? Recently, everyone’s talking about Angry Bird……everywhere! Ahh…we decided to tell a story about how the Angry Bird transformed into a Happy Bird using these dances. Zhi Feng lent me a cartoon CD of “Rio” which the kids were excited to watch. We shall watch tomorrow.
b) Craft: Paper Fans
Tools: Colour Papers.
The kids listened to my instructions. Firstly the kids had to draw pictures onto the paper. It could be flowers, happy birds and any of their favourite pictures. Secondly, fold the rectangle into half and half and so on to get the greased line. Unfold it and fold it inside out until finished. Then, fold into half. Paste them together so that it won’t fall off. Next, each kid took a thread as to decorate the fan, so that it has got a tail.
Each kid folded 2 fans. Then, they practiced dancing with the fans.
c) The Fan Dance.
We made 3 lines and the kids tried dancing to the video clip that we watched yesterday.
The objective is to see if the kids were interested at this dance. Girls were more interested.
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