Monday (15/11/2010)
a) Peafowls
• We learnt that a male is called peacock while a female is called Peahen. They are native in India and live in tropical rainforest. The male can spread its colourful feathers which usually are dark blue while the female can’t and have brown or black feathers only. They make their nests out of twigs and leaves. They eat seeds, leaves and also little animals such as mice.
Class: Do they fly high? How do they take care of their babies if they don’t have hands? What about owls? Do they open their eyes when they sleep?
• We shall look into details in the ext lesson.
b) Recording Continuation.
• The kids continue with their pictures. I drew some of them beforehand as they recalled what they saw.
• Today, Soon yu actually drew and coloured a big Peacock…….hmmm…..that’s an improvement! Wee Hong actually drew small boxes and inseted every bird that he saw in them….haaaa!
c) Performance Practice.
• We did our practice: The dance of “Following the Leader”, the Princesses dance, Michael Jackson Dace and the latest “Pirates Dance”.
• I shared with the kids some ideas to make the masks of crocodile, Dumbo, octopus and Minnie Mouse.
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