Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our Transportation Craft

Friday (06/07/2012)

a)       Car Logo.
l       The Objective is to guide kids identifying different cars and the country it was manufactured in.
l       There are so many cars. I showed kids some car logos. Among: Perodua, Proton, Hyundai, Volkswagen and also Ferrari. Toyota, Nissan and Honda are from Malaysia. Mini Cooper is from Britain. Ferrari is from Italy. Volkswagen and Mercedez Benz is from German. Hyundai is from Korea. Volvo is from Sweden.
l       Kids were given a homework worksheet to draw their car logo as well as recognizing their car plate number.

b)       Transportation Craft continuation.
l       Kids got into their groups. Again, we recapped parts to make for today’s activity. These included siren, wheels, plate number, logos, tow steel, headlights and etc. However, kids wouyld have to discuss among themselves of task segregation. They have to think of how to do and inform me so that I could give them the necessary materials.
l       Overall, they were mostly serious at teamwork. A few needed my guidance. Example: Xing En, Wei Lok,, Xiang Wei needed prompting and some guidance on what they could do to help their team. Then, they got better.
l       Each transport siren was  different but the class said they liked the ambulance special siren. The kids also liked Tow Truck steel tow. The kids also thought that fire truck was beautiful as they had 2 boxes attached together. Police car made their siren first and inspired the other teams.
l       Most errors were not able to stick the accessories strongly to the transport boxes because they used cellophane instead of double sided tape.
l       Ambulance and Police emergency number is 999 while Fire Brigade is 999 and 994.

1 comment:

http://www.horoscopo-gratis.com.ar said...

Sup Webmaster, I appreciate your blog entries on this website. Please keep sharing and I will return regularly! Have fun!