Our Pomegranate friends!

Our Pomegranate friends!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sports Spirit

Monday (27/042009)

a) Sports Spirit
Players can either be individual or in team.
Before playing, they usually have their cheerleaders or create their own cheers.
Then, they handshake before begin.
After playing, whether winners or runner-ups; they will congratulate one another.
The kids chose their team.
We had “Lee Chong Wei” and “Dolphin” group.
Marks would be given based on a) team work, b) speed, c) sports spirit.

b) Passing and Rolling Balls.
First game was to roll a ball under their legs. Thus, they had to stand in a straight line with wide-opened legs. If they worked together, thus; they would be faster and more efficiency. Lee Chong Wei’s team won.
The second game required them to pass the ball above their heads to the back player.
Thus, they had to pay attention; otherwise, they would easily dropped the ball and would waste time.
Dolphin’s team missed by 2 seconds. Yet, every player was so supportive. They didn’t tease the losers. The runner-ups didn’t feel disappointed. They lined up to shake hands saying “Congratulations” and “See you next time!”

c) My Body Parts
We continued our class drawing.
We continued from arms to fingers, legs, knees, toes and also ankles.
Teacher: Why do some people have frequent pain on their knees?
Class: Because they walk too much…..haaaa!
Actually, knees carry our body weight. Thus, if a person is too fat, they are not advisable to do jogging. They should do lighter exercises in gym or just evening walks.
But what is behind our visible body parts? To be continued….

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