Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Water Crystal” Microscope Session

Friday (13/04/2010)
a) Observing the frozen water.
• I placed the three containers on the table. One of the kids asked what happened to the water which we poured into yesterday. Jun Yu said that they were placed in the freezer and water changes to ice when it is very cold.
• Container A: “I Love You” Container B: “I Hate You” Container C: Normal.
• The kids compared the surface of each frozen water and saw that Container A has smoother surface with less breakage. What’s happening here.

b) Logical Thinking.
• Recalling our previous experiment on plants. The kids exclaimed “Ahhh!”. Their pleasant words actually help the plants to grow more healthily compared to the unpleasant words.
• Teacher Re Hong did the rice experiment with them. It applies the same theory. Instaed of saying words to our water; this time we just pasted pleasant words and unpleasant words to the water container. Strange but it works.

c) Video Clip: Dr Emoto’s Water Crystal theory.
• Being a scientist, Dr. Emoto did a lot of research on water. His conclusion was the energy that we channeled to the water will affect its flow.
• Summary: Firstly: When humans think positively, they will grow wisely and beautifully. If they prefer fool brains, they would be fools! Secondly, our words and actions would also affect people and things around us.
• Example: a glass of water was taken from an Earthquake place in Japan. Initially, it was very muddy. After 3 months of loving phrases, it changed into a clear water crystal.
• We watched various patterns of water crystals and learnt to differentiate the good to bad ones.

d) Microscope session.
• I introduced the school’s microscope. However, it is not as powerful as those use in schools. Thus, we could probably only observe the outline rather than the full crystal shape.
• The kids waited for their turn patiently and anxiously. The kids were taught to see through using only one eye.
• First: Container A – a big circle with dots in it scattered nicely.
• Second: Container B – a fuzzy line that has a little messy scattered dots.
• Third: Container C – some dots scattered about.
• It was a amazing session. 

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