Tuesday (16/11/2010)
a) Peacock
• We had further discussion upon kids’ questions yesterday. Peacocks can fly even above our house roof but of course not as high as eagles. They lay eggs thus they don’t feed peachicks with milk. The mother search for seeds, wheat or even small animals like mice to feed them. They need a lot of space which explains why they are free to move around I the Bird Park under the enormous huge net. With limited space, peacocks, peahens and their babies get stressed easily and will die. The net is also to disallow monkeys from coming into Bird Park.
• Can humans fly?
No because we don’t have wings. Some birds can’t fly too even with wings such as ostrich. Some can fly low such as chickens and ducks.
• How can humans fly then?
Zhe Qing was the first to answer correctly….by aeroplanes. Humans also fly using gliders, hot air balloon, parachute for emergency situations and etc. The kids were very keen about this topic.
b) Colouring
• I gave the kids a picture of peacock to colour.
• Meanwhile, I called a few kids individually to prepare for the performance props.
c) Performance Practice.
• We practiced at the living hall as it is more spacious. Today, we had a new performance by Zheng Yuan the crocodile and Jun Yu as the octopus. They were very funny but grasped fast. The others showed improvement with less prompting from me.
d) Zhi Feng’s Storybook.
• Zhi Feng bought a new storybook from Jusco entitled “Peter Pan”. Of course everyone already knew about this story but they requested me to tell them again…..haaa and I did! Howver, this round the kids were very attentive with less questions in between. They even sang the song “Following The Leader” when they saw the lost children marching behind John!
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