Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Wednesday (03/11/2010)

a) Magic
• Is there magic? Some said “yes” while some “no”. Basically, there are 2 types of magic. People magician who practise their tricks all the time to be perfect. The other would be fairies if they really exist.
• Who are fairies? Movies and cartoons give us the idea that they could be both females and males. Females are usually known as “fairy” while males as “elf”. I gave example of Mother God Fairy in Cinderella film. There is also “Pinocchio”.
Chun Kit: Are they good or bad?
Teacher: Well, I believe they are good. They reward good people ad teach bad people lessons so that they would change.
b) I am a Magician !
• So, ca you perform magic?
Zhe Qing: Teacher, can I try?
• Everyone stared at Zhe Qing when she stood in front of the class. I requested the kids to close their eyes. Zhe Qing took an eraser ad a magic wand in each hand and hid behind her. Then, when we opened our eyes, she took the magic wand out and “trring” ad suddenly, an eraser appeared on her right hand. The class giggled and eventhough they knew it was a trick, they started practicing among themselves.
• Another was performed by Zheng Yuan. He took a broken rubber band. He said he needed an assistant and Zhi Feng volunteered. First, he held the rubberband with his tiny fingers and asked Zhi Feng to pull the top open end. Suddenly, the rubberband shrunk ad became shorter…wow, “magic”! They went to each table and performed……..hmmmm…….I wonder if we could have more magic tricks…haaaaa!
c) Craft: The Magic Wand
• The kids get to choose either star shape or draw their desired shape. Only Wee Hong decided to have a heart shape. The rest wanted a star shape. They coloured their cardboard front and back as creatively as possible. Then, they took a straw each and glued to the cardboard. Finally, I taught them to decorate using some glittering dust. They started playing with it using their own words. “Pring” Ting” Tong”….haaaa! I thought them, “Abracadabra”……
d) Michael Jackson
• What could be more excited then to watch our very own Wee Hong danced like the late Michael. The kids were amazed and said he danced beautifully. He has always liked dancing and I thought he has a great talent!

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