Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Let’s cycle!

Monday (16/07/2012)

a)      Bicycle parts.
l       Firstly, we read the words. To recognize them, I brought in 2 bicycles belonging to Rei and Yu Xi. Kids were so excited that they shared their experience while discussing about the parts.
l       Parts: handle, brake, bell, pedal, chain, tyre, wheel, basket, passenger seat, light, gear and also counted the number of wheels.
l       Both the bicycles have got 2 big wheels and 2 small wheels. Asking kids why. They answered for balancing.
T: How does a bicycle move? Does it have an engine?
Kids: Use legs to pedal.
l       Right, energy comes from our body, the faster we pedal, the faster the bicycle goes. However a cyclist must be careful when they cycle as there are not many bicycle roads in Malaysia yet. We have to cycle by the road side preferably wearing a helmet as protection.
l       We brake to stop. We change gear when going up a hill. We don’t pedal when coming down a slope. We ring the bell as a precaution to people or vehicles as a warning. We do not ring or honk for nuisance! If the chain falls, it should be repaired. If the tyre is lack of air, go to a bicycle shop to pump in the air. Lights on bicycles are chanelled the energy by dynamo batteries. Mountain bikes usually only have reflector to reflect lights so that cyclist can protect themselves.

b)      Let’s cycle!
l       The yellow bicycle is higher while the purple is lower. Thus, kids chose the bikes they preferred to cycle on. However, after 15 minutes; they swapped around. Kids really enjoyed themselves. Xing En and Wei Lok needed lots of encouragement! Wei Lok was so happy when he managed to cycle a round!
l       Then, kids have competition among 2 groups. However, we had to do it in the school hall as it was raining outdoor. Kids had fun! It’s more of cycling for competition!

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