Wednesday (13/05/2009)
a) Yoga: back to focus
One way to get kids focus is doing what interest them.
First, we did a short meditation. We just listen to our breathing pattern.
Then, we folded ourselves into a little green bean. As the sun shone, we started growing towards the light. We stretched our body, legs and hands. Then, we waved following the wind. As we imagined pleasant words pouring down unto the little plant, it even grew taller and healthier. As unpleasant words were poured unto it, it strted falling down slowly.
Lotus: We held hands together and sat in a circle. Still holding hands, we stretched our legs to the middle. Then we slowly fell backwards pretending to bloom.
A Boat: In pairs. Facing each other. Feet against feet, bended. Then, holding hands; they took turn to pull each other.
See-saw: In pairs. They faced their partners back to back. This time, they pushed each other. They were giggling to see who is stronger…….:) Again, reminder: giggling or laughing may harm our body when doing exercise.
b) Will we lose blood?
Skeleton plays 3 important functions: giving us a shape, protecting our organs and also making new blood cells.
A bone is hard but within it, we can find an agent that makes blood. The heart would pump the blood to care for our body activities. We would learn about blood in the near future.
An adult has 206 bones. Backbones or spine is very important. A baby has 33 while an adult has 26 pieces of vertebrate. Any damage to any vertebrate would cause us sickness such as paralyse.
Thus, kids must be very careful when playing and exercising as their bones are still forming and not solid enough.
We must be careful with our sitting and writing posture. We shouldn’t sit hunchly or lay our head on the table always. This bad habit would affect our fine posture.
The ribs protect our lungs. The kids got excited to show their ribs. Femur is the longest bone in our body.
The skull protects our brain, the boss of the body.
Healthy food is very important for strong bones.
c) Balancing: bean bags.
The kids were divided into 2 groups. Each had to walk starightly with a bean bag on his or her head. Then they have to walk back to the starting point. It was challenging for the kids as most of them tried using their hand to prevent the bean bag from falling off.
Kids who always walk and sit properly were able to carry the sack more easily. Jen Ning, Ze Yan, Song Chuan and Jin Nan were independent. The rest needed some encouragement.
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