Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kids Gymnastics.

Tuesday (19/07/2011)

a) Gymnastics
 We are currently learning about different types of dance. We brainstormed the various dance. Among: Fan dance, Pom Pom dance or Cheerleading, Ribbon dance, Ballet, Latin, Hula dance , Water dance and a few more.
 Jia Xun brought a book on Gymnastics to share. It mentions that the Russians and Chinese had practiced gymastics a very long time ago. Gymnasts include males and females. There are many types. Rhythmic gymnasts who use ribbons, balls, hula hoops and other tools. There are other types that use no tools.

b) Kids Gymnastics.
 The kids got so excited that they shared that they too know a few styles. Thus, we warmed-up first. We went to the playground to breathe in some fresh air and the kids took turns guiding friends to do warm-ups.
 Then we went back to the classroom to show some styles as the playground floor might be dangerous for the kids.
 Zhe Qing lied down facing the floor. She bent her knees and used her toes to touch her head. Of course, she lifted her upperback. She looked like a boat. We imitated her. Some kids could do it while some could not.
 Then Qian Joe showed how he could do the downward dog style. Zheng yuan made it advance by lifting his other leg high to the ceiling.
 Weei Xiang did the bridge post. Yee Xuan didthe Tree post.
 Wee Hong did the dancing post. I taught them the Lion and fish post.

c) Video Clips
 We watched a few clips including the Chinese Fan Dance, Chinese Ribbon Dance, little kids doing Pom Pom dance, teenagers doing Cheerleading Gymnastics. We also watched the video clip of Rio Music. The kids requested because we had danced to its music.

d) The Reward
*Since everyone was a Hula Hoop winner for yesterday, we decided to have Honey Stars with milk. However, substituted mil with Milo. Honey stars are cereals that provide nutrition. Milo too has Calcium that is healthy for our bones.
e) Bubble Time!
 The kids were so excited hat each was given an empty bottle which I poured in detergent into it. They blew happily and it looked like we are in a Bubble Land!

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