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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Straw Construction

Wednesday (22/02/2012)

a) Vocabulary Recap.
Words: tower, climber, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, map, world, Malaysia, antennas, architect, builder.

b) Step-by-step Straw Construction.
l A straw was cut into half. Kids took 3 halved straws and assembled them into a triangle. They used doubled sided tape to combine the. All the kids surprisingly could assemble the pattern. There were to construct 2 triangles.
l Next, they queued so that I could punch holes through the triangles edges.
l Next, they took 3 halved straws with each end trimmed into a sharp point. The challenging part was for the kids to insert through the holes. I had to assist the kids so that they could pull the straws through the hole. Now, they had constructed a 3-D triangle pattern. We didn’t manage to construct the roof. We shall continue the next day for the roof, antennas and the labeling.
Objective: To train on kids’ focus on instructions. To strengthen the kids’ fine motor skill. To enhance the kids’ logical skill on strengthening a tower structure.

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